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 The 'you are obsessed with points' accusation is hereby moot. (40)

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instig8or(3308) pic

The 'you are obsessed with points' accusation is hereby moot.

Ladies and gentlemen, I open today with three fundamental points to my overall argument:

1) Points are the only numerical method of objective ranking on this website that has its own all-time leaderboard and regular updated weekly one.
2) The only reward for arguing is reward points, other then up-votes (which if you get 5 results in getting an extra reward point).
3) Down-voting takes a point from the voter, not the recipient (and I will explain why).

Okay, let's now observe the truth of this website and why the points are actually the single most significant way to rank people on it.

Note: I am not saying that more points means a better debater, I am saying there is no such thing as an objectively verifiable ranking of debaters so to say one is 'better' is your subjective opinion of their debating style.

Now, I shall expand on point 1:

Since points are the only ranking method on this website, they are the only thing that makes me better or worse than you in any way. If I am earning more points than you per week but you have more overall it is similar to the real-life scenario of a lawyer (who uses debating in their job). The richer lawyer is not necessarily better but surely the one who is earning more per week is definitely at a better state of their debating/lawyer career than the one earning less. It doesn't matter if the one earning more puts less effort into their cases, more money is better simply because it is the single thing that separates the rich form the poor and makes the rich know they truly are better off (notice I didn't say better at debating or at their job but just better off in general).

Thus, to say 'haha you are obsessed with points' is to say 'haha I am jealous of your points and don't want to admit it'. It doesn't matter how detailed your pathetic little arguments are, they will lose relevance over time but points won't.

Expanding on point 2:

Do you think you get some magical reward for giving a good debate? The only reward you'll ever get is an additional reward point for getting 5 upvotes or more.

Sure, there's those weird t-shirt awards I think they are called 'snazzies' but frankly THEY are the meaningless ones, not the points.

Expanding on point 3:

Down-voting punishes the voter by taking a point. If points down't matter then why must you make an argument to deduct a potn form one? It is because points are truly the way to gain the right to be taken seriously. Face it, the more points you have the more people fear and respect you even if their insignificant little egos can't handle the pressure and lash out at you in envy.

Joe is the best point farmer so far but is slowly drifting off. Hellno used to be and even lied about quitting at 10k, what a pathetic little fool.
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Why would anyone be jealous of your points? You have under 1900. You're not even in the top 50 all time leaders.

Nomoturtle(858) Clarified
1 point

supposedly insti8or is prodigee

Prodigee101 Disputed Banned
2 points

I am the only Prodigee on this site. Why would he call himself Insti8or? He is just a wannabee and I don't mean the australian animal lol. For reals.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
0 points

Oh, you don't know who Iam but that's alright, give it time and I'll surpass my old count.

Atrag(5666) Disputed Banned
1 point

You realise your account will get banned way before that?

Hellno(17724) Banned
3 points

I only lied to you because you're a sad little virgin boy and you're fun to fuck with... GuitarGuy, Dana and even Andy all knew I wasn't quitting. I told them in private messages but hell you probably knew that since you were always hacking the site.

Hellno(17724) Banned
3 points

P.S. Have you created any private communities to talk to yourself again? I see several have been closed recently. Is Andy shutting you down? XD

Hellno(17724) Banned
1 point

Now this is me point farming! ;)

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

You are bullying me and that is not allowed in this website. :)

3 points

Do you know what I call a point earned?

If there is but one person on this site who actually stops drinking the koolaide, sees the light and is enlightened to the importance of our devestating 18 trillion debt and the bankruptcy that looms down the road for our children, then that one person is a point. If he spreads that knowledge, the one point grows to hopefully millions of points of awareness and just maybe America still has chance.

When you vote, ask yourself does your candidate ever mention that debt and how they will seriously start addressing it. Not by telling us the same old rhetoric of how we will create jobs, grow the economy, tax the Rich, etc. etc. etc., and grow our way out of the debt. THAT'S A COMPLETE LIE THAT HAS NEVER HAPPENED AND NEVER WILL!

We need to cut across the board!! That means everyone's pet program. It means the military, the social programs, etc. etc. etc.

It means getting rid of money spent on abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood, shows like PBS, or any other subsidies spent regardless which side likes it. If it costs the tax payers money and is not absolutely necessary, get rid of it.

Now there are some points I care about. You can waste your time playing the point game to massage your ego which helps no one including yourself and all the time you spent trying to get those points. How about fighting to get America back to the greatness she once had.

Just watch the ticker on our 18 trillion debt and see how quickly it grows by the millions! Look how much it goes up every minute!

It has doubled to 18 trillion in 7 years. Where will it be 7 years from now? You better vote wisely! If you are young, you better be very afraid for your future!

1 point

So, who should we vote for?

