
Debate Info

No Yes. It's against atheist code
Debate Score:36
Total Votes:38
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 No (18)
 Yes. It's against atheist code (13)

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excon(18262) pic

I'm an atheist, but I light Hanukkah candles.. Is that wrong?


Side Score: 21

Yes. It's against atheist code

Side Score: 15
2 points


I am an agnostic, and my wife is Roman Catholic.

We celebrate Christmas with a tree and presents, and sometimes a midnight mass.

We also light Hanukkah candles.

We just think the story and the holiday are neat. Even the religion has cool ways to look at things.

We also have gone to Buddhist and Hindu (including Krishna Consciousness) temples and taken part in their ceremonies.

Religions are pretty cool, so long as you don't actually believe in them or put it in charge of your life.

Side: No

I am an agnostic

Me too. Strange that we don't get along.

Well, I think that's mainly concerning politics actually.

Side: No
GoodListener(603) Clarified
2 points

You wouldn't even get along with your clone, you're just that antisocial that you can never agree on anything with anyone.

Side: No
marcusmoon(576) Disputed
1 point


Strange that we don't get along.

We get along fine.

We don't agree on politics or economics, but that hardly counts as not getting along.

Sure, you get surly and insulting, sometimes, but it is not like we are punching each other in the nose.

My assumption is that we agree on most things in life. It is just that none of those would make for particularly interesting conversations on a debate site.

Where is there room for debate in most of life?

Do you like dogs? I like dogs.

Are you in favor of literacy? I am, too.

What do you think about freedom? I am in favor of it.

We just disagree on how to make sure people have the most freedom overall.

Side: Yes. It's against atheist code
1 point

Hello m:

In my senior year of religious school, our class celebrated with a different religion every Sunday.. I LOVED it. I especially remember the Shintoist temple was real smokey..


Side: No
cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

What is a religious school ?

Side: No
1 point

In my senior year of religious school, our class celebrated with a different religion every Sunday

Do you remember playing with Aisha dolls on Ramadan Con?

Side: Yes. It's against atheist code
cruzaders(326) Clarified
1 point

Wrong no , but a little weird i guess, why would you go to a ceremony you dont believe in? Do you consider it in the same way as theather?

Side: No
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Do you consider it in the same way as theather?

Hello c:

Nahh... Purely educational.. Look.. I got it.. It ISN'T something that a Christian would DO or UNDERSTAND..


Side: Yes. It's against atheist code
1 point

If it was wrong, would you care?

Would it be wrong to be a faithful Jew who fails to celebrate holidays?

There’s more to religion than the fundamental beliefs. There are other values that can compel one to celebrate holidays.

Side: No
Nomenclature(1257) Clarified
1 point

There’s more to religion than the fundamental beliefs.

Not much else, outside of the sense of belonging it might give you. If that is the case then it is a weakness on your part. It demonstrates a lack of intellectual independence.

Side: No
1 point

No Nomenclature, most humans need to belong somewhere and don't alienate themselves in all societies they turn up in.

Side: No
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

I don’t belong to or practice any religion. But I can understand the dynamics and value of social systems and constructs as an outside observer.

Side: No
1 point

Not much else, outside of the sense of belonging it might give you. If that is the case then it is a weakness on your part. It demonstrates a lack of intellectual independence.

So just like you and Progressivism, seeing that almost no one was believing the shit prior to the mass brainwashing that occured by liberal academia in the mid to late 1990s.

Side: Yes. It's against atheist code
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

If it was wrong, would you care

Hello A:

If it WAS wrong, I'd care.. But, who's gonna tell me it's wrong? You?? The Tzar dude?? We already got one guy around here who's telling ME that I'm not even Jewish.. Should I listen to him???

Well, I don't wanna hurt anybody's feelings, but I'm the best authority on what's best for me..


Side: Yes. It's against atheist code
marcusmoon(576) Clarified
1 point

Hi, Excon.

We already got one guy around here who's telling ME that I'm not even Jewish.

Well, that little square mustache and really big oven confuse people. :)

Seriously, that is a bizarre thing to insist about somebody, especially someone with your views.

I don't wanna hurt anybody's feelings, but I'm the best authority on what's best for me.

Yep. That is the basis of real American conservatism. Are you sure you are not a conservative?

Side: No
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

We already got one guy around here who's telling ME that I'm not even Jewish..

Yeah, the same guy who insists that I AM Jewish.

Side: No
1 point

An observant Jew doesn't have to believe in God.

Personally, I think Jewish atheists are an abomination and disgrace to what it means to be Jewish. A nation of priests that doesn't believe in God? Sounds incredibly wicked to me. I'm pretty sure the prophets would all agree with me on this too. It really cheapens the whole thing.

Well, I pray that God is revealed to you as The Supreme and Ultimate Reality. I pray you get over your superstitions about God.

Side: No
1 point

I'm not even vaguely sure what could be wrong about it. It's a tradition. I'm essentially non-traditional, but I'm glad that the cultural traditions get preserved.

Side: No

You have the right to do whatever you want Con. Do you wear the little hat? If you do, would you consider putting a propeller on top of it? Do you have a Christmas tree? Does the word "Mississippi" show discrimination against the letter "M" and favor the letters "S" and "I"? These are the things that we need to know.

Side: No
1 point

Like whatever you wish. Seriously............................................................................

Side: No

• Democrats support no restriction abortions!

• ...but her emails!

• Hogwash!

• Jesus love're going to burn in hell!

• You fools!

• You spew lies and deception as always!

• Anti-Christian bigots!

• Republicans can do no wrong!

• Democrats can do no right!

• I masturbate to Donald Trump!



• I'm the ultimate troll!

• Check out how I trolled so-in-so!

• Aren't I cool for having no life.

• I live in my mom's basement.

-Brontoraptor and Prodigee

Side: Yes. It's against atheist code