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Debate Score:23
Total Votes:27
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DrawFour(2662) pic

Should adult sibling incest be a crime?


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 15

I don't want anymore reatarded babies in this world.

Side: Yes
BigOats(1449) Disputed
0 points

What about incest between gay siblings?

Don't they have the right to love each other (as in love = eat each other out = modern gay rights agenda)?

Side: No
Stickers(1037) Clarified
1 point

The major distinction really doesn't lie in potato children, it lies in the incredibly exploitive nature of adult/sibling incest.

Side: Yes

Yes because it carries the risk of genetic problems for the resulting child.

Side: Yes
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

Well technically so do non related sexual partners.

Side: Yes
SitaraMusica(536) Clarified
1 point

Yes, but the risk is higher with incest. .

Side: Yes
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

How bigoted. People can choose not to get pregnant by wearing condoms.

Side: No

Most definitely! If gay people are treated as if they're committing a crime, then siblings committing incest should also be billed as deplorable to society!!

Side: Yes

There are laws on the book declaring incest to be a crime.

Side: Yes
3 points

No. It makes a lot of people (including me) uncomfortable to some extent. But comfort value alone is not a worthy reason to make something illegal.

The only time I know of where incest was problematic for society at large was when royal families did it as an attempt to hoard their wealth. It is believed that the criminally insane or ludicrous actions and policies associated with certain royal lineages had to do with genetic disorders that were promoted by several generations practicing incest. In those cases, society as a whole suffered. But since the place where I live has never been a monarchy, something like that going down here is much less likely and such dynasties could be forced out of power more easily.

Side: No
1 point

Still, thats shits fucked up. Nobody wants anymore retarded babies.

Side: Yes
MuckaMcCaw(1970) Clarified
2 points

The thing is though-

Having sex does not guarantee a baby.

Pregnancy via incest does not guarantee that the offspring will be abnormal.

It only increases the chances.

I'm not a fan of imposing laws on people just because the offspring they might have might be messed up.

Depression is a highly heritable trait that has a strong negative effect on society as a whole due to its prevalence. We could probably do more good passing a law that would make it illegal for depressed people to have sex than siblings. I don't see anybody calling for that approach though.

Side: Yes
Astac(242) Clarified
1 point

You can always wrap the rascal. that is no reason to make it a criminal act

Side: Yes
1 point

It is not a crime here (Spain). I can't imagine a single argument in favour of it being illegal. I guess I will reply again once people post for the other side...

Side: No
1 point

I think it's abhorrently disgusting, but our feelings towards another's victimless lifestyle isn't enough to make such actions illegal. Even if they're siblings, or some other relation, as consenting adults they can make their own choices, agreeable or not.

Side: No
1 point

Since the left is allowing homosexual to be seen as normal and ok, well incest is no worse, so hey lets open the floodgates

Side: No
1 point


Side: No
1 point

First of all, this argument is in no way about homosexuality, so bringing it up here is extremely illogical, a clear distractor, and irrelevant.

Second, you have yet to say why homosexuality shouldn't be seen as normal as ok. As such, a comparison between homosexuality and incest has no meaning because you have not set up the positives/negatives for either option.

Side: Yes
Astac(242) Disputed
1 point

We are talking about morals, and being that your side does not want to have any morals, well as you leftists say, incest is best

Side: No
0 points

It' not a crime in Russia (surprise??????)

However, propaganda of such relations should be a crime.

Side: No