
Debate Info

Yup Goyim
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:16
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 Yup (6)
 Goyim (8)

Debate Creator

Joe_The_Jew(-35) pic

Jews Are Better Than Everyone Else

We are smarter, better looking and we have the best athletes outside of those monkeys from Africa.

Prove me wrong.


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 8
1 point

Check with EXCON aka SUPER STUPID that IDIOT should puke up some kind IGNORANT nonsense !!!!!!!!!!

Side: Yup

Prove me wrong.

No, I agree completely. Sign me up. Will I get paid?

Side: Yup

Jews Are Better Than Everyone Else

Leftists can't think of anything other than race. They are obsessed with skin color.

Side: Goyim
0 points

Leftists can't think of anything other than race.

Fascists can't think of anything other than attacking leftists.

Side: Yup
1 point

Right. That's why Mussolini said fascism was the government controlling production and bragging about his Karl Marx medallion.

Side: Goyim
1 point

What’s the best way to get a Jewish girl’s number?

Roll up her sleeve

Side: Goyim

Yes Jews are very talented in 1 AREA- Usury!! And Jews are prejudice and think they are special- fuck em. Hitler would have been more effective had he killed the JEW BOOK rather than individuals.

We gotta kill that book NOW!!! So we can rise beyond Debt Economy and start living a MORAL life . Just because your LAW is WRITTEN and Documented doesymake it right in comparison to the earth religions which were spoken

Side: Goyim