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Debate Score:16
Total Votes:22
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Hogukgfb(5) pic

Should intellectually disabled people get the death penalty if they commit a crime worthy


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 5
3 points

Should they get the death penalty for being subhuman? .

Side: Yes
2 points

I have to laugh when I hear Liberals talking about heinous crimes deserving of the death penalty, when they themselves support killing viable unborn babies for any reason!

How hypocritical and barbaric can people be? These criminals being put to death most times would never purposely kill an innocent baby. So tell me who is worse? Who is more deserving of the death penalty?

I believe people willing to kill have the intelligence to understand there is no difference between killing born people and viable unborn people.

No Restriction Abortion has created a culture of death!

Side: Yes
1 point

depends how far on the spectrum they are, if they cannot comprehend what is happening, then the likelihood is that they won't panic over getting smited

Side: Yes
1 point

There is actually a court case going on now involving that very issue. In this instance the man was of sound mind and reason when he murdered a cop and shot his girlfriend in the back with her 10 year old watching. While he was in death row waiting for his turn he suffered a stroke and lost most of his mental capacities to the point he is now considered disabled.

In this instance, people argue that he is now unsuitable to be put to death for his crime, but the opposition argues that the rules that don't allow mentally disabled people to be put to death don't apply since he was fully understanding of what he did when he did it and if he'd been put to death before the stroke this wouldn't even be an issue.

I think if you are of sound mind when you commit a crime, and there is no doubt at all that you did it and it's such a heinous crime that you can't be released into society again, it may warrant the death penalty. If you have a proven disability before the crime happens......I just don't know. It really depends on the crime for me.

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

There is actually a court case going on now involving that very issue. In this instance the man was of sound mind and reason when he murdered a cop and shot his girlfriend in the back with her 10 year old watching. While he was in death row waiting for his turn he suffered a stroke and lost most of his mental capacities to the point he is now considered disabled.

In this instance, people argue that he is now unsuitable to be put to death for his crime, but the opposition argues that the rules that don't allow mentally disabled people to be put to death don't apply since he was fully understanding of what he did when he did it and if he'd been put to death before the stroke this wouldn't even be an issue.

I think if you are of sound mind when you commit a crime, and there is no doubt at all that you did it and it's such a heinous crime that you can't be released into society again, it may warrant the death penalty. If you have a proven disability before the crime happens......I just don't know. It really depends on the crime for me.

But your Dumb Ass speaks and you cannot site the court case ? All you Leftist do is babble a whole bunch of nonsense everyday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Yes
1 point

I don't think intellectually disabled people can be treated as normal people. Thank you for bringing this topic up. I will chare it to my team at work to hear more opinions.

Supporting Evidence: rankmywriter (
Side: No
0 points

This is a worth while debate topic and I hope people weigh in seriously.

Even those who are against the death penalty can weigh in to consider whether mentally disabled people should be punished in the same manner as the fully functional. If not, what extent of disability should qualify for different treatment?

Side: No
excon(18262) Clarified
0 points

whether mentally disabled people should be punished in the same manner as the fully functional.

Hello A:

The words used were "intellectually disabled", NOT mentally disabled. I can't tell exactly, but I think he's taking about stupid people, not those with maladies. I've never heard of the intellectually disabled..


Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Now what we have here is SUPER STUPID not having the ability to understand it is Intellectually Disabled

Side: Yes
Grugore(856) Disputed
0 points

That's funny. An intellectually disabled person stating that he's never heard of the intellectually disabled. Lol.

Side: Yes