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Debate Score:208
Total Votes:273
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 Agree (23)
 Disagree (44)

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Grugore(856) pic

There is no scientific evidence for evolution.

If you disagree, you must provide scientific evidence that supports evolution. Good luck. There is a ten thousant prize for anyone who can provide this evidence. It remains unclaimed. And saying that the fossil record supports it, or similar DNA in life forms is not valid evidence. If you think about it, you'll understand why.


Side Score: 30


Side Score: 178
1 point

The biggest flaw in the evolutionary theory is The Big Bang. I have researched as much information as I could, but there is no science to explain how nothing could explode into everything.

Side: Agree
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

That's like saying the biggest flaw with gravity is that you don't believe in electrons. The Big Bang and evolution are separate. They do not have anything to do with each other. Plus, there has never been any explanation that didn't involve nothing becoming everything. Name one explanation that doesn't have that problem.

Side: Disagree
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

Evolution has nothing to do with the Big Bang (which isn't even an "explosion"). Next.

Side: Disagree
1 point

offcourse there is no evidence for evolution you dont have to be a rocket scientist to realize than durrrrrh

Side: Agree
1 point

Creationists and evolutionists see the same evidence. The only difference is in the way they interpret it. After all, we all live in the same world.

Side: Agree

Evolution is a theory. Perhaps one day Science can prove it to be true.

Side: Agree
-4 points
3 points

Can you explain what your alternative to evolution is?

Side: Agree
Khyber(1) Disputed
2 points

Magic, off course ... :D

Side: Disagree
ds229(29) Disputed
1 point

Well you can't disprove god! ;( (This is just a joke, and your side says agree)

Side: Disagree
22 points

Bacteria observed to evolve in a laboratory setting in response to selective pressure, including a new trait arising due to random mutation and proliferating due to increased fitness of the organism.

Genetic changes in separated populations eventually observed to result in speciation.

Evolution, as a concept, is effectively proven. It can be observed and measured. It is taking place right now, as we type here. Granted, this does not conclusively prove that all known species are the product of evolution, but it does prove conclusively that the theory itself is sound. If creationism is still to be assumed, then one must also concede that whatever god is responsible for creation has tried hir damnedest to cover his tracks and convince us otherwise. Not really compatible with a benevolent god, I'd say. #TrollGod

Side: Disagree
Grugore(856) Disputed
1 point

What you are referring to, is called adaptation. No new information is added to their DNA. This is an impossibility, from all that we know of genetics. It is also required, for evolution to be taken seriously. The error checking in DNA is almost foolproof. Every change we've seen is either lateral or downward. This is in accordance with the law of entropy. Something evolutionists prefer to ignore.

Side: Agree
thousandin1(1931) Disputed Banned
22 points

No new information is added to their DNA. This is an impossibility, from all that we know of genetics

You are incorrect here. Adding new information is not impossible at all. One of the forms that mutations can take is duplicating a portion of DNA. This is one of the key factors in successful mutation, as a duplicated section of dna means that this section can now mutate more freely without being innately detrimental due to disrupting whatever function that section of dna performed. This creates 'room' for more information in the genome- which later undergo changes via other forms of mutation, eventually resulting in new traits.

And this doesn't even begin to touch on the field of epigenetics (wikipedia link- you'll need to start broad to begin to understand it most likely), which would seem to be well beyond your ability to get into, given your understandings of both evolution and christianity. One would think you could at least get the Christian right...

Side: Disagree
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
3 points

What you are referring to, is called adaptation.

Adaptation is evolution. There is virtually no difference (unless you're using a different definition of evolution).

Every change we've seen is either lateral or downward.

Seeing as how the Earth is not a closed system, the second law of thermodynamics does not apply.

Side: Disagree
ds229(29) Disputed
2 points

Ugh...the creationists view on the second law of TD...Here we go.

The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy always increases, not that you can't make order out of it. The TOTAL AMOUNT of entropy of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE. THAT's what increases. It means that if something was developed into order, something, or a collection of things, somewhere else in the universe, has to undevelop (if I can say that) into entropy. But it has to do that slightly faster than it would develop into order.

Side: Disagree
12 points

You're a troll

But seriously, you are a troll

Side: Disagree
2 points

Not sure if troll or fucking idiot

Who said it has to be one or the other?

Side: Disagree
Grugore(856) Disputed
-4 points
9 points

And saying that the fossil record supports it, or similar DNA in life forms is not valid evidence. If you think about it, you'll understand why.

The only reason why those don't count is because you don't want to lose.

Side: Disagree
2 points

I don't think I could have put it better! You can't 'cherry - pick' your evidence and dismiss relevant data, that would be biased and therefore not give the whole picture.

Side: Disagree
Grugore(856) Disputed
-3 points
Cartman(18192) Disputed
3 points

I agree with you on something. There is not a single transition fossil. There are hundreds, maybe over a thousand. Fossils are observable, they qualify as scientific evidence.

Evolution says we all come from a common ancestor. If we have a common ancestor we would have common DNA. Therefore, DNA is evidence.

