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Debate Score:26
Total Votes:28
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 YES (15)
 NO (9)

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excon(18262) pic

Will locking up innocent children be a win for the GOP in November?


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 11
1 point

If you are Trump, you just point out that Barack Obama did it, libs said nothing, and keep walking.

You have to lock up the parents because many are wanted criminals in Mexico and/or the U.S. Many are drug and child trafficers. You can't put kids in jail with their criminal parent. And many times the parent isn't actually their parent but a child prostitution ring smuggler that the kid desperately wants away from. Liberals are sick to the core.

Side: YES

10,000 of the 12,000 kids came with no parents. They are put in decent facilities. Most of the kids CNN shows you are these parentless kids.

Side: YES
PantherOfBog(75) Disputed
0 points

What about the 2,000

Side: NO
1 point

They color, eat, and play games all day. Just like Nazi camps.....

Side: YES
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point
Side: YES
1 point

Have you sent sent your check to Planned Parenthood this month since you care so much about the children ?????????????????????

Side: YES

Looks like Trump just neutered the Democrats vile game plan.

"President Trump signals he'll sign executive order on family separations at border"

Side: NO
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

Meaning that when adults are arrested, their innocent children are locked up as well. The abuse continues. All because a tyrant executive Hitler-like leader refuses to follow the will of the people via democratically enacted law.

Will that be the new narrative?

Side: YES
3 points

There is no narrative. There's truth. These kids, who shouldn't be here, are given 4 meals a day, get to color, play video games, and are given schooling in Spanish. Most countries would have done none of the above and/or killed them.

Side: YES
1 point

I think Trump's finally shit the bed this time. Hard for his cult members to pretend they're Christians when he's locking up babies and sending them back to what is essentially a nightmare/war zone without their mothers.

By the way, these problems in Mexico and Central and South America were all preventable. We've done nothing but exploit our neighbors to the South when we could have helped them become healthy thriving countries instead. This is when we really need a real President instead of the Evil Orange Queen of Chaos we have now.

Side: NO
AngelofRot(31) Disputed
1 point

Here we have someone who creates threads about punching people in the face who ignored Obama's migrant cages telling us about love and evil. There's a laugh.

The Democrats have been exposed for the phonies they are and are lashing out with fake sanctimonious, self righteous, loud hypocrisy.

Your actions speak so loudly that we cannot hear what you say.

Side: YES
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

LMMFAO have you sent your payment to Planned Parenthood this month ????????

Side: YES
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

You Progressives are concerned about the children ????????? That is laughable you Illiterate Idiot

Side: YES
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

The American Voter who votes against Progressives are now a Cult ?

Have you paid PPH this month Rusty????????

Side: YES
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Hard for his cult members to pretend they're Christians when he's locking up babies and sending them back to what is essentially a nightmare/war zone without their mothers.

How glad i am to see you Progressives caring about the babies Rusty

Is that something new on your part ????????????

Side: YES
1 point

The situation is not a GOP win and the DNC knows it. That's why Chuck Schumer rejected the proposed GOP solution by keeping families together at the border. The Dems will continue to reject solutions and will continue to blame the party proposing solutions because a continuation of this problem is not a GOP win.

Side: NO
Rusticus(809) Clarified
1 point

@ Amarillo - I hate to agree with you but this time I have to. Trump has finally done something so egregious that he’s finally provoked the left into action and even a good number of powerful republican leaders are with them. The republicans knew that Trump would eventually do something terrible enough to allow them to safely desert him and it looks like this is it.

The clergy has clearly lined up against Trump and that’s another huge factor. Now the fake Christian Trump worshipers are caught in a delima - stick with their cult leader and give the finger to to their church or come to grips with the reality that they were suckered into a cult and go back to church and pretend to be a Christian again. I absolutely LOVE it!

Side: YES
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

If you think we agree, it’s because you misunderstood me. Right now there is a problem with legislation. That’s not a problem of the executive. Trump isn’t doing anything novel by enforcing law, though it may seem that way after his predecessor. The GOP presented a legislative solution to this legislative problem but the Dems rejected it, insisting that the president take action to nullify current legislation. They only abdication their responsibility so that they could continue to pretend this is Trumps fault.

The irony there is that they want to call Trump a tyrant while they are insisting that he act in somewhat tyrannical fashion lest they continue to call him a tyrant for not fixing a problem that is their own responsibility. So now that Trump is showing a willingness to act in said desired fashion, painting him evil will be as easy as pointing out that he is acting against current legislation and the supposed will of the people.

If Trump were smart, he would make a temporary executive order and demand that the GOP legislative solution be voted on with the understanding that the outcome of the vote will be administered by the executive.

Side: YES
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Rusty the use of the children are going to win your party the 2018 elections? That all you got is using children in your political game ??????

Side: YES

This is the Japanese camps all over again..............................................................

Side: NO
Rusticus(809) Clarified
2 points

You're making sense ----- -----------today.

Side: YES
YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

Thanks love. Ima cunt when Im caffeinated, I will be the first to admit.

Side: YES