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 You might be a dumb ass (110)

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DeathWolf666(372) pic

You might be a dumb ass

If you think capitalism rewards hard work, and then make excuses for the hereditary billionares who sit on their ass collecting cash from their numerous unearned assets, you might be a dumb ass.

If you talk about freedom and democracy, then promote a system where the masses work to make bankers and CEOs who have nothing tangible to contribute to society more wealthy, you might be a dumb ass.

If you want to "make America great again" without realizing that America was never great, you might be a dumb ass.

If you think life on earth must have been created, but that whatever created it requires no explanation you might be a dumb ass.

If you call me a science denier, then proceed to claim that your DNA practices a religion, you might be a dumb ass.

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2 points

The idiot is totally afraid of truth !!!!!!!!

Michelle Obama Net Worth: $40 Million

Heinz has declined to disclose her personal tax returns, citing family trusts and privacy. She is estimated to be worth between $750 million and $1.2 billion. According to her most recently released income tax of 2003, Kerry and Heinz paid an effective federal income tax rate of 12%.

You Socialist hating on the rich Lefty's ??????

0 points

Stay the fuck out of my debates you dumb cunt. .

2 points

If you think capitalism rewards hard work, and then make excuses for the hereditary billionares who sit on their ass collecting cash from their numerous unearned assets, you might be a dumb ass.

Capitalism can reward hard work and protect inheritance (i.e. luck); that isn't logically incoherent as a position. Now, if you instead argue that an extreme concentration of capital is problematic then you'd have a point (and one with which some capitalists would agree I think). Contrary to the popular narrative, it is consistent with and part of the capitalist tradition to support practices that ensure minimum opportunities for success (e.g. Freeman advocated a minimum income for this reason). Capitalism as a school is not completely unaware of the issues of extreme disparate capital distribution (though this doesn't necessarily mean it's the best approach).

If you talk about freedom and democracy, then promote a system where the masses work to make bankers and CEOs who have nothing tangible to contribute to society more wealthy, you might be a dumb ass.

The idea that extreme capital inequity is a threat to freedom and democracy is sound. The idea that bankers and CEOs contribute nothing is not. The question is whether their contributions are appropriately compensated relative to the value they produce, which is not the case in some parts of corporate America (i.e. I'd say that some bankers and CEOs at smaller companies may be compensated at their value, and in some cases even below it).

1 point

If you call me a science denier, then proceed to claim that your DNA practices a religion, you might be a dumb ass.


outlaw60(15368) Disputed Banned
2 points

Bill Gates/Net worth

97.2 billion USD


Jeff Bezos/Net worth

137.8 billion USD


Tom Steyer/Net worth

1.6 billion USD


What might have to say Socialist about the Rich Elite of the Left ?????????

1 point

Are you referring to Leftist with the stupidity you speak ???????

Bill Gates/Net worth

97.2 billion USD


Jeff Bezos/Net worth

137.8 billion USD


Tom Steyer/Net worth

1.6 billion USD


Shall i gone on with how ignorant you are there Troll ???????????

1 point

I will have a little more fun with a Stupid Socialist !!!!!!!!!!!!!

George Soros/Net worth

8.3 billion USD


Michael Bloomberg/Net worth

47.8 billion USD


Net Worth. Anderson Cooper has amassed a soaring wealth from CNN to become one of the richest media personalities in the world right now. The celebrated news anchor receives $11 million every year from CNN which has pushed his net worth to a whopping $ 100 million.

So the Socialist opposes the Leftist millionaires and billionaires ???????

1 point

You might be a dumb ass

If you think your Marxist overlords won't turn you into their slaves.

If you resent or are envious of what others have, you might be a class warfare warrior dumb ass.

2 points

If you resent or are envious of what others have, you might be a class warfare warrior dumb ass.

That's just a useless conservative pile of shit that you people dump out whenever someone points out that their are children living in abject poverty while others are born with silver spoons in their mouth and raised to be like Trump.

Dreadnought(6) Disputed
1 point

If you resent or are envious of what others have, you might be a class warfare warrior dumb ass.

If you don't want to share what you have with others who have need of it, you might just be a piece of shit.

HighFalutin(3402) Clarified
2 points

OK, lead the way, oh Altruistic one. Take a vow of poverty and give away all your worldly possessions.

Bronto(2002) Disputed
2 points

If you don't want to share what you have with others who have need of it, you might just be a piece of shit.

Correction. If you refuse to get a job, then demand others share with you, you definitely are a piece of shit.

Amarel(5669) Disputed
0 points

If you don't want to share what you have with others who have need of it, you might just be a piece of shit.

Those who hurl insults and accusations of greed for others’s failure to share always have something to gain by others sharing. Funny that.

0 points

If you think capitalism rewards hard work, and then make excuses for the hereditary billionares who sit on their ass collecting cash from their numerous unearned assets, you might be a dumb ass.

I don't care what they have.

If you talk about freedom and democracy, then promote a system where the masses work to make bankers and CEOs who have nothing tangible to contribute to society more wealthy, you might be a dumb ass.

2 things are true at once. They got theirs. I got mine through hard work.

If you want to "make America great again" without realizing that America was never great, you might be a dumb ass.

You live in a country that was great, and is now nothing. Congrats.

If you think life on earth must have been created, but that whatever created it requires no explanation you might be a dumb ass.

Or you have the capacity to understand the infinite causality paradox.

If you call me a science denier, then proceed to claim that your DNA practices a religion, you might be a dumb ass.

Incoherant ramblings

Dreadnought(6) Disputed
1 point

I don't care what they have.

Obviously this is false and self-contradictory. If you didn't care what they have you would not diligently be making excuses for a system in which what they have is the common incentive.

Bronto: "I don't care that my friend has a Ferrari. That's why I'm saving for a Ferrari. Because I don't care."

You're a noxious dummy.