
Debate Info

Wilson is an idiot Don't pick on idiots
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Wilson is an idiot (4)
 Don't pick on idiots (3)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

What the hell is this?

Congesswoman Frederica Wilson was told she couldn't wear a hat on the floor of Congress and said it was sexist. 

She was called an "empty barrel" by a general and said it was racist. She then said she looked the term up and? Said it was "a racist term according to the dictionary". It turns out it has no racial overtones, and is a term used by Pluto and even Shakespeare.

She then gets into a feud over how the President "disrespected the wife of a veteran", and said she's "now a rockstar". This after voting no on every single bill that attempted to help veterans. 

How the hell did this freak show get voted in by liberals? How?


Wilson is an idiot

Side Score: 4

Don't pick on idiots

Side Score: 3
1 point

An absolute fool. She's unworthy of the citizens she represents because she's too focused on putting herself in the spotlight and looking for ways to unnecessarily ruffle feathers so that she can get noticed. She's just trying to get her name out there so that her few supporters will donate money to her right when she decides she's just had enough of politics. Another failed politician trying to be noticed before they're pushed out of their positions by younger generations.

Side: Wilson is an idiot
1 point

You call yourself a Christian and ask a question in the name of hell? I really don't believe you are saved. I don't see how a person who is saved can hell as a cuss's bad enough how foul mouthed you are. This kind of garbage from you is why I disassociate from you and keep my distance and do not read your posts.

The title here is offensive enough from a lost person...but from you who claims to be a Christian? I think you have demons.

Side: Wilson is an idiot
1 point

Wilson is a genius compared to the voters who sent her to Washington. She is your standard liberal parrot, mouthing the same tired insults that all liberals use when confronted with reality. "Your a sexist, your a raciest, you don't care about people. Bla Bla Bla.

Never having studied much Plato, I'm not familiar with "empty barrels" but she seems more like an empty hat, if you ask me.

Side: Don't pick on idiots
1 point

To me, Wilson looks strange but I wager she is no idiot. After Trump got elected as President of the United States, no-one should be surprised that weirdness does not disqualify anyone for public office.

Side: Don't pick on idiots
daver(1770) Clarified
1 point

How are Trump's accomplishments weird?

Side: Wilson is an idiot
Eloy(190) Disputed
1 point

What has Donald Trump accomplished as United States President, it must be wondered.

Side: Wilson is an idiot
1 point

She's not an idiot? Would you like video of this clown on the floor of Congress? She makes Pee Wee Herman look like a brain surgeon...

Side: Wilson is an idiot
Eloy(190) Disputed
1 point

A person's race, flamboyant clothing, or willingness to criticize Donald Trump, does not make a person an idiot.

Side: Don't pick on idiots