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 SaintNow: Which One of His Profanities Are Most Christian-Like? (47)

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Atrag(5666) pic

SaintNow: Which One of His Profanities Are Most Christian-Like?

Here is a list of the insults he has used in the last week. Which one shows that he is most like a Christian:

Rude retarded obnoxious stupid fatty moron doggy idiotic bratty nasty faced dope headed foul mouthed punk fool hater witch fag

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2 points

It's a toss up between witch and fag.

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

Sorry.. I didnt mean to ban you. For some reason it wont let me unban you now. Feel free to use an alt account if you want to add something :/

But he refuses to debate me because I'm "vulgar" .

Saintnow(3684) Disputed Banned
1 point

I debated you and you lost but you still think you are winning and have established your right to exist outside of Hell. You lost the debate with me, in frustration you exploded in profanity and there is no point in debating you again. Same thing happened with guys are losers, I stand on truth and can't lose. You guys are fighting on the wrong side opposing your own lives. If you don't wake up and get saved, you're going to wake up lost in Hell forever.....shooting the messenger won't get you out of it.

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

You never debated me. As i recall i challenged you to your fucking face, created a challenge debate, and you declined the offer. Pussy

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

I debated you and you lost

Bullshit. You have never beaten anybody.

but you still think you are winning and have established your right to exist outside of Hell.

That's you, asshole. That describes you 100%.

You lost the debate with me,


in frustration you exploded in profanity and there is no point in debating you again.

You really have no grip on reality.

Same thing happened with Cartman.....

Obviously false for me as well.

you guys are losers

At least we don't run from combinations of letters like the coward that you are.

I stand on truth and can't lose.

You have never once stated anything true. You have denied the truth and banned people for telling you the truth.

You guys are fighting on the wrong side opposing your own lives.

You have broken every rule that you claim that you need to follow.

If you don't wake up and get saved, you're going to wake up lost in Hell forever.....shooting the messenger won't get you out of it.

Pointing out the messenger is shooting himself is not going to send us to Hell.

Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

The idiot fag exploded into profanity?? What a obnoxious dope headed fool!!! Show that idiot monkey what!

AlofRI(3294) Disputed
1 point

You didn't even TRY to debate me, you just "exploded into profanity". Very un-Christian-like! If someone doesn't agree with YOU, they are going to hell! Most of us haven't acquired "Sainthood" like you believe YOU have, but most of us are MUCH nicer people than one who has self-anointed himself, or so it seems. I have known several "churchmen" of several religions and I have NEVER known one to talk, and spread SO much hate, as YOU do. I have "debated " with them and NO SIDE left showing hate or viciousness. You are different. I really hope you soften your approach to other people. Hate eats at one ... FromWithin.

1 point

hahahhahha! I'm sure this will be a wonderful party here!!! Y'all do a big group hug, ok?

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

At least we aren't trying to suck Kent Hovind's dick.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Now. Doesn't that feel better??????????????????????????????????

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No one knows me as a "hater" except you, and you don't know me. About the only thing I hate is radicals (of about any kind).

Saintnow(3684) Clarified Banned
1 point

So you admit that you hate me as you label me a radical. You are a hater by your own admission, in God's sight it's murder. I really don't want to know you, why should I when you just hate me?

1 point

I try not to name call. Its hard not to though, some people are morons.

The people who are morons are not usually morons for their arguments, it's usually their lack of thoughtful argument.

1 point

Retarded because God made him that way.

1 point

what a bunch of whiners......................................................

0 points

Last 2 weeks I mean to say.

0 points

I've been called a witch before. OH and you forgot Monkey. I'm a monkey to him now too...huzzah. But in terms of religious'd say witch.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed Banned
1 point

Bang!!! Punk, your luck ran out. ahahhahahahahhahhahahhah

Now ask yourself a question.........say to yourself "If Hell is real, why am I not burning it it now"

Answer: It as only television, Clint didn't really shoot you, it was just me banning you, I hope your not burning in Hell.

Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

Lord, you are so desperate to continue with your John Wayne thread you are crossing over. Shame you can't ban me on this thread and that I had no interest in yours.

0 points

Wow DBCooper. You are so scary downvoting from the sidelines. You really got us good.

2 points

DB Cooper/Outlaw is a down-voting, Rude retarded obnoxious stupid fatty moron doggy idiotic bratty nasty faced dope headed foul mouthed punk fool hater witch fag.

Oh..did I say "coward" too?


As far as Mr. Saint, he truly puzzles me. He has scolded me several times for using profanity, and for even referring to Jesus Christ as JC. And for not capitalizing the word god. Then, I see him use language like this. Which, in my humble, is not so much vulgar as it is just, well, juvenile.

And then just when I think he might know a thing or two about Biology or Anthro, he accuses a member of being spawned from a monkey.

I swear, there are times when I think Saint is a teenage kid just out for a troll.


Saintnow(3684) Disputed Banned
1 point

Comeon, Slappy, you know I don't use language like that. My namecalling is appropriate to the actions and situation. When a person says there is no God, I say they are a fool because the Bible says they are a fool and they are fools.