Side: Disagree
MuckaMcCaw(1969) Disputed
3 points

The fossil record is nothing more than a bunch of dusty bones

And imprints, insects trapped in amber, shells, and so much more.

There is not a single transitional fossil.

What is your definition of a transitional fossil? Unless you have a clear idea what one is, how can you say none exist?

All it says is that many creatures share similar DNA.

Which is exactly what we would expect to see in evolutionary theory.

First level relatives have more DNA in common than second, and so on. Its not too much of a stretch to expand that (proven) premise to all life.

Why do we carry genes for previous lifeforms in our dna, genes that have no expression or impact on the current form, but were expressed in the early forms?

Side: Disagree
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
3 points

There is not a single transitional fossil.

GEE, then I guess all of these simply do not exist, right?

Side: Disagree
6 points

What is funny is that there are cash prizes for disproving evolution. The catch, you have to provide something that wouldn't be seen if evolution were true.

The cash prize you reference for proving evolution is real as well, but the catch is that you have to have evidence that evolution is true, abiogenesis is true, and the Big Bang is true.

Side: Disagree
Grugore(856) Disputed
1 point
2 points

There have already been many court trials where creation was ruled religion and evolution was ruled science as the prize demands:

Side: Disagree
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

That isn't an award for proving evolution. It is a bet. In order to get the 10 grand you need to put up 10 of your own. Plus, that site conveniently has absolutely no instructions on how to win the bet, but a whole bunch of rules on how your money will be taken from you.

Side: Disagree
5 points

A partial list of evidence for evolution:

A complete list of evidence that evolution is a hoax:

Side: Disagree
1 point

A complete list of evidence that evolution is a hoax:

HAHAHAHA, that is totally awesome.

Side: Disagree
2 points

So, what do we see in the world that wouldn't exist if evolution is true?

Side: Disagree
2 points

There is a ten thousant prize for anyone who can provide this evidence. It remains unclaimed.

I assume you're referring to Kent Hovind's challenge, in which case it was never claimed because he asked people to prove several things that had nothing to do with evolution:

Side: Disagree

The burden of proof is on the one making the claim so I await your proof. Banning me will prove me right.

Side: Disagree
2 points

Um, what? The claim is that evolution exists. He is claiming that no one has provided evidence of the claim of evolution.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Im just tired of circular reasoning from both sides, hun. People should prove their claims.

Side: Agree
1 point

I can not believe we live in a world full of idiots spreading lies and outrageously defending that evolution is false !!! I have studied and still studying science for the past 7 year both at school and university. It strikes me the most that people who negate evolution DO NOT ACTUALLY understand the MEANING!!! go read about evolution and then debate your ideas. And by the way, I DO BELIEVE in god. I have studied the bible for years, and other religious scriptures like Koran and others. I only take the morals and basic principles from them, "the GOOD ONES" but I never mix religion with science. for those who are religious, please do not use religion against evolution, the two DO NOT MIX! like oil and water. but if you start debating against evolution using other SCIENTIFIC theories, then you are welcome. I have seen, TOUCHED, and studied true evidence supporting evolution. From fossil records, to actually doing experiments with microorganisms . Nobody in this world can tell me that what I saw and studied is WRONG. there are millions of others enlightened everyday as schools are expanding their teachings to include evolution in high schools. and to be honest, I think not allowing our children to study evolution is a CRIME. we are depriving them of the most basic knowledge, like 2 and 2 make 4. yes they can study religion, and I think they should. Morals and life principles are essential, otherwise what is the point of living. But we should teach religion in a way that does not contradicts real science, and science should not disprove religion.

Side: Disagree
Grugore(856) Disputed
1 point

You talk about evolution like it's a scientific fact. I disagree. I don't care what kind of schooling you've had, or what research you've done. There are many scientists, who have done as much, or more, and they disagree with you. Some of them are theists. Some aren't. Most of them object because it just doesn't jive with their own research. The simple fact remains that there is no real scientific evidence to support evolution. By evolution, I mean the theory of descent with modification. That every living thing has a common ancestor. And I didn't use religion in any of my arguments. You, also, have provided no evidence like I asked. Could it be you have none? And your attempt to argue from a position of authority is quite laughable, btw.

Side: Agree
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

There are very few scientists who disagree with evolution. Plus, you haven't used the religious argument because you haven't made any argument. All you say is that we are wrong with nothing to back up your claim. Why don't you provide one piece of evidence that goes against evolution?

Side: Disagree

Evolution is: Mutation + Heredity + Selection + Time

Do you disagree? Which of these would you like more support for?

See also my heretofore unrebutted debates regarding:

the fossil record, the geologic column, and dating methods

transition from sea to land animals

Side: Disagree

The fossil record. .

Side: Disagree
Jrob(134) Disputed
1 point

What do you see in the fossil record? Any missing links... Or just a man's skeleton with a monkey's tooth laying beside him?

Side: Agree
1 point

I just see some of my teachers and I agree with the evolution theory, that's enough

Side: Disagree
1 point

Your DNA is designed by your parents ain't that the sign of evolution idiot.

Side: Disagree