
Debate Info

Yeah, but he's a snowflake I'm not.. He's a right winger
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:18
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 Yeah, but he's a snowflake (7)
 I'm not.. He's a right winger (9)

Debate Creator

excon(18261) pic

I don't LIKE Joe Lieberman.. But, I'm FINE with him leading the FBI

Yeah, but he's a snowflake

Side Score: 7

I'm not.. He's a right winger

Side Score: 10
1 point


I'm fine with it because the BIGLIEST, YUUUGEST, FBI investigation to happen in 50 years, will be OUT of his hands.


Side: Yeah, but he's a snowflake
1 point

Maybe I'm out of touch but I always thought it was because of his independence that the partisans didn't like him. He isn't afraid to tell a group he's going a different direction.

And he's a known name, with substantial Washington experience, and he seems sane.

He's a better choice than the majority of people put in power in the Trump Presidency.

Side: Yeah, but he's a snowflake
1 point

Ever heard of Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, or Nancy Pelosi? One thinks the Russians invaded Korea. One is an emotional basketcase who is white as snow but claims to be a Native American(with no ID proof), and the third looks like she hit the bottle before she came out to address the press. Plus her face is about to melt off...

Side: I'm not.. He's a right winger
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

There's a lot of clowns out there. There's even this one who wants me to believe he is a legless Cherokee veteran though I have no way to ever really know.

Side: Yeah, but he's a snowflake
1 point

I don't know enough about him to really formulate an entirely accurate position but I do think he is the best choice. I think he doesn't adhere to either party's pull. Again through, I don't know all THAT much about the man but what I do know leads me to believe he is a good candidate.

Side: Yeah, but he's a snowflake
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

ROTFFLMMFAO do you Leftist ever make sense except in your own mind !

I don't know all THAT much about the man but what i do know leads me to believe he is a good candidate. DO WHAT !

Side: I'm not.. He's a right winger
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

Again through, I don't know all THAT much about the man but what I do know leads me to believe he is a good candidate.

What I know of him leads me believe that he may be a good candidate. What part of that did not make sense to you? I don't know his whole biography but I have no problems with him with what I do know. That is of course subject to change if new information comes through about him but again, until that happens I think he may be a good candidate.



Did you mean to put a question mark? Or are you only making sense in your own mind. You Lefty you.

Side: Yeah, but he's a snowflake
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