
Houston's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Houston's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Do you even know any Spartan tactics? They were masters of stealth, not just "Big Bronze Battle Tanks".

2 points

How would the compare against the Roman legionnaire or the Hellenistic Phalanx? Answer: They couldn't

Ninjas are guerilla fighters, somewhat like the Viet Con. If the VC fought in a real battle, army on army, the would get killed. The phalanx (how the Spartans fought) was used to build empires, think Alexander the Great, Philip V, Philip III, they all had empires. Japan never had an empire until the world wars. The ninja and samurai were each ineffective.

2 points

Ninja are just peasants trained to fight. Spartans are trained to be warriors from the day they are born to the day they die. Spartans are phalangites, the Ninjas are just little wanna-be samurai from Feudal Japan. How would the ninjas get through the phalanx, something the ninja has never even seen before?

1 point

I don't even own a textbook about communism. If communism has been around for so long, then tell me a civilization who used it before the Soviet Union.

If America is so stupid then how come we have so much money? How come the smartest people in the world are Americans? Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc.

1 point

I gave you an up vote =)I especially like the Mao statement. In my class we are studying China and I keep debating with my teacher the evils of Mao. I called Mao as bad, if not worse, than Hitler. Mao's Cultural Revolution was Mao's holocaust, he persecuted Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and more. And I mention his Great Leap Forward, were over 20 million people starved to death.

1 point

I think theres a law about that, I think it might classify as child pornography. Anyway, in the school handbook all it says is we have to come to school dressed.

1 point

I'm Sofa King crazy =)

The minimum length for an argument is 12 and 3/4 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of blonde jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as pot can get us. We have no time for dumb Sofa King jokes.

1 point

My school doesn't have a dress code. I have hair that I can put in my mouth, I wear t-shirts with mildly perverted jokes on them, and no one really cares. My school is still considered one of the best schools in Atlanta, though.

1 point

Yeah! Take back what they tookify! While we're at it, let's add ify to some verbs to make them mega-verbs!





1 point

I think they are more of a Nu-metal, somewhat like Linkin Park.

1 point

They also need some of the most talented drummers and guitar players in he world. Have you ever listened to screamo? People listen to it for the drum beats and guitar rifts.

0 points

I need my M16! The AK47 is too old and the barrel heats up to fast, it also is very inaccurate. America outnumbers Russia in everything, tanks, infantry, planes, porn-stars and ships. Plus, America makes the most porn, right? If we stop sending our porn to Russia they all would start crying.

0 points

Sunt Tzu wrote the Art of War, not "China". 500 million troops simply cannot even exist. Hm... what happened the last time I heard of China mobilizing a huge labor force? It's gonna be the Great Leap Backward all over again.

2 points

Quality before quantity. Xerxes III outnumbered Alexander the Great in every battle they fought, but Alexander still won. Xerxes' men were light infantry and not very well trained, even tho he did have many of them. What about air support? Ever since the dawn of the fighter plane, no war has ever been won without air dominance (not counting guerilla warfare wars).

2 points

Do you work at UPS? 'Cause I swear I saw you checking out my package.

Do yo work at McDonalds, 'cause, I think your in need of BIG MAC.

I'm so glad I'm not gonna have to deflate you 3 hrs from now...

1 point

A small number of Americans are taught well. Those who have a lot of money. Getting good grades doesn't actually mean you know about things around the world. I know you think you know about things around the world... I doubt it... but w/e you know is probably more than 80% of Americans cause you're ignorant.

America has the best schools in the world, the public schools all do very well, along with the private schools. I actually do not think I know that much about things around the world, I'm only 12 years old.

Americans don't even understand capitalism.. how would you expect them to understand communism? They may know the definition of the words... but that's just it. How many of them do you actually think UNDERSTAND it. The effects, benefits, strengths, weaknesses, liabilities, history etc? Barely any. Only those who may have studied it.

Benefits of Communism: Everyone is equal, you never lose your job, you always have a steady flow of income.

