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Debate Score:17
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 NAY (11)

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The Banning of Confederate Symbols

Should the U.S. ban all symbols of the Confederacy on public property. Leave the reason as to why you chose your position. I personally stand for nay.


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 13
Winning Side!
2 points

Hello mw:

The Confederacy was TREASON. The South ATTACKED America.. If they HATE America so much, why not put up a statue of Ben Laden???


Side: YAY
mwduncan(48) Disputed
1 point

Wrong the Confederacy simply succeeded from the was th US that struck first.

Side: NAY
excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

Hello mw:

I misspoke... Clearly, the Union fired upon Ft. Sumter. Nonetheless, succeeding from the nation IS treachery, and started the Civil War. But, I read where you don't believe the Civil War was about slavery, so we don't have a lot to talk about.. Clearly, you drank the sweet tea..


Side: YAY
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

EX VET Democrats were the Confederacy. Do you not understand history.

Side: NAY
mwduncan(48) Disputed
1 point

Yeah but the Democrats then are more like todays Republicans

Side: NAY
1 point

It looked there for awhile like the left wanted a statue of Fidel Castro. Did you not watch the liberal news? Castro was a hero. CBS said so.

Side: NAY
1 point

I must've missed it. I never saw anything about "banning" Confederate symbols. Removing them from places of prominence, not allowing them to overshadow actual American symbols, certainly. Any REAL American would want that!

I was in S. Carolina and was appalled that beside the hotel was a Confederate Flag flying higher than the American Flag beside it. That's unacceptable! I wouldn't want that flag banned, it's part of American History. A part of American History that symbolizes the truth in the statement "If we ignore history we are bound to repeat it!" It SHOULD be remembered ... not held up in pride! As was said above, it WAS treason!

Side: YAY
2 points

Should any symbols of that 'colorful, and alas tragic era'' of our history be disrespectfully banned there will be many who will interpret such draconian legislation as a bureaucratic attempt to stifle freedom of expression and an official degrading of those states which went to make up the Confederacy.

Such an unnecessarily provocative move would only serve to cause resentment which could, and probably would lead to civil disorder, just at a time when the nation needs to be performing as a unified team.

The two traditions have long since become constitutionally and fundamentally fused and can proceed harmoniously united towards the the advancing our nation.

Side: NAY
2 points

People are burning the American flag and flying the Mexican colors but they're going to make a big deal about southerners that fly the Confederate flag. Hmm...doesn't make much sense to me. Guess that's just liberal logic.

Side: NAY

They should not. The Confederacy was run by the Democrats. I'm not sure what the liberal logic is here. Perhaps, just ignorance. Unless they are openly claiming to be racists, if indeed that is what they say the flag stands for.

Side: NAY
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello bront:

Your memory is sooo good, until it's NOT.. Those Democrats were RIGHT WINGERS. Those Democrats QUIT the Democrats and became REPUBLICANS..

How could you forget such a salient fact????


Side: YAY
1 point

1)You can't show when or where this exodus happened.

2)The "left wingers" were politically allied with what you call "right wingers" apparently. (Deductive reasoning) Or are you claiming the "non racist" Republicans and the "racist" Democrats just "switched" in mass? And if so, when did that happen, and why does history not show it? Why is there not a large group of older people who remember this "switch" or that "switched" themselves somehwhere in the late 60's or early 70's?

3)The KKK had millions of members when it was openly Democrat. Now it has 2,000 and no power or authority.

4)To just blindly say the KKK is a "South thing" doesn't hold water because then and even now the southern states were split on politics. There were Southern states in this last election that were virtually split down the middle, with Trump narrowly winning. So if your claim is racism is a Southern thing and/or a conservative thing, much of the South voting for Obama kills your narrative.

5)Old people that I know or knew say there was no "exodus". There was no "switch" where all the "racists" jumped to the Republicans. It never happened. And how do you "kick out" the "racists" from a party? Magic?

6)The fact is that the Republicans in the South fought the Democrats in the South on race for ions, there was no "magic switch", and you are stuck with what your party did.

Side: NAY
1 point

I personally stand for the flight of the confederate colors. The confederacy is a rich part of our history amd the claim that it is racist is given completely without any evidence backing it up. And for those of you who are currently annoyed because i havent provided any evidence myself here you go. The Civil War didnt start because of slavery, rather it started because of economic inequality between the north and south. The flags meaning is misunderstood as well...Red means the blood of christ...Blue is the cross...and White is for purity. Also throughout the duration of the confederacy's existance, no slaves were bought nor sold under confederate rule. Therefore the cinfederate flag and its accompaning symbols mustnt be banned. Banning the confederate flag because it is "offensive" to some, is equivalent to banning the US flag because it might offend foreigners. Those who are offended by it need to grow up and learn to not be so offended by such minute things.

Side: NAY
1 point

They're part of history and as such they can be displayed in historical context. A museum or a battlefield can display it. A government office could in so far as it's part of a complete historical presentation within a lobby or special room.

But flying them outside, publicly, next to state or federal flags or by themselves, is inappropriate because they are no longer a current live legal representation of a present government.

Side: NAY