
Debate Info

Yes It's different. It's us.
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:24
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 Yes (7)
 It's different. It's us. (10)

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brontoraptor(28599) pic

Is censorship of right wing media on youtube an attack on freedom of the press


Side Score: 9

It's different. It's us.

Side Score: 12

Is censorship of right wing media on youtube an attack on freedom of the press

Your language is false. Youtube does not censor "right wing media". It removes fake news from its platform. If you lie about stuff in an attempt to con people then you can't call it "censorship" if Youtube takes it down. That's fucking stupid, like everything you ever write.

Side: Yes
1 point

Is censorship of right wing media on youtube an attack on freedom of the press

Hello bront:

No.. It's an attack on freedom of speech.. I don't believe STOPPING people from getting a message.. I DO believe in teaching people to distinguish a shit message from a shinola message.

Look.. It's like being pregnant.. We either celebrate freedom of speech, or we don't.. There ain't no in between.


Side: Yes
1 point

No.. It's an attack on freedom of speech.. I don't believe STOPPING people from getting a message.. I DO believe in teaching people to distinguish a shit message from a shinola message

Interesting. Is "throw hot coffee on them at restaurants" a shit message or a shinola message? I say shit. What do you say outlaw troll?

Side: It's different. It's us.
Nom_Chomsky(846) Disputed
1 point

Interesting. Is "throw hot coffee on them at restaurants" a shit message or a shinola message? I say shit.

I say it's shit too. There was none of this "throw this hot coffee on them" shit in 1945. We stormed the beaches and we fucking killed you all. Why are we prancing around with you faggots this time around? Give me a gun. I'll be the guy at the front line shooting you.

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

ROTFFLMMFAO !!!!!!!!!! The IGNORANT BASTARD actually typed this - Look.. It's like being pregnant.. We either celebrate freedom of speech, or we don't.

What a FUCKIN DUMMY you are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: It's different. It's us.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

SUPER STUPID typed this in it's CONFUSED STATE - It's an attack on freedom of speech.

SCHOLAR shall we visit the 1st AMENDMENT you know so much about ????????????

Pay ATTENTION you IGNORANT BASTARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Side: It's different. It's us.
2 points

It’s not a governmental attack on speech or the press, which is far more important. If social media groups move too far in this direction, the backlash will spawn alternatives. So long as the government isn’t censoring people, there are options.

Side: It's different. It's us.
1 point

If we're going to talk "an attack on freedom of the press" shouldn't we start with "...enemy of the people"!??? "Don't believe what you are seeing or hearing, that's not what's happening." "Those guys back there … they're all fake news!" "They lie!"

The "liar-in-chief" attacks the freedom of the press every day. But, that's considered "executive privilege" with this administration! No ……… it AIN'T!

Side: It's different. It's us.
2 points

The "liar-in-chief" attacks the freedom of the press every day. But, that's considered "executive privilege" with this administration! No ……… it AIN'T!

You are literally seeing repeated in America in your lifetime what Hitler did in Germany. First he went after the press, then he gradually introduced his own propaganda to replace it. It's how the Nazis managed to gain a total grip on power. Youtube executives aren't dummies. They know what sick little bastards like Brontoraptor are trying to achieve, which is why they have taken steps to shut him down.

Side: It's different. It's us.
3 points

You are literally seeing repeated in America in your lifetime what Hitler did in Germany

True. The left has decided to attack conservatives in public, censor and dissenting speech, and defend antisemitism, thus you are correct.

Side: Yes
1 point

First he went after the press

The foreign press. He omnipotently controlled the German press.

Trump has no press. The press hates him on a daily basis with no retribution from him. The opposite of leftist Nazism who wants to kill and censor anyone who dissents. In fact Hitler's position on dissent is your position on dissent. You're literally a Nazi. You are literally a psychopath. Care to tell us about being a lunatic?

Nom caught proving he is a Hitlerian fascist

Nom quote:

"Corbyn and his socialist army are coming for you. There is no escape. There is only assimilation or death."

Nom Quote proving he's an antisemitic Nazi:

"Shut up you extremist Jew prick.",,z


I believe that conservatives need to be banned from the internet and put in concentration camps where they will be force fed Marxism until they puke and ask for seconds. Homework shouldbeabolished3#arg957770

Side: Yes
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
0 points

Yep. I totally agree with you Chomsky. And Bronto blames "libs" for what "his side" is doing. Bait and switch!

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

GRANDPAW SOCIALIST are you wrapping yourself in the 1st AMENDMENT now ???????

Side: Yes
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Now THAT is truly a DUMB question. I wrap myself in ALL the Amendments, including the Second, a bit differently than YOU, but that's the ONLY one YOU wrap yourself in (actually, TANGLE yourself in). You can't be bothered with the others …. that would make you an American.

Side: Yes