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Why is competition not fierce in China?

Competition is terribly fierce in America. Everyone, from birth to death, can never imagine escaping the whirlpool of competition. But Chinese society is filled with harmony, with few people having competition awareness. Why is this?
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Kleptocracy and no opportunities for the lower classes to rise in status .

1 point

I would think for number reasons.

As a communist state there is little, if anything for the working classes to compete for.

Secondly the 'silent majority' have been subjugated and cowed into passive submission by the tyrannical communist regime.

Step out of line and you're off to one of the Xinjiang re-education'' ( brain washing to you and me) type camps.

Life is a competition and it's competitors help to stimulate their respective economies through their innovation and constant search for improving efficiency.

Almost everything used in the world's developed countries has been the result of inventions/discoveries made in the competitive western nations.


The light bulb,


The camera

The telephone



The internal combustion engine,

The diesel engine,

The jet engine,



Space going rockets,

The submarine,

High yield farming techniques,


Most life saving and pain relieving drugs.

The above are just a few of the everyday items we all take for granted that have been the upshot of competitive western societies which is epitomized by the United States of America.

1 point

Almost everything used in the world's developed countries has been the result of inventions/discoveries made in the competitive western nations

Utter codswallop and you know it is because we've had this exact conversation before. Many inventions come from the Middle East, such as: algebra, calendars, the toothbrush, the first functional flying machine, music notation, universities, hospitals and mechanical cranks.

The fact of the matter is that you are a filthy racist bigot and it's that simple. You are a racist bigot and you're such a vile person that you think it's funny.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

The Chinese have them a Corona Virus but your dumb ass would not know that.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
1 point

I would imagine most/all of those ideas came before religion got a stranglehold on their cultures and societies.

seanB(950) Disputed
1 point

Competition doesn't drive innovation anywhere near as much as research drives it. Competition begets conflict. Research begets information and innovation. Cooperation begets efficiency. It wasn't competition that gave us light bulbs, TV's, electricity, cameras, phones, radio, radar, engines, cars, aircraft, rockets, subs, mass farming, penicillin or any other such innovations. It was research, creativity, and continuous application.

In reality, a society based purely on the concept of competition means the fiercest, biggest, strongest, rule the society, but not necessarily the smartest, or the most sensible, or the most rational, or the most qualified.

Competition is much less effective in promoting innovation and fair, freer societies, than altruism, cooperation, rationality, and the search for new information.

The system you describe has arguably brought us more harm than good, if we think about it long term. The level of consumption driven by the systems of competition will lead us to climatic and cultural oblivion.

You cannot have infinite growth on a finite planet. It is that simple. And any proposed solution requires not competition, but cooperation. Not selfishness, but altruism. Not conflict, but accord.

Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

The Dumb Ass Leftist typed this:

Competition doesn't drive innovation anywhere near as much as research drives it. Competition begets conflict. Research begets information and innovation. Cooperation begets efficiency. It wasn't competition that gave us light bulbs, TV's, electricity, cameras, phones, radio, radar, engines, cars, aircraft, rockets, subs, mass farming, penicillin or any other such innovations. It was research, creativity, and continuous application.

Now according to the Dumb Ass innovation does not work it's all research.

Their socialist/communist state takes away the incentive to be creative and compete because it's a command economy where what gets produced is directed from above by the Dear Leaders of the State.

You're welcome.

2 points

Their socialist/communist state takes away the incentive to be creative

You are absolutely laughably stupid. Tell that to Albert Einstein, the socialist who figured out how the universe works while idiots like you were sending slaves down to the mines to work for their supper.

1 point

How's that Soviet Union, Venezuela, Cuba working out for you, turd blossom?

seanB(950) Disputed
1 point

While I disagree with a lot of China's political policies, to say Chinese culture and industry aren't "creative" is laughably incorrect. They invented paper, fireworks, the mechanical clock, silk, tea, compasses, high speed rail, e-commerce, mobile payments, cancer killing drugs, disability testing in the womb, stealth shielding for aircraft, bovine insulin, stem cell treatments for cancer.

I am sure there are many more.