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 Should 25 year olds be tried as juveniles? (6)

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ghostheadX(1105) pic

Should 25 year olds be tried as juveniles?

It's an interesting concept. I want to know what people think of this. Please comment.
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2 points

Simply no. If someone lacks the maturity to truly be adult despite their biological age then they should be tried as an adult but the sentencing should take into account their diminished abilities.

2 points


-a young person

-a person below the age at which ordinary criminal prosecution is possible (18 in most countries).

The age of 18 is when you're considered to be an adult. Now you people want to make it 25? What's next? 40?

I think they should make a category for young adults. A 25 year has the comprehension to be tried as an adult, but as anyone with any age on them knows, people in their 20's make a lot of mistakes simply from inexperience. The point? Try them as an adult, but make the punishments lighter than if they were 35.

1 point

Well, we can't stop them from voting, as shown in the last election. Those "white, non-college educated, men" who voted strongly for Trump LOVED his "juvenile ways", (made youthful mistakes), so, if they are old enough to vote irresponsibly, they should be old enough to be tried as irresponsible adults, and, as now, pay for their mistakes. Taking into consideration their inability to reason as adults.

If they are intelligent enough to get through college, they're probably intelligent enough to be considered normal 25 year olds. ;-)

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

White people shouldn't vote for those that they want to cast their vote for sounds as if you are just another Racist Communist Democrat. But wait doesn't Voter ID laws upset you Democrats.

While I don't think that makes him racist (because people who aren't racist make those kinds of comments all of the time), I think you have a good point that someone can be either mature or immature and vote for practically anyone. My cousin voted for Hillary and she is a very immature lady. If you ask the right people, you will find that people who voted for either Trump or Hillary can be either smart or dumb. Otherwise you are fitting people into stereotypes, but an intelligent person doesn't think that way.

Now to DBCooper, I also don't say "all Muslims are terrorists" because an intelligent person knows there are all levels on any spectrum in any demographic you can pick. But I agree with your general point, and I do agree that there's an average based stat for anything.