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 Should Sharia Supporters be kicked out of Europe and the US? (9)

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Nocht(24) pic

Should Sharia Supporters be kicked out of Europe and the US?

Islam has been spreading rapidly throughout the western world with many of them not wanting to conform to the laws of that country and change it to Sharia.  Most Europeans are getting tired of this and with the increase of terror attacks it has made me question if this belief supported by others and is it fair.  Islam has been destroying culture that was built over thousands of years and is raping countries of welfare money and resources to House them.  They also have no interest in conforming to these countries norms.   
Happy Debating!
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Absolutely. If you support the Sharia, that makes you anti-Constitution and anti Western laws by default, thus you are an enemy of the state just like the old Commies and Nazis.

1 point

I appreciate that sharia law is incompatible with the values of a liberal democracy. The problem is that deporting people solely for their opinion is also incompatible with the values of a liberal democracy.

daver(1770) Disputed
2 points

If "Sharia Support" includes failure to comply with any host nation's laws or legal system, it is fair to judge such supporter, not as immigrant but rather invader. Such individual immigrant is not simply expressing opinion, but also failing to accept the laws of the host nation.

WinstonC(1225) Disputed
1 point

"If "Sharia Support" includes failure to comply with any host nation's laws or legal system, it is fair to judge such supporter, not as immigrant but rather invader."

If they were to fail to comply with a nation's laws that would constitute a criminal offense in and of itself. If they simply express the opinion that the country in which they reside should be under Sharia law, it's in their freedom of speech to do so. Saying that, though, is likely to put them on a terror watch list (I don't disagree with this).

WinstonC(1225) Clarified
1 point

Agree with what in the story specifically? These "Sharia councils" should be allowed to exist because they aren't actual courts with legal power. They are advising people based on their interpretation of the Islamic texts. If they attempted to compel behavior they would need to be disbanded. Spreading awareness in Muslim areas that one should seek recourse from actual courts instead is my proposed solution. If those concerned genuinely want to seek advice from some bearded guy who's only ever read the Koran then that's their prerogative. I would however propose an extensive investigation to make sure they aren't compelling behavior.

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Who said Muslims were going to be deported ?????????????????????????

1 point

Hello N:

We don't have thought police here................. In these great United States, you're FREE to think what you WISH to think.


outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

You know EXCON are there any thought police in Europe that are allowing Muslim terrorist into their countries ?

1 point

No. But, Sharia Law is against the Constitution, so, anyone actually following the parts that are against Constitutional Law should be jailed or fined as fits the particular crime, just like any other criminal act.

Europe should do as Europe wants to do about it.

I don't follow either religion, don't like what I know of Sharia ... which isn't much, but, for the time being this IS America and both have the same rights, as long as it's Constitutional.

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

But Crazy AL a travel ban of Muslim Terrorist all of a sudden becomes a religious ban ! Where do you Leftist stand when it comes to religion do you really know ?

Nocht(24) Disputed
1 point

The teachings of Sharia would designate Islam as a Cult not a religion therefor freedom of Religion doesn't protect it.

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Show me one Leftist that views Muslims as a cult ?????????????????

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Crazy AL Sharia is against the Constitution but a Muslim ban is toooo ? Come on AL you Leftist have to make up your mind where you stand on Muslims and the Religion of Islam

1 point

Burn them at the stake ;)