
Debate Info

Nazi's SUCK Nazi's have been DEFAMED
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Nazi's SUCK (8)
 Nazi's have been DEFAMED (3)

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excon(18262) pic

If somebody thinks the Holocaust was fake, can you convince them otherwise??

Nazi's SUCK

Side Score: 9

Nazi's have been DEFAMED

Side Score: 3
2 points

If someone thinks the holocaust was real, can you convince them otherwise?

Just saying, you could totally ask the opposite question.

Side: Nazi's SUCK
1 point

If that "somebody" thinks it was a fake, you're talking to a WALL! A "flat Earther that thinks we never made it to the Moon! S/he is blind in one eye and can't see out of the other. Can't be sure, but, I doubt you'd find any liberals among'm! you'll NEVER CONVINCE THEM OF anything REALISTIC!

Side: Nazi's SUCK
1 point

The reflex is to jump in to prove yes there was a Holocaust, through pictures, interviews, etc. But the reality is we have a subset of people in society who simply want to be contrarian. They thrive on it. They find the position that lets them say "no" and then do it in the most bold and shocking way they can. Declaring there was no Holocaust is one of those ways.

If they're proud contrarians then, ironically, the only chance you have of getting them to say there was one is if you TOO start saying the Holocaust was fake, and odds are they're smart enough to see through that ploy and then they'll just agree with you to mess with you.

Side: Nazi's SUCK
1 point

America is quickly getting to the point where it's just one big psych ward. I meet people all the time who seem perfectly normal at first glance but upon closer inspection reveal themselves to be mental cases and anyone who denies the holocaust certainly falls into that category.

Anyone who pretends to to disbelieve the holocaust because they think that's a funny thing to do also falls into that category.

I don't try and convince lunatics of anything but I do like to talk to them to get an idea of just how crazy they really are. Quite often when you drill down it gets pretty dark.

Side: Nazi's SUCK
1 point

That's true. Uncle Sam is paranoid schizophrenic and Lady Liberty is bipolar. The few of us still sane feel like the only normal kids in our otherwise disfunctional family. Sadly, we don't get to turn 18 and move away from this home.

Side: Nazi's SUCK
JimFour7(105) Disputed
1 point

The reflex you're feeling is called self preservation by any means necessary. Dismissing a subset of people brave enough to speak truth to power by making up a label of contrarians is a defense mechanism. The path of least resistance is safe and easy. And assures security and safety. I get it. History shows that when a courageous individual stands up to the power structure with truth it is seriously dangerous to their life. Joan of Ark, Galileo, Martin Luther, Smedley get it. Do you know who Smedley Butler is and what he did for America? Have you looked into the U.S.S. Liberty? Do you remember the Main? Ask questions.

Side: Nazi's SUCK
Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

Hillarious. So basically you're saying believing there was a holocaust and thinking critics of it are being contrarian is simply self preservation and not accepting truth. You just go on believing that, it's sure to take you far.

Side: Nazi's have been DEFAMED

The holocaust was fake, the gas chambers where actually for removing lice. Hitler was a vegan hippie who loved animals and was just trying to stop the zionist NWO.

Side: Nazi's have been DEFAMED
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hitler was a vegan hippie who loved animals and was just trying to stop the zionist NWO.

Hello again, F:

Yeah, he tried and FAILED..

It's like I told you before, Jews have been around for 4,000 years LONGER than you, and we'll be around for another 4,000 years after you become extinct..

Bummer for you, huh?


Side: Nazi's SUCK
1 point

It's like I told you before, Jews have been around for 4,000 years LONGER than you, and we'll be around for another 4,000 years after you become extinct..

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you are a Zionist. This is pretty much the inflammatory rhetoric I would expect from them.

Side: Nazi's have been DEFAMED