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Atheists are religious "muh 97%" "Im no expert"
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 Atheists are religious (9)
 "muh 97%" "Im no expert" (13)

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JalenSmith(183) pic

Mainstream science, the atheists religion.

From my experience I haven't met a single person who could debate me without saying "97% agree" or "You shouldnt ask me, im no expert". These people who claim to be non religious and use "science"(mainstream "science" and actual science are 2 different things btw) debunking the fake "97 said so doe": admit it folks, there is no clear(very subjective term I know) global warming is actually a thing. I'll debate ya on it. Just don't embarrass yourself and mention ice cores because Ice core data actually DISPROVES the global warming theory big time. But you can still ask me how ^-^ oh and don't bother saying anything if you will just say "Well im no expert sooo". or maybe you should and make my day. I'd Write a whole bunch on this but 5k only characters isn't big enough. Also, religious people, don't use this information until you understand it completely. Save us all some stress. (PS I am agnostic, because for some reason that matters). Don't even get my started on NASAs "science" lmao. When you can prove NASAs claims outside of a government agency get back to me. Until then, why are you worshipping them like a messiah? Oh wait, I forgot you worship "science". Quicky answer to your question "Why would NASA do that"(At least i HOPE you are asking how, why, and who) Why? Money. They need to produce results to keep funding up. Don't bother spurting dismissive terms at me either. just makes you look stupid

Atheists are religious

Side Score: 9

"muh 97%" "Im no expert"

Side Score: 15
1 point

Global warming has nothing to do with atheists.

Side: Atheists are religious
1 point

What exactly is the topic you want to debate? Are atheists religious? Is science a religion? Is anybody entitled to comment on a debate if they're not an expert in the field? You're all over the place with this one.

Side: Atheists are religious
JalenSmith(183) Clarified
1 point

I am joking the mainstream science worshipers. Mainstream science = Global warming and NASA worship. They dont use real science that uses experiments and the scientific method. NASA= belief all their claims with all their heart without any skepticism or any other sources backing their claims. The part about the not being experts is from personal experience whenever I debate someone on it their excuse to not go any further is "Well I am no expert" which means they don't even understand the claims these groups make yet take is as truth

Side: Atheists are religious
3 points

There is no arguing with you, for you have already demonstrated that any time someone presents you with evidence, you will claim it is manufactured.

Go back to claiming mass shootings are staged government conspiracies.

Fear the lizard people.

Side: "muh 97%" "Im no expert"

Oh you reject mainstream science? Tell me more about how free thinking you are. I don't really care what religion you practice, evolution is just how it happened. The Earth is not 6000 years old and climate change is happening. DEAL WITH IT YA TWAT!!!!

Side: "muh 97%" "Im no expert"
foratag(257) Disputed
1 point

climate change has been happening for 4.6 billion years. It will keep happening as long as the Earth and Sun are still in existence, no matter what humans do about it.

Side: Atheists are religious
Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point

I'm talking about human caused green house gases that are causing global warming that can destabilize much of the world.

Side: Atheists are religious
JalenSmith(183) Disputed
1 point

Did i said earth was 6000 years old? I don't worship a god who allows thousands to starve to death. Evolution? I am talking about global warming. Try again

Side: Atheists are religious

Why do you conspiracy assholes hate NASA so God damn much?

Side: "muh 97%" "Im no expert"
1 point

Conspiracy theories rely heavily on things not working out the way they are supposed to. You can poke holes in the accepted sorry when things don't quote work right. NASA succeeds so much that it hurts conspiracy theories.

Side: "muh 97%" "Im no expert"
JalenSmith(183) Disputed
1 point

because you cannot verify a single one of their claims. yet people take it as absolute truth

Side: Atheists are religious
foratag(257) Clarified
1 point

NASA and the NOAA are both government funded entities that are fighting for limited funding from Congress and the Obama administration. Both have been known to massively screw up data in favor of global warming. I am not claiming they did it on purpose, but I would not be surprised if that is what actually happened. Those scientists depend on government funding to keep their jobs, so they will say or do anything to avoid winding up flipping burgers or becoming ditch diggers. Neither organization can be trusted.