Weaknesses of Communism: Slackers get paid just as much as you do, extra hard work doesn't have any effect on your income, you sometimes can't chose your profession.

lol. YOU don't understand communism.


Communist Manifesto is just the marxist form of communism. It has been around (and been practised) by humans for several thousand years before him. But you should've known that right? And wtf is this evil thing sbout? lmao retard.

Communism started in the early 19th century.

but w/e you know is probably more than 80% of Americans cause you're ignorant. You're probably one of the more knowledgeable Americans and that's not saying much.

Why, thank you. I am only 12 years old and a foreigner has mistaken me for being in the top 80 percentile =) Obviously you have never been to America, I am probably only smarter than about 10-20% of the American population.

1 point

He conquered a good bit of Europe. But yes, the Ruskies wiped his ass...

1 point

Sorry, most of my knowledge lies in ancient times, (Greece, Rome, Carthage, Persia etc.) I don't know who Patton is (I'll google him in a sec). Anyways, there are famous generals who have lost battles. Hannibal was defeated by Rome at the battle of Zama, but Hannibal is often refereed to as one of the greatest generals in history.

1 point

Sun Tzu was smart, yes. But he never defeated a superpower when outnumbered. Alexander the Great never lost a battle, he is the only world conqueror who can say that. (Well, actually I guess none of the can say it because they're all dead, but anyway)

1 point

His argument sounded much more thought out then yours. I'm just sayin'

2 points

guns aren't needed on the daily by people outside of the armed forces so i really don't see a need for us carrying guns. it only leads to violence and gangbanging anyways...

What about hunting? Anyway, guns are illegally imported everyday. If there was a gang that was coming into my house, trying to rob me, I would want my gun to kill them.

besides, i remember reading once that in the countries that had banned guns and an over 90% less deaths to weaponry than in the u.s. now THAT says something.

That's not true. If it is, then show me a link. In a Australia they band guns, and guess what? Crime went up drastically. Bad guys are always going to have weapons, it's just a fact. So, shouldn't me or you have the right to protect ourselves?

7 points

Your speaking like a communist. "If we all had equal money, power, and respect, there wouldn't be any competition, therefore no hate, no greed, etc."

If guns were never invented people would use bows, knives and swords to kill people.

The two reasons why people use guns in America:

1. Get things like money, power, respect (kill people, hold up stores, stuff like that)

2. Protect us from each other because we want money, power, etc. If we all had equal money, power, and respect, there wouldn't be any competition, therefore no hate, no greed, etc.

Weird, last I heard, people hunt animals with guns.

"You draw with a pencil. You kill with a gun."

You can also draw with a pen, and kill with a knife. Guns and pencils are tools, they have similar tools that can do the same purpose, too. It's the people who pull the trigger, stab the blade, draw on the paper, etc.

2 points

They would shoot the criminal so they can protect themselves, their money, their family, or a friend. Guns are illegally imported from South America every day. Criminals are already breaking the law, what would they care if they just broke one more law?

By the way, guns end wars.

1 point

I did not associate him with Atheists when I said that, that comment was directed towards him and him alone.

1 point

It's the swastika, or twisted cross. It is a buddhist symbol, the nazis stole it to make up for there small penis size. For a while a thought the rainbow in the background was implying that he was a gay buddhist or gay nazi...

1 point

I guess the Khmers would win, Pol Pot is definitely in the top 10 for worst people ever. Anyways, I don't like Russia, and the Russian Mafia can't compete with the Bloods or the Crypts.

1 point

I agree completely, and if it comes down to hand-to-hand fighting, well, I guess we could use our large American penises as swords!

1 point

Alexander the Great's empire was never defeated =). Instead when he died it split up =(.

3 points

Not any more =) China's "one child one family" policy is keeping their rabbit like breeding habits at bay =)

3 points

Here is a report I wrote about this a while ago, it's a little outdated not, the PLA uses the QBZ95 (or whatever it is) now, instead of the M56.

