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 Why we should vote for Trump and if you can't do so, simply don't vote... (9)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Why we should vote for Trump and if you can't do so, simply don't vote...

Trump is the far lessor of two evils. He is not a creer politician and not bought by big money corporations as has Hillary. THAT'S IT!
The Clinton's have spent their entire political careers going from one scandal to the next.
Bill Clinton was accused of rape by a couple of women. He has had purportedly 100 affairs on Hillary. What kind of decent mother would keep her daughter around that dysfunction? A CORRUPT POWER HUNGRY FOOL!
Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and guess what? Hillary has also perjured herself! Hillary Clinton has been and still is being investigated by the FBI. These corrupt politicians epitomize the sterio typical politicans all good Americans HATE!
Yet here she is, the Democrat's party's nominee. Does that tell you everything you want to know about this new extremist Democrat party?
Trump is a result of the extremism from the Democrat party. People are desparate for real change from this PC socialist transformation of America.
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4 points

FromWithin has repeatedly argued that voting for someone not 100% pro life makes the voter personally responsible for every abortion at any and every stage of pregnancy at any state in this nation.

Trump is well documented as previously being pro choice. He only changed his tune during this election so he could court voters like FromWithin and seal the Republican nomination.

You're morally bankrupt, FromWithin. You will say and do anything on this site to promote your narrow view of what is right. If that means backing a flipflopping candidate then you're all in. Meanwhile you tell the rest of us just stay home and don't vote. Shameless.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

This is why I ban you. Your are such a deceptive idiot! Trump said he would appoint scalia type justices that would interpret the constitution and be our ONLY CHANCE of giving every American the right to life.

Hillary said she would appoint pro abortion justices. DO YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE YOU COMPLETE MORON?

I won't be responding to your deception again.

Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

Deceptive? I am the only one telling you the truth right now (not Trump). Trump would say absolutely anything to the right wing to get elected. Period.

You may hate Clinton, you may hate anyone who isn't pro-life, but you're foolish to believe Trump is suddenly your champion. And his history of screwing people when they no longer serve his need is legendary. He'll turn on you. Just wait.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
0 points

I won't be responding to your deception again.

Is that the 5th or 6th time you've told him that?

3 points

Finally. He is going to have a reason to vote for Trump. This is what we have been waiting for.

Trump is the far lessor of two evils.

That isn't a reason to vote Trump, that's a reason to vote against Hillary.

He is not a creer politician and not bought by big money corporations as has Hillary.

Again, that is a reason to vote against Hillary.


What?!?!?!?!?! How can you be done before you started?

Bill Clinton was accused of rape by a couple of women. He has had purportedly 100 affairs on Hillary.

It's been 16 years. It is time to stop bashing Bill. He isn't in office any more.

What kind of decent mother would keep her daughter around that dysfunction? A CORRUPT POWER HUNGRY FOOL!

Chelsea seems to have turned out fine. Bill has a kid who isn't a total screw up, isn't that the criteria you use to determine that Trump is a good father?

Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and guess what?

He lied about a blowjob. Geez man, let it go. Would you tell the truth to Hillary?

Hillary has also perjured herself!

Bringing up Bill actually makes Hillary's perjury seem less important.

Hillary Clinton has been and still is being investigated by the FBI.

Trump was under investigation, but actually found guilty.

These corrupt politicians epitomize the sterio typical politicans all good Americans HATE!

No one sane asked for Trump. The sane people want better, not different.

Yet here she is, the Democrat's party's nominee.

The Democrats decided to go with the same type of candidate that has worked forever. What a big shocker.

Does that tell you everything you want to know about this new extremist Democrat party?

The party that went with the career politician like both parties have done forever is extremist, but the party that chose a reality TV star isn't? This is why no one takes you seriously.

Trump is a result of the extremism from the Democrat party.

Actually, he is the result of out of touch Republicans who don't understand what the people want.

People are desparate for real change from this PC socialist transformation of America.

Trump doesn't represent change because Trump doesn't represent anything. He is so willy nilly that no one can be confident in what they think he will do. That's why people think he will do everything.

2 points

I have no intention of voting for Trump or Hillary. To vote for the lesser of two evils when there are other party candidates out there whose ideals you may agree with more, reeks of laziness and apathy. If you actually LIKE Hillary or Trump then fine, vote away but if you can't stand either of them but only look at those two to vote for, to me, that is a wasted vote.

Independent3(31) Disputed
1 point

Isn't it a wasted vote to vote for someone who has slim to none chance of winning though?

It seems to me like the options are Trump or Clinton. Maybe you could add in Gary Johnson but he might not be in the debates, and even if he is, he still has only a very slight chance of winning.

I'd rather have someone I can't stand than someone I can't stand and I don't trust with nuclear weapons and launch codes.

(Not saying I can't stand Clinton. I don't trust her all that much, but I have yet to see a politician I trust wholeheartedly.)

Mint_tea(4641) Disputed
1 point

See it's that viewpoint that gives them the perceived "slim to none" chance. If everyone who was disgusted with the candidates presented on the R and D side would actually put their vote to good use and chose a third party, we can send the message that we are wanting a change as opposed to being comfortable in complacency. I don't trust either of them so I'm not going to vote for them. You may think a third party vote is just a drop in the bucket but you put enough drops in there and it becomes a full bucket.

2 points

Conservatives have invented and stimulated nearly every story against the Clintons. "Purportedly" is a word you could use for nearly EVERY incident concerning them.

Yeah, the BJ shouldn't have been indulged in, but, it was with an adult woman who "PURPORTEDLY" went to Washington with her "Presidential Kneepads on"! (Lucky you, Bill!) Still bad, but not criminal.

Benghazi .....shit happens.... Stuff like that happens all over the world, nearly every day! There is NO damning evidence against Hillary here, except in the minds of those who WANT to see it!

Donald Trump may not be "beholden" to big money ....HE IS big money ... "purportedly" ... we don't really know because he wont show his tax returns! If Hillary didn't show HERS you'd be castrating her (so to speak) about it, but the Donald ... that's okay.

I'd rather have him beholden to big money than to Putin, who HE and HIS campaign manager "purportedly" are very big admirers (and beneficiaries) of!

I'm sure you'll believe all the NEW stuff that will "purportedly" come out now that Breitbart is envolved (and there will be a lot!) You know, Breitbart ... who scammed and destroyed ACORN, an organization tha helped poor people, with phony pimps and prostitutes (not "purportedly, FACT), then wiretapped a Democratic office in Mississippi (?). The "Bernie thugs" @ Trump speaches were "purportedly" Breitbart thugs in actuality! Check the REAL facts and you wont find the Clintons NEARLY as bad as they "purportedly" are!