Side: Atheists are religious

I'm legit confused by a few parts of your premise here, Jalen. Can you clarify a few things here?

mainstream "science" and actual science are 2 different things btw

What is the difference, in your opinion?

there is no clear global warming is actually a thing

I removed the bracketed bit, and I think you're missing a word here. I'm assuming it's "consensus", but just wanna make sure.

don't bother saying anything if you will just say "Well im no expert sooo"

Why does it irritate you so much when someone admits they're not an expert in a field? I'm casually familiar with a few branches of physics, but haven't exactly got a Masters degree in it. Does that mean I'm not allowed to discuss it at all? Wouldn't that also preclude you from the discussion (I'm figuring you don't have a Masters degree in all these topics, though if I'm wrong do tell me, and also tell me your secret on how you got them all because dayumn son)

Not a quote from you, but the topic you posted this under is that mainstream science is the atheists religion, then you discuss climate change as though this proves the point.

I'm not 100% certain I follow your logic, but I'm gathering it's something along the lines of "Atheists blindly follow what is presented to them, assuming it is presented with the disclaimer "scientists say", as proven by the climate change debate". Is that about what you're saying here?

Side: "muh 97%" "Im no expert"
Cartman(18192) Clarified
1 point

People who say they aren't an expert use it as an excuse to avoid discussing the topic. He is tired of people avoiding the topic because he thinks he had evidence supporting his side.

Side: Atheists are religious
admiralbacon(229) Clarified
1 point

Ah, well that's fair enough I suppose; it is definitely frustrating when people keep playing what they think to be a trump card to weasel out of a proper rebuttal. Thanks for clarifying

Side: Atheists are religious
JalenSmith(183) Disputed
1 point

I used Global warming as an example because it is the easiest most simple thing to debunk on the face of this planet. What the other dude said was right too. No there is no clear proof global warming is actually a thing. AKA no correlation. The computer models are all over the place and 90%(+?) were incorrect. Mainstream "science" = anything that is taken as truth yet cannot be proven, like global warming. or taking something as absolute truth when their claims cannot be verified by others(Like NASA). Yeah atheists will believe anything the "Experts" say thats my point

Side: Atheists are religious
1 point

But atheism doesn't necessarily mean a belief in, as you say, "mainstream science". Then again, it sounds like you're using atheism as a term to encompass a community of people, rather than the absence of religious faith. Using that terminology I can definitely see why, if what you claim about "mainstream science" is correct, then the "atheists" would be equally dependent on blind faith as any religious fundamentalist.

For what it's worth, I disagree, but as I have no sources on-hand and am pressed for time this evening I'll just have to leave it at that. Thanks for clarifying those points though, helped me understand where you were coming from a lot.

Side: "muh 97%" "Im no expert"
1 point

You don't believe in global warming because you're a christian. Not exactly an unbiased position is it?

Side: "muh 97%" "Im no expert"
JalenSmith(183) Disputed
1 point

Wow I am a christian? last I checked I was an agnostic Atheist... You must know more about me than I do!

Side: Atheists are religious
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

If you are an arheist, you must believe in mainstream science as your religion. Otherwise your debate title is false.

Side: "muh 97%" "Im no expert"

The process of scientific inquiry will always provide more truth than accepting religious texts as objective truth. We know that for a fact.

Side: "muh 97%" "Im no expert"
JalenSmith(183) Disputed
1 point

No. I just use real science. I am not religious I made this clear many times. See what you are doing here is called trying to discredit me. To who? You just make yourself look stupid. Did you even read the text?

Side: Atheists are religious
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

It was a response to your claim that science is somehow dogmatic or that atheists make it seem that way. It appears that way because science is actually a demonstrably better process of inquiry and discovery than religion. I wasnt in any way discrediting you.

Side: "muh 97%" "Im no expert"
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Also I'd have an easier time understanding you if you didn't have the literary clarity of a 3rd grader.

Side: "muh 97%" "Im no expert"

Uhhng you conspiracy theory assholes are so thick its really no use at this point explaining to you why you are wrong. There is soo much accepted and undeniable proof that humans are accelerating global warming its astonishing that you're so against it. As to your arguments against NASA, you can make the claim that someone is lying when it comes to anything, it is literally the laziest argument ever. That being said I don't even know why you brought up NASA in the first place.

Side: "muh 97%" "Im no expert"