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army and the United States Armed Forces are two of the strongest militaries in the world. The US Military has been around since October 13, 1775. It has five branches, with 1.5 million personnel in all, the second largest military in the world. Meanwhile, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has five branches, too, with a total of three million personnel, making it the largest military in the world. The PLA was founded relatively recently, on August 1st, 1927. The US Military Leader is Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense, while the Chinese Military Leader is General Liang Guanglie. In general, the US Armed Forces and People’s Liberation Army are very similar.

Tanks make up a large part of a war, and good tanks provide the necessary armor and guns needed for attacking enemy bases. The US Armed Forces have 9,000+ tanks, while the Chinese have about 7,000+. The American M1A2 Abrams is a 67.6 ton killing machine. It has a four-man crew, and armor made out of Chobham, RH Armor, and steel encased depleted uranium (1.7 times denser than lead). The Abrams also packs a punch, with a 120mm smoothbore cannon, .50 cal coaxial machine gun, and two M240 (7.62) machine guns. The PLA’s ZTZ99 is another gargantuan of death. Weighing in at 58 tons, with a three-man crew and armor that isn’t even available to the public, the ZTZ packs an even bigger punch than the Abrams, with a 125mm smoothbore cannon, and 7.62 coaxial machine gun, and a T85 Heavy Machine Gun. Despite the bigger punch of the ZTZ 99, I would rather be in an Abrams because the extra machine guns would come in handy against enemy infantry.

Without infantry, tanks are good targets, so infantry is important as well. The Americans are armed with the M16 or M4 carbine assault rifle, 5.56, with the powerful M203 grenade launcher. The Chinese assault rifle isn’t as original. It is the Chinese knock off of the Russian Avtomat Kalashkinov 47, or AK47. The Chinese call it the M56, shooting 7.62 rounds. This is a little off topic but the AK47 was actually developed in 1947, and only released in 1949, so I think it should be called the AK49. To join the US Armed Forces, you have to be 18 yrs old or older, and to join the Army you have to be less than 42. To join the Navy, you must be less than 34, to join the Air Force, less than 27, to join the Marines, less than 28, and, to join the Coast Guard, less than 27. For the PLA, you have to be at least 14 to join and become an engineer and/or any other non fighting personnel; however, you have to be at least 18 to fight, and less than age 49. Only men are allowed to fight in the PLA. The PLA has 2.3 million active, and 800,000 people on reserve, while the US has I think that the American infantry is better, even though the Chinese have more men; the Americans have the M203 Grenade Launcher attachment, so they are able to bombard the enemy with explosives.

Ever since the dawn of the fighter plane, no war has ever been won without air dominance, not counting guerilla warfare wars. The Chinese best fighter plane is the new fourth generation J10, armed with a 123mm twin barreled cannon, 90mm unguided rockets, PL12 air-to-air missiles, YJ-9K air-to-surface missiles, and LT9 laser guided bombs. In general, the Chinese weapon load out is slightly more basic than the American. China only has about 168-196 of the J10s, with a large amount of Russian MiG29s, too. The J10 costs about $28 million dollars as opposed to the $142.6 million for the American F22. The USAF and Navy use the F15, the F16, the F18, and the world’s only Fifth Generation Fighter, The Stealth Fighter F22 Raptor. The F22 is armed with a 122mm M61A2 vulcan gattling gun. For air-to-air missions, the F22 has 6 AIM -120 AMRAM, and 2 AIM9 Sidewinder missiles. For air-to-ground missions, the F22 has 2 AIM-120 AMRAAM, and 2 AIM9 Sidewinder. Generally, the F22’s load out is a more recent style of fighting. I would compare it to the phalanx vs. legionnaire comparison (ancient styles of warfare). The phalanx was older and could not compete with the new, flexible legions of Rome, something that was proven at the battle of Cynoscephalae, where Rome defeated Philip V of Macedon. In simulation, the F22 took down F16s. China’s J10 was made to compete with the F16 and other fourth generation fighters. However, the J10 is not able to lock onto the F22 or see it on its radar. There is a plan to make 187 F22s, (142 made as of Sept. 2009). The USAF and Navy have 9,200+ (3,700 USN and 5,200 USAF) aircrafts in all, while Chinese aircraft number at 2,000+. Once again, I have to favor the Americans. The new F22 is so cutting edge; the PLA mainly rely on guided missiles, but if they cannot lock on to the F22, then they are sitting ducks.

