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Debate Score:23
Total Votes:24
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Redeemed(1428) pic

Is/ would Jesus be antiwar?


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 8

Jesus would be the complete walking antithesis of the far right American wingnuts who supposedly worship him. The ones who just managed to have abortion banned in certain American states, including in cases of rape. These people are deranged madmen who use the Bible as a mere excuse to justify their hatred, small-mindedness and bigotry.

Side: Yes.
2 points

Yes of course he would , he would also support Universal health care , social welfare and would be appalled at the idea of his followers claiming the carrying of a lethal weapon as in a gun was a “right “ .......Then again I’m an atheist so maybe Jesus really meant wage war , carry guns , ignore the sick and deny social welfare

Nations totally ignore what it says in their sacred books and reinvent god in their own nartional identity

Side: Yes.
1 point

So true. Jesus said to do unto the least of these. Jesus also said blessed are the peacemakers. What part of these, does the far right, not understand.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers, return not evil for evil, love thy neighbor, and many more things...........................................................

Side: Yes.
1 point

You did not mention the judgement of God, the wrath of the Lamb, the 7 plagues, the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, blood up to waists.

Side: No.
Redeemed(1428) Disputed
2 points

It is only for god to judge, not psuedochristian politicians who want to kill people. Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers. What part of this do you not understand? Jesus predicted wars, as a negative, not a positive.

Side: Yes.

Is/ would Jesus be antiwar?

It's impossible to know what an omniscient being's position would be in every scenario because he would know all outcomes and all possibilities of every action, and some possibilities could never be met without war.

An example might be, a future prophet is only born after his father saved his mother from bomb rubble during WW3. Said prophet would never exist without said war.

We might would label it "omniscient standards" or "omniscient morality", meaning a particular good can only manifest from a particular bad.

Side: Yes.
Joe_The_Jew(-35) Disputed
2 points

It's impossible to know what an omniscient being's position would be in every scenario

It's a simple question you disgusting Nazi paedophile. Either answer it or shut your stupid mouth.

Side: No.
1 point

So you tell us what your position would be on war if you knew all possible outcomes. I'll wait.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Oh, and this.

Burritolunch says aliens led by Satan created humans on another site

On another debate site, Nom admitted to being a Satanist and claimed he believed that humanity was created by aliens who were led by Satan.

He then admitted he was put in a psych ward after sacrificing a baby goat and put on meds which helped him to stop worshipping Satan.

Proof that it is burritolunch AKA Nom-

Side: Yes.
1 point

Jesus has always been at war with ignorance and greed.

Jesus cleansed the Temple by making a whip out of cord and violently driving the merchants and money exchangers out of the House of God which he said they had turned into a den of thieves.

Side: No.