Note: the funding for PBS is so insignificant that only an idiot would mention it for cutting spending.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

Only an idiot would not know that when you add up the thousands of subsidies we give out to the PBS'es of the world, it grows into the billions.

Atrag(5666) Banned
3 points

I used to think you were trolling with saying you want lots of points but it is actually true. It is funny.. when I teach English to under 8s I know that if I make something about points then they will instantly motivated to do whatever activity I come up with. Older than 8 (depending on the kid) and they realise that putting points to things doesn't mean a thing. You seriously don't get why we are all laughing at you.

"WAWEEE you got 100000000 points in 2 days! Gosh! What a king of debate you are!" do you really think that is what we would think? Everyone except you realises that points don't mean anything on this site. It is as pointless as my C game (you still only have 4 points on that btw).

I have asked Andy to give you 1000000 points. Let's see if he listens.

2 points

'haha you are obsessed with points' is to say 'haha I am jealous of your points and don't want to admit it'.

Thing is majority of this site would be just fine without any points.

2 points

This is dumb. We should only get points from getting votes! That would give people more incentive to make good arguments instead of trolling for points!

2 points

1) Your lawyer example is a false analogy since a lawyer can exchange the money they get for goods. More money objectively means more buying power. Points on this website don't objectively lead to anything, therefore they are not an objective source of ranking. The recognition on this website is fully subjective. It is how well you think you did. When someone tells you that you are obsessed with points they are saying that you are happy getting a stupid counter to increase instead of trying to make a compelling point.

2) There is a magical reward system that is not involved with points. We are social creatures and we get pleasure from how we work together in society. Making good content that is enjoyed by the group can provide satisfaction without the need for points.

3) The reason you lose a point on downvotes is because you are supposed to make a counter argument so that your score remains the same. Losing a point is evidence that content is more important, not points.

1 point

Since points are the only ranking method on this website, they are the only thing that makes me better or worse than you in any way.

No, it is not. You have the efficiency too. You have 95%. I have 96%. I am better than you, points' beach.

If you want points, go for them! Be yourself, don't let the others change that. I don't see the problem.

To show how much I care for this, all of ya' people can downvote this comment as much as you want. I wan't da vad poinds vadly ;) Gimme some pleaze.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

the efficiency isn't ranked anywhere :)

Iulmi(252) Clarified
1 point

Reward Points: 1906

Efficiency: 95%

Arguments: 1326

Debates: 148

Below the reward points, efficiency.

Even though it isn't something ranked here, now you can see that the points are not the only ones that show you are 'better than the others'. And that's why your statement was wrong.

I'm the best point farmer? Really? I didn't even know I was farming for points. Hell.... I don't even wear overalls! Is there a CD Points Farmers' Market? If so, I would like everyone to know that my points are cage free, glutten free and 100% organic (manure).

I just thought the points were indicative of how long you have been on this site.

Regardless, do I get an award? Do I get to give an acceptance speech? I just want to take this opportunity to thank the little people. Without which I could have never accumulated so many points. Oh, who am I kidding? Most of those points come from my hard word. I scoured the internet so others wouldn't have to. And by "scoured the internet" I mean, "I went to huber humor" and by "hard work" I mean, "I plegorized their material."

1 point

Since points are the only ranking method on this website, they are the only thing that makes me better or worse than you in any way.

Actually you're also ranked alphabetically and by newest recruit.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

We can agree that these are things unattained and non-deserving of recognition though. Points are gradually attained.

2 points

And not deserving of recognition.

You are utterly obsessed. Trying to come up with a justification for it won't change that.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

You do the same with sources. :)

1) Points are the only numerical method of objective ranking on this website that has its own all-time leaderboard and regular updated weekly one.

If someone wanted to evaluate the members of this website, points would not be their method. I'd assume that if someone were to be trying to compare members, they would compare their content and make their own opinions.

However, no one is going to do that. Because no one is coming to evaluate the members of this website. There is no one who cares.

2) The only reward for arguing is reward points, other then up-votes (which if you get 5 results in getting an extra reward point).

The site is not meant to give rewards, it is meant to provide a medium through which users may share/explore views and opinions.

3) Down-voting takes a point from the voter, not the recipient (and I will explain why).

Because Andy has made it to encourage those who downvote to write an explanation for their downvote.

instig8or(3308) Clarified
1 point

The down-vote point was informative, I didn't think he would be so naive. :P

Why are you banning everyone? The more you argue with them the more points you get.

instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

In perspective debates I can get a maximum of 10 points from the arguing and since it's my own debate it ends up being 15 due to the additional 5 points for creating and getting 4 arguments on my debate. I have maxed out. :)

1 point

What is your obsession with the point system ? Who cares about that other than you ? Do you have anything better to do ?

0 points

What is your obsession with Obama and the other shit you post links about and badly fonted rants about? Who cares about that other than you, oh yeah Cartman does I forgot!