In my opinion, the Navy is the best part about any military, especially if China were to go to war with the US. I know that during WWII, the battle for the Pacific would determine the winner, Japan or America. I think a war between China and the US would be somewhat similar; whoever would have the ocean would have the war, especially because all of China’s major cities are on the coast. To compare, the US Navy has 332,000 personnel; while the PLA has 250,000 navy personnel. The USN has 11 aircraft carriers (largest AC fleet in the world). The USN also has 10 amphibious assault ships, 9 amphibious transport docks, 12 dock landing ships, 22 cruisers, 55 destroyers, 30 frigates, and 71 submarines. By contrast, the PLA has 58 submarines, 77 principal surface combatants, 84 amphibious warfare ships, 387 coastal warfare ships, 370-480 LCPs (Landing Crafts), and 150 auxiliary/support vessels. In general, this means that China has more ships, but they are not as big and powerful as the American ships. The US Navy’s fleet is the largest in the world, and, in tonnage, is as big as the 13 navies behind it, including Russia, China, France and England. I think the sheer weight of the American force makes them better in the seas, too.

In conclusion, China’s military is amazingly strong, but America has just been a superpower for so long. I would compare it to the British vs. French Empires. Each was huge, but the British Empire was ever so slightly bigger. I would put the US as Britain in this comparison. Also, think America has the better military. I’m not a professional military tactician, though.

1 point

It wasn't retribution for Pearl Harbor. If we had invaded Japan then even more civilians would have died, look at the number of German civilians that died when they were defeated, WOW. It would have been about 500k civilians dead on the Japanese side. There would have been millions of American and Japanese troops dead, too. If you compare a possible 1.5 million to 200 thousand it makes you realize that not dropping the bombs would have been less humane.

1 point

Everything I posted just recently had to do with intelligence, it was completely on topic, seeing as he was staying that Atheists are smarter than religious people. I'm not implying that I am smarter than you or that I want to be a comedian.

"I conclude this to mean that the maker of the graph was most likely an Atheist. It doesn't take my 12 yr old IQ to figure that out."

Was meant to be a minor insult, seeing as he wasn't acting to kind towards Terminator.

2 points

In my opinion...

1.Alexander the Great of Macedon

2.Hannibal of Carthage

3.Napolean of France

4.Irwin Rommel of Nazi Germany

5.Hamilcar Barca (Hannibal's father)

0 points

If wearing a condom only prevents the fertilization of an egg, doesn't it also stop the fetus from being made? There isn't much difference in ending it and not letting it start.

1 point

No, do you have an argument to go along with that question?

0 points

By the way, in that link you put up above, did you notice that hardly any of the IQs passed 100? 100 is the average for a 5th grader. I find the graph to be misleading, seeing as the maker did not address the age of the people. I conclude this to mean that the maker of the graph was most likely an Atheist. It doesn't take my 12 yr old IQ to figure that out.

1 point

I congratulate you on being multi-luangistic, but you obviously do not have as big an English vocabulary as at least most of the people in this debate, seeing as you misused the word "ironic" in your last sentence.

