
Debate Info

Blacks are racist. Whites are racist.
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:48
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 Blacks are racist. (14)
 Whites are racist. (12)

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Providelinks(6) pic

Who is racist? Whites or blacks?

Who is really racist in America? Black people who make excuses for terrible behavior (such as disproportionate crime rates) such as: But you enslaved us! Or the Whites who say "No you fucking idiot, fix your own problems that you have all created for yourselves" I'm extremely biased on this one obviously.

Blacks are racist.

Side Score: 18

Whites are racist.

Side Score: 19
2 points

I don't think any race is particularly racist . You being white or black , doesn't make you racist . Some white people are racist , just like some black people are racist . (lmao i literally just made an account so I'm not really sure how this site works . If there was an option I would've chosen neither , so I just did eeny meeny miny moe) .

Side: Blacks are racist.
0 points

Welcome to the site. I agree, races aren't racist, individual members of races are racist.

Side: Blacks are racist.
0 points

He is right about that, race aren't racist.


Side: Blacks are racist.
1 point

Blacks are racist at a systemic and cultural level. They have been raised to believe that the world (especially white people) are completely against them and the world is unfair. So what better way to fix this then craaazy crime rates? Lots of kids, no marriage! BLM's "kill all white people" mantra. Oh, and don't forget the all time favorite, "but... 1.4% of the U.S. population had slaves in the mid 1800's" We are #justified! amirite?

Side: Blacks are racist.

Today? Even Chris Rock will tell you it's black people. So much so that it's a part of his routine, and black people laugh in agreement. Most of it stems from legitimate past abuse. The only problem is most White people have moved on or feel guilty for the past wrongs, despite having nothing to do with them, while Liberalism and black culture teaches just how bad White people are. When you've been trained to hate White people, there's a good chance you will, whether it's justified or not. 08

Side: Blacks are racist.
Atrag(5666) Clarified
0 points

Downvote correction from using Negligentt and Smelly Bella Account.

Side: Blacks are racist.
0 points

All races have a few racist members and it is always the vast minority in my estimation. It does appear that anti-white racism is becoming socially acceptable now though.

Side: Blacks are racist.
Quantumhead(749) Disputed
2 points

All races have a few racist members and it is always the vast minority in my estimation.

Your estimation doesn't appear to have taken into account the British, French or Spanish empires, or indeed the effect of imperialism generally.

In the 18th century, perhaps 6 million Africans were taken to the Americas as slaves, at least a third of them in British ships. era/theslavetrade/revision/2/

Side: Whites are racist.
WinstonC(1225) Disputed
0 points

I was of course talking contemporarily rather than historically. I'd also argue that empires aren't the result of racism. It simply makes sense (when putting morality aside) to dominate those that one has the ability to dominate.

Side: Blacks are racist.
3 points

All ethnicities have their share of racists so I don't see why it's necessary to single out whites and african american's

Side: Whites are racist.
3 points


If MY people had been enslaved, and lynched and discriminated against by white people for generations, I wouldn't like 'em much..


Side: Whites are racist.
Antrim(1287) Clarified
0 points

These things happened because the backward and underdeveloped black nations lacked the executive ability to form effective government which could establish and administer creditable self defence strategies, education programmes, medical treatments and other functional welfare services for their citizens.

It's still the same today with the populations of oil rich Bongo nations such as Nigeria living in relative poverty.

The ''oh poor us'' attitude of the Bongos is cemented by people like you, who, through their misplaced sanctimonious drivel convince the Bongos that they're owed a living.

It's time for the Bongos to recognise that they have responsibilities and the onus is on them to merge further in with white society and and expunge themselves of their self destructive feelings of resentment.

In the main the only time Bongos enjoy any sort of reasonable life is when they live in countries which are governed by predominately white administrations.

Side: Blacks are racist.
excon(18262) Disputed
0 points

In the main the only time Bongos enjoy any sort of reasonable life is when they live in countries which are governed by predominately white administrations.

Hello A:

So, ENSLAVING them is the same as offering them a joyful and reasonable life?


Side: Blacks are racist.
2 points

This question is racist. We are ALL ONE human race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Whites are racist.
Atrag(5666) Disputed
0 points

Ethnicity do exist - people are proud of their ancestry.

Side: Blacks are racist.
Sitar(3680) Disputed
1 point

I'm proud of maybe being part Cherokee, but I need to do a dna test to find out.

Side: Whites are racist.
1 point

Historically, in the USA it is the whites who have been racist. They even attacked the United States in a civil war that killed 620,000 Americans in an effort to keep white supremacy.

Side: Whites are racist.