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None at all I just HATES 'em
Debate Score:27
Total Votes:29
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 None at all (15)
 I just HATES 'em (6)

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excon(18262) pic

In a truly FREE society, what difference does it make to you, if Jim wants to become Sally

None at all

Side Score: 18

I just HATES 'em

Side Score: 9
2 points

I don't care as long as you don't make it illegal or sueable to argue that Sally is not biologically female.

Side: None at all
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

Are you aware of any serious legal efforts to do this?

And by "argue" do you just mean express the opinion?

Side: None at all
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Do you speak Italian when you express an opinion. All you Democrats have is an opinion so speak that opinion in your native tongue.

Side: None at all
1 point

I only care about what a person does inside their "personal quarters", that is, as long as it's legal and no one gets hurt …. on EITHER side of the door!

Now, you take Trump …. (please! :-) … I don't know what he does inside the bedroom (except what I've heard from Stormy :-), but, outside, "grabbin' pussies" without consent, is illegal, immoral, and un-Democratic! (Not to mention un-Presidential!)! We've thrown our people out of office for "almost" grabbin' mammary glands! But, that's because the "party of the people" respects Jim OR Sally …. or anyone in between ;-) I guess that's the difference between an "actually" free society and a "conservatively" free society ;-) ??

Side: None at all
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Democrats want a Jim to become a Sally.

Does a Jim give birth to a Sally.

What is the difference between a Jim and a Sally in the Democrat world.

Side: None at all
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I do NOT want a Jim to become a Sally, never did. However, that's "JIM'S" decision, not yours or mine.

The difference between a Jim and a Sally is, apparently, a happier person. That's okay with me. I've never heard a Sally say they didn't like being Sally after being an unhappy Jim, have YOU?? What business is it of yours? How do YOU know more than the medical / psychological community …. other than being a psycho?? ;-)

Side: None at all
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Bradley became Chelsea and the Democrats failed at putting the tranny in office. What happened there.

Side: None at all
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

We only like qualified people in office, unlike Trumpers. ;-)

Side: None at all

I refuse to hate them, but that does not make too much sense. Anyone with a dick is a dude.

Side: None at all
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Refuses to hate but will negate. I guess I'll take disrespectful biological essentialism over overtly bigoted biological essentialism... :L

Side: I just HATES 'em

I don't believe in hate. We can have differing opinions and still be tolerant............................................................

Side: I just HATES 'em
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Vatican the Democrat Party have serious problems with the gender of their children. When did confusion start.

Side: None at all

No one is saying Jim can't become Sally, but then again, you are clinically deceptive, and the reason everyone should have you on a ban list.

What rational people are saying is that Jim has no right going in to our public schools indoctrinating our children to think Transgenderism is an ok thing.

But you already know this because we have told you a thousand times.


Side: None at all
Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

What rational people are saying is that Jim has no right going in to our public schools indoctrinating our children to think Transgenderism is an ok thing.

Why? You seem to think you have the right to tell our children that it's not. Personally I'd rather they be accepting of people who are different then thinking it's wrong.

Side: I just HATES 'em
PowerForce(50) Disputed
2 points

Okay. Accept that I am a gay cucumber who is also a six year old dolphin and the grandfather of my own dad.

Side: None at all
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point




This is why you are banned. You can not debate me on the facts so you must ALWAYS twist the facts to try and make yourself correct.

Get some character and try not being such a joke.

Side: None at all
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

I have said many times that we should be teaching our children to be accepting of all people, not bullying, etc. etc. WITHOUT giving special mention to any political activist groups.


No group should be lifted up over other groups just because the Left is pushing their agendas!

Side: None at all
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Mint_Tea you like you some transsexuals. I think the government should tell us all what to think. You have some thought process on that there Democrat.

Side: None at all
2 points

I am somewhat open to transgenderism and certainly support the rest of LGBT (I even think consensual incest should be legal and that in general the urges shouldn't be the target of law, whether via cartoon depiction or erotica, instead we should focus solely on those who act on it rather than getting their fantasy outlet).

The problem is that you can't simplify shit by going 'oh just accept them'. I also seriously, deeply worry for someone who wants to cut their beautiful penis off in order to have a makeshit vagina formed with the flesh-wound. I loathe genital mutilation of any kind, I believe all variants of circumcision should be outlawed unless done for medical purposes like a foreskin being too tight or something.

When you have male toilets and female toilets and entire leagues in sports for females, to make it fairer on them, you can't just go 'oh he's a a she names Sally now and is totally female.' Things are not that fucking simple. It's not about hating transgenderism or oppressing them, it's about realising things are a lot more complicated than they appear at times. Just as it's simple-minded pigheadedness that makes people go 'oooh you're born with genitalia Pp or Vv and that means you are to act as a masculine man or feminine woman, it's also simple minded to go 'oh you transferred? You're now a fully legal woman.'

The first thing to do is change the term 'Gender' on passports (and other official documents) to become 'Sex'. This is very important, because then you could have 'Gender' as a separate category that even has a 'it's complicated' category if need be on social media etc, while biological sex is an absolute, legally binding thing linked to the XX or Xy chromosome variants. If Hermaphrodite, they must undergo the hormonal treatment to fully become the 'sex' they otherwise would be, perhaps surgically removing testicles from the vagina or idk what (yes, you read that right).

Side: I just HATES 'em
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Did you type this.

"I even think consensual incest should be legal"

Should one even wonder how sick the Democrats are with the statement you typed.

Side: None at all
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

Not everything fits into the Republican-Democract dichotomy you've got going. Some positions are so unpopular that neither camp wants anything to do with them.

Side: None at all
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Do Leftist really have a gender problem.

The question is lemming are there really total females that hatch fools like you.

Or did Daddy give birth to you.

Side: None at all
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

I (also?) don't see what concern it is of the law whether individuals participate in voluntary incest either.

I also don't see what your discomfort with genital alteration has to do with what individuals voluntarily choose to do with their own genitals. Your squeem is your own personal issue. Notably, you're not even consistent in this position since you subsequently advocate the forcible genital alteration of intersex people for non-medical reasons.

Restrooms don't strike me as complicated in the least. We all piss and shit, and a toilet is quite adequate for the task regardless of sex. We've been using unisex restrooms just fine for quite a while now. It's only an ''issue" when transgender people are brought up because some people have unresolved discomfort around sex and/or gender. It's really nothing to do with the facilities, and again about other people making their discomfort someone else's problem.

Athletics is more nuanced. However, the egalitarian standard used to justify placing transgender women in men's leagues is not consistently applied. If it were, leagues would be based strictly on demonstrated relative physical ability rather than sex. The inconsistent and indirect application of this principle requires a further justification that I've yet to see presented persuasively by anyone. I think a desexed relative ability metric would produce more interesting leagues, but at the end of the day I'm not very invested in how this one shakes out.

The distinction between sex and gender is a useful one, and I agree that where it is relevant to document sex it should be referred to as sex rather than gender (e.g. medical records). I disagree that there is any legitimate state interest in sex differentiation. Certainly, I disagree that there is any legitimate interest that justifies the involuntary (and medically unnecessary) genital alteration of intersex persons to conform their phenotypic appearance to the false beliefs others have about biological sex.

Side: None at all
1 point

What happens when a Sammy wants to become a Jenny. Can a Democrat figure that out.

Side: I just HATES 'em