3 points

The French lost to the VC in guerilla warfare, not in an invasion-type style war. As from reading earlier posts of yours, you seem to really like the ASBMs, but any American ballistic missiles can be just as effective, and our thousands of SATs will destroy any ballistic missile you can even hope to try on America. Also, if it comes to drafting, American citizens are the most armed and gun-trained in the world, I am only 12 and I can hit a coke bottle with a .22 from 50 feet away. I practice the air-soft, I use a SCAR-H and have near-mastered the art of ambush. I have read the Art of War three times, and can tell you about many ancient battles (as far back as the battle of Kadesh, and up to the battle of Chalon), as well as World War II battles. You also seem to be taking no notice of the American Navy, search it on Wikipedia, then go change your pants. By the way, China doesn't use AK-47s, they used to use a knock off, the Model 56, but now they use the indigenous QBZ95 . And, an army of 500 million is impossible, the PLA currently has an 3 million personnel, getting a third of the country's population to join the military is even more stupid than the Great Leap Forward.

2 points

Yes it will, the west of China has like the east of Russia, it is worth nothing. If you look at a population map of China, you will see that the farther east you go, the more people live there. If you cut China's territory in half, then only think about the critical points, the B2 will kick ass.

2 points

If conventional war with U.S, probably not. China's territory is too big.

All of China's major cities are on the coast, America need not invade for to get a surrender.

China will unleash their cyber soldiers to weak havoc on U.S systems.

America has even more knowledgeable cyber soldiers. Bill Gates is an American, good luck beating the Americans at the game they invented.

I see the rest of your posts have already been confronted by others, I need not address them,

0 points

Maomao, first off, the ASBMs have the same effect as any other ballistic missile, which the US has a ton of. And you are expecting the J11s to actually have an effect, they are only 4th generation fighters, and were supposed to compete with the F15, not the F18, F22 or soon to come F35. By the way, only 120 J11s have been built, and China only has about 2,300 aircraft, as opposed to America's 9,700. You are also thinking America would not use any of there ballistic missiles. And, America has so many SATs, if China shot down one, just one, America's ballistic missiles would shoot down every Chinese SAT. China doesn't even have any carriers, as opposed to America's 10, soon to be 11. The ASBM's flight also takes a while, it's nothing an American satellite can't shoot down. The American sub fleet outnumber's the Chinese sub fleet to 71 to 58. Where is your proof of this "drone" technology? If anyone has drone technology it's going to be the US, and kamikaze is spelled as such. Mao's foolishness led him to believe that with a population like that he can just make millions of farmers go mine iron.

You have too many "if's" in your argument, you've got to look at the facts. I'm doing a report on the US Armed Forces compared to the PLA, I'll email it to you if you like.

1 point

I see your point, but Atheists don't end wars. Religious people do =). Name an Atheist who has ended a war.

0 points

Communist-Atheism kills people. During Stalin and Zedong's reign they prosecuted religious people, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. I used Zedong instead of Mao because we are using Stalin's last name, so I think we should use Zedong's last name, too.

Mao and Stalin are commonly pointed to be atheist, but they simply hated most religion because they saw it as a enemy to their power, so they made themselves a religious cult to be worshiped.

Doesn't that still make them Atheist?

1 point

In public statements he also states that they should have no God other than Germany itself.

1 point

It's ironic how your talking about intelligence and you spelled compliment wrong. "complament".

1 point

Hitler once stated, "We do not want any other god than Germany itself. It is essential to have fanatical faith and hope and love in and for Germany."

1 point

The Muslims started the Crusades. The Muslim Empire was going to invade Europe, and they had captured Israel. The "Crusades" against the Tartars had nothing to do with religion. And the Conquest of Alexander the Great was for land and power, although it did spread Hellenistic culture. The French wars were just the French Empire growing, not because of religion. Most of those wars have nothing to due with Christianity.

1 point

Are you comparing Mohammed to preachers? Not even to Jesus? Mohammed should be compared to Jesus not to preachers, it's like comparing a military base to a Mosque, its just not a good comparison.

1 point

I agree completely. Was it not King Peter and his kin who united the land? Was it not Aslan himself who defeat the White Witch? Was it not Aslan who invented heavy metal, by roaring so load that the worlds were made.