I don't mean that as an insult, atheists take it as an insult because they are against the truth. I'm telling the truth. That long string of childish nonsense is not from me.

And for crying out loud, if you say you believe in evolution is is you who is saying you believe you were spawned by a monkey........ok, ok, it wasn't a monkey, is was some kind of ape-like critter. I call them all monkeys, what's the big deal with that? they are all animals, and evolutionists say "I'm an animal", so what's the big deal if I say you believe you were spawned from a monkey? You believe you were spawned from some kind of amoeba which spawned monkeys over kabillions of years, so what's the big deal if I say a monkeyish critter was your grandmother? You should be proud that I'm beginning to show some understanding of evolution.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed Banned
1 point

I guess I can understand how it offends you when I say a monkey spawned your grandmother since you worship evolution and in your religion it is terribly disrepectful of me to classify all of our animal ancestors as monkeys. I guess I could say "monkey-like critters such as apes and chimps and orangutans and giganticus pithicus or whatever that big monkey-ish critter was called."

I simply have a policy of reverencing the Lord's name. My Bible never has anything on top of it, it is always on top wherever it is placed. Only my hand will be on the Bible, or another human hand. And nobody is allowed to use profanity on my property and I tell them so, and above all things they will be strongly warned the first time they use the Lord's name in vain which is can be done by initializing His name like He's an old hockey team mate of yours. Nobody uses profanity or the Lord's name in vain on my property, in my house, or in my car without being told not to do it the same as i tell people here not to do it in my debates because when it's my debate, it's my house and God holds me responsible for what goes on in my house. I fear God, I do not fear fools who say there is no God and it is not wrong to call them fools. If you really believe there is no God, then it is completely mute and meaningless when you are called a fool for that belief so what's the big deal? You call me deluded all the time and it doesn't bother me that much. I expect that kind of stuff from people who love their sin more than life and claim they have no sin.

And I don't care if you don't capitalize the word "god". A god is a created thing, an idol which is not God who personally created all things. It's when you are using God's name but showing irreverence by neglecting to capitalize His name which is bothersome. If I knew your father's name and spoke of him, I would certainly use the cap button before I typed his name. I really think you already know and understand thees things but are trying to make excuses for not caring.

You know why I think you don't like using God's name as His name? It's because it pokes at that spot of doubt you have regarding the righteousness of your beliefs. You know there is no righteousness in your beliefs because evolution/big band belief completely obliterates righteousness and replaces it with "might makes right and there really is no right"........and then it sets out to wreak havok and destruction on the world. You have to disrespect God's name because if you show some respect for His name like I would for your father's name, your act of respect will eat at your conscience and challenge your beliefs and if you allow too much of that you would have to renounce your own sin as evil. If you say I'm wrong about this, PROVE IT BY ALWAYS HONORING THE NAME OF GOD BY SPELLING IT RIGHT WITHOUT ABBREVIATIONS!!!! (That's my leather-lung preacher's voice).

I don't blame anybody if they want to ban me for using terms of ridicule when I talk about evolution or for calling them whatever name seems to be to be appropriate to their words, attitudes, and actions. If you want to make some rules for your discussions such as, let's say "anybody who says evolution teaches we came from critters which resembled monkeys rather than using the correct terminology and saying Chimpanzees and Homo Sapien branched off from a common ancestor will be banned". I always try to abide by peoples rules and if they ban me you never see me whining about it.

-1 points

You Democrats do exist in a very small world. Your posting does show that.

Nearly 19,000 civilians were killed in Iraq between January 2014 and October 2015 -- a toll the United Nations calls "staggering" in a new report.

In the 21-month period in Iraq:

• At least 18,802 civilians were killed, about half of them in Baghdad.

• Another 36,245 were injured.

• About 3.2 million people were internally displaced, including a million school-aged children.

Islam is the Religion of Peace is it not.

2 points

Banned for saying the same thing every dsy for the last year or so.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

You Democrats do exist in a very small world. Your posting does show that.

False. It is the religious nutjobs on the website who started the fight.

Nearly 19,000 civilians were killed in Iraq between January 2014 and October 2015 -- a toll the United Nations calls "staggering" in a new report.

And you are here defending the cowardice of running from words.

In the 21-month period in Iraq:

• At least 18,802 civilians were killed, about half of them in Baghdad.

• Another 36,245 were injured.

• About 3.2 million people were internally displaced, including a million school-aged children.

Islam is the Religion of Peace is it not.

And yet you can't make an argument against them.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed Banned
1 point

Democrats have showed outrage over the Religion Of Peace and the killings that you have just been exposed to. Well No.

There is an explanation why you Democrats support Muslims.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed Banned
1 point

Bang!!! Punk, your luck ran out. ahahhahahahahhahhahahhah

Now ask yourself a question.........say to yourself "If Hell is real, why am I not burning it it now"

Answer: It as only television, Clint didn't really shoot you, it was just me banning you, I hope your not burning in Hell.