
Debate Info

Over the last 1000 years Over the last 100 years
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Over the last 1000 years (4)
 Over the last 100 years (5)

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Amarel(5669) pic

What is the most important invention over the last

Not a for or against, but more like a two in one

Over the last 1000 years

Side Score: 5

Over the last 100 years

Side Score: 5
2 points

Printing press. .

Side: Over the last 1000 years
1 point

In keeping with my theme of choosing inventions that drive other innovations I agree that the printing press is likely one of the most important inventions in the past millenium. The spread of knowledge the printing press allowed undoubtedly would have sparked minds and driven invention and innovation.

Side: Over the last 1000 years

The Brontoraptor 5000 Deluxe with a cherry on top.*

Side: Over the last 1000 years
1 point

Hello again, A:

Flight, followed very closely by electricity, followed pretty closely by the internal combustion engine..

Yeah, I'm hedging..


Side: Over the last 1000 years

Heater and air conditioning*

Side: Over the last 100 years
1 point

Hello A:

The microchip.............................................


Side: Over the last 100 years
1 point

Internet. Perhaps I should say satellite technology.

May turn out to be nanotechnology, we will see.

Side: Over the last 100 years
1 point

The annoying thing about this question is that inventions interact with each other and so in my estimation the most important inventions are those which drive innovation. As such, I would choose the internet for this 100 year timescale because it already has driven innovation and invention. Some of the many ways it is doing this is through crowdfunding, dissemination of information, facilitation of economic activity, cryptocurrency and so on. Though we could ultimately attribute this invention to semiconductors, microchips and the personal computer, among others, so the question is actually more complex than it appears.

Side: Over the last 100 years
1 point

I nominate the condom, it's protected us from disease and unwanted human beings for years. ;-)

Side: Over the last 100 years