1 point

"For" is spelled f-o-r. "Four" is a number. Spell it right, otherwise I'll treat it as spelled.

0 points

America and Germany make the best guns in the world, for you gamers out there, about 90% of the guns used in video games are American made or German made.

In my opinion the US would first attack north and south, hitting Canada and South America. Then the US would attack China and Russia. Germany and Britain would attack east, then France could attack south down into Africa.

By the way, I should have mentioned this but this is NOT A REAL LIFE EVENT. I am just bored on a Sunday afternoon.

2 points

Four is the greatest number, any number can be related back to four. Example, three is five, five is four. One is three, three is five, five is four. Seventy-seven is twelve, twelve is six, six is five, five is four. Four is the only number with it's own number of letters in it.

1 point

That's a stereotype. Americans have the best educational facilities on Earth, thus we are taught very well. I have not met anyone who did not understand communism. Communism eliminates the strive to work hard and do well. If Bill Gates had lived in Cuba he would have had no strive to invent anything, people invent things to make money. The term "evil" comes from religion, according to the Communist Manifesto, Communists are godless. Thus they are evil, according to definition.

1 point

I've never seen a Christian run up to someone with an IED.

1 point

Having an abortion is just as "unethical" as swatting a fly, if not less. The fetus cannot survive on it's own, it is not a human yet. The fly can survive on it's own. Thus, I find it more "unethical" to kill a fly than have an abortion.

0 points

Technically speaking, a fetus is not a human yet. Having an abortion is similar to wearing a condom. No baby is made, yet intercourse still happens.

1 point

I do love the M16 on CoD4 =) The AK47 was made in 1947 and released in 1949, it is extremely old compared to American M4s, M16s, etc. Of course it's not like they use the AK47A1, but it still is a very old model.

1 point

Anyone can make a rap song, just read the one I made in the left hand side.

1 point

I must admit you have to have trained ears to make out screamo lyrics. But, have you ever listened to the guitar playing and drum beats of screamo? It is some of the best in the world.

1 point

Anyone can make a rap song, just find to rhyming words (cat and hat), then relate them to drugs, sex or money.

I saw this cat

he was smoking a joint

and wearing a hat

but that wasn't the point

he told me his name was Mat

he said his hat with made of a condom

because he was very fond of 'em

Music is like candy, throw out the Rappers.

1 point

M16s are beast in CoD6, too. I want Bad Company 2 so badly! The only gun better than the M16A2 is the M16A4 and M16A3 =)

0 points

Guantanamo Bay tortured non-uniformed terrorists that did not serve a country. As long as they are non-uniformed and are confirmed guilty, not just suspects, it is ok to torture.

1 point

Printing Press. Without Johann Gutenberg's great invention there would be no internet. It is like which is more important, the cellular flip phone or the Iphone.

1 point

War is something that will be anywhere humans are, it's the sad truth. Once we can get over that we can think of designing tools for making wars shorter, like guns.

1 point

I prefer the M4. It is American made and non-communist. The barrel of the AK47 heats up way to fast. All American soldiers also have an M203 grenade launcher to go with it. =)

1 point

They will gain money because they would not have to pay for Health Care anymore.

1 point

England, France and most other part of Europe. America helped them in WWII, without us, (I'm not saying it was only America) the Axis might have won WWII.

1 point

There are too many fat kids in America, how will we win the future war with China with fat soldiers?

1 point

It would be a crime against humanity too NOT drop the bombs. About 200,000 Japanese citizens died. If the US had invaded Japan more than 500,000 Americans would have died, and even more Japanese. How can you justify killed 1,000,000 people when you can kill 200,000?

2 points

Emo is only a musical genre. It is rock music ranging from metal to alternative. The lyrics usually define it. It's usually about break ups, death, and other sad things. (I am a big fan of the genre, I'm not bashing emo bands)

1 point

Any religion can, and the ones that preach about their religion are called pastors, priests, popes, etc. It is their job.

2 points

What do you have against American's?

1. We are not a racist country, unlike Australia.

2. We beat the Japanese, and helped beat Germany.

3. Our scientists have discovered so much that has benefitted other countries.

4. We are huge product consumers, without us the world's economy would be even worse.

1 point

I support you David, but America has the best hospitals and doctors in the world, I'm just saying.

1 point

Go grab your white cloak with the pointy hood and run back to all your stupid Klan friends.

1 point

@Maffew87 Call of Duty is just the modern version of chess, but slightly different, you are a pawn, bishop, knight, rook, queen, or whatever piece you consider yourself to be. Call of Duty also teaches history, WWI, WWII, and it teaches modern day tactics. Someone who played CoD a lot when they were younger, but still stayed fit, would make an excellent officer. I play CoD5 and Battle Stations Midway a lot, I still stay fit and want to go to WestPoint or the Navy College. Grand Theft Auto was originally made for adults only, as long as the child's parents know what the kid is playing I think it is fine.

1 point

I disagree, I can't smoke pot with my XBOX, I would need a bong. =p

1 point

I wonder about those six states. Could you please send me link and tell me what the six states are?

1 point

Imagine all the little boys and girls who's father would never have came home if we didn't bomb Japan. I wouldn't feel guilty if I was someone flying one of those B-29s, in fact I would feel like a hero.

1 point

As I said before, 10% of Americans pay 90% of the taxes. The wealthy will not become poor, they simply have so much money.

1 point

I totally agree, it's funny how we agree on this debate, and disagree on my other debate. xD

1 point

Actually whats amazing is that's not why he is president, people liked his policies.

1 point

The President serves 4 year terms, not 2 year terms. Ron Paul is racist and against gay people. He would never have a chance at presidency.

1 point

If Obama didn't win, think about McCain (shudders). Then even worse, if he died and Palin became president...

0 points

I agree, by the way could you please rate up on my comment below this? I want to get back to a 100% efficiency.

1 point

Well, 10% of the population pay 90% of the taxes, my mother and step-dad are each part of that 10% and they are all for the Health Care bill. So is Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, the two richest men in America think they should be paying more in taxes.

1 point

Imagine a three child, out of work family that lives in poverty. Now imagine if one of the children got a life threatening disease and needed treatment. They are to poor for health care, Obama's Health Care plan will save that young child's life.

1 point

I would be the one thrown off...and crap and french fries would be chucked in my face...

2 points

That freaky roommate's cat is dangerous.................................................................

1 point

I would start a moon colony. We would run out of resources soon, coughChinacough so we would need to suck up other planet's resources like in alien movies. xD

0 points

maomao... First off, US has the biggest navy (in tonnage) in the world. Even bigger than the 17 countries behind it, including China, Russia, UK, etc. Second, China uses Russina MiG29s, those will not last long in a fight with the stealth F22s. The F22s can lock a missile from 3 miles away, than fly away knowing that the MiG will be shot down. The MiG29s however, cannot lock missiles onto our F22s, hence term: stealth. Lastly, your name, Mao Zedong's "Great Leap Forward" killed 3 times as many people as Hitler killed in the Holocaust.

1 point

Can you please give me a link to where you found your statistics? They are so interesting I somewhat doubt them (no offense.) By the way, Modern Warfare 2 teaches tactics.

1 point

Chairman Mao Zedong of China. His "Great Leap Forward" killed more than three times as many people as were killed in the Holocaust. To make him worse, he's a communist!

1 point

I think he's doing a good job, I think the Health Care Bill was good because it allowed health care access to the not-so-well-off people.

1 point

Cool translation. My teacher told me that the Kamikazes were the name for the Japanese Air Force so I just posted it here.

3 points

I think that is somewhat sexist, suggesting that women belong in the kitchen and shouldn't have jobs.

1 point

@Lucasban Actually that is just what the Chinese government told everyone after the war. The Japanese had nothing in their mind even hinting surrender.

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