
Debate Info

Absolutely Absolutely not
Debate Score:253
Total Votes:270
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 Absolutely (82)
 Absolutely not (90)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Atheists, like Hitler, should be separated from the rest of the human race

The followers of atheism have historically made war. They swallow up the worlds resources making war weaponry. This lack of religion has a pattern of bringing the whole planet to the brink of a nuclear disaster which could wipe out most of the human race. This lack of religion seeks the approval of science.  This lack of religion uses race baiting and scientific hypocracy to fuel hatred throughout the earth....  So I ask the question...for the good of all peaceful people on planet  and the survival of the human race: should they be a continent and be forced to live there and thus be separated from the rest of the human race?


Side Score: 110

Absolutely not

Side Score: 143

One of the most famous atheists is Hitler. Do you want to be counted as one among that group ;)

Side: Absolutely
PungSviti(552) Disputed
5 points

Hitler was a Cahtolic


Side: Absolutely not

No he wasn't. ;)

Side: Absolutely not
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
0 points

Taken from:

Hitler and the Nazis enjoyed widespread support from traditional Christian communities, mainly due to a common cause against the anti-religious German Bolsheviks. Once in power, the Nazis moved to consolidate their power over the German churches and bring them in line with Nazi ideals. The Third Reich founded their own version of Christianity called Positive Christianity which made major changes in its interpretation of the Bible which said that Jesus Christ was the son of God, but was not a Jew and claimed that Christ despised Jews, and that the Jews were the ones solely responsible for Christ's death. Thus, the Nazi government consolidated religious power, using allies to consolidate Protestant churches into the Protestant Reich Church, which was effectively an arm of the Nazi Party.

Dissenting Christians went underground and formed the Confessing Church, which was persecuted as a subversive group by the Nazi government. Many of its leaders were arrested and sent to concentration camps, and left the underground mostly leaderless. Church members continued to engage in various forms of resistance, including hiding Jews during the Holocaust and various attempts, largely unsuccessful, to prod the Christian community to speak out on the part of the Jews.

The Catholic Church was particularly suppressed in Poland because of the Church's opposition to many of Nazi Party's beliefs. Between 1939 and 1945, an estimated 3,000 members, 18% of the Polish clergy[77], were murdered; of these, 1,992 died in concentration camps. In the annexed territory of Reichsgau Wartheland it was even harsher than elsewhere. Churches were systematically closed, and most priests were either killed, imprisoned, or deported to the General Government. The Germans also closed seminaries and convents persecuting monks and nuns throughout Poland. In Pomerania, all but 20 of the 650 priests were shot or sent to concentration camps. Eighty percent of the Catholic clergy and five of the bishops of Warthegau were sent to concentration camps in 1939; in the city of Breslau (Wrocław), 49% of its Catholic priests were killed; in Chełmno, 48%. One hundred eight of them are regarded as blessed martyrs.[77] Among them, Maximilian Kolbe was canonized as a saint.

Protestants in Poland did not fare well either. In the Cieszyn region of Silesia every single Protestant clergy was arrested and deported to the death camps.[77]

Not only were Polish Christians persecuted by the Nazis, in the Dachau concentration camp alone, 2,600 Catholic priests from 24 different countries were killed.[77]

Outside mainstream Christianity, Jehovah's Witnesses were direct targets of the Holocaust, for their refusal to swear allegiance to the Nazi government. Many Jehovah's Witnesses were given the chance to deny their faith and swear allegiance to the state, but few agreed. Over 12,000 Witnesses were sent to the concentration camps, and estimated 2,500-5,000 died in the Holocaust.


Taken from:

In the course of writing about something else Victor Healey wrote

some nonsense about the Catholic Church, saying, "Hitler was a good

Catholic to the day he died in the bunker, he was never excomunicated

by the Church."

In fact, Hitler rejected not only Catholicism, but Christianity in


A friend sent me the following quotes from the book _Hitler's Secret

Conversations 1941-1944_ published by Farrar, Straus and Young, Inc.

first edition, 1953, since my library's copy is missing. The book

was published in Britain under the title, _Hitler's Table Talk 1941-

1944, which title was used for the Oxford University Press paperback

edition in the United States.

All of these are quotes from Adolf Hitler.

Night of 11th-12th July, 1941

"National Socialism and religion cannot exist together....

"The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of

Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are

inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was

introduced into the world by Christianity....

"Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul,

for that evolution was in the natural order of things." (p 6 & 7)

10th October, 1941, midday

"Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against

nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the

systematic cultivation of the human failure." (p 43)

14th October, 1941, midday

"The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death.... When

understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian doctrine

will be convicted of absurdity....

"Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity.... And that's why

someday its structure will collapse....

"...the only way to get rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little

by little....

"Christianity the liar....

"We'll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in

conflict with the interests of the State." (p 49-52)

19th October, 1941, night

"The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that

it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity."

21st October, 1941, midday

"Originally, Christianity was merely an incarnation of Bolshevism, the


"The decisive falsification of Jesus' doctrine was the work of St.Paul. He gave himself to

this work... for the purposes of personal exploitation....

"Didn't the world see, carried on right into the Middle Ages, the same

old system of martyrs, tortures, faggots? Of old, it was in the name of

Christianity. Today, it's in the name of Bolshevism. Yesterday the

instigator was Saul: the instigator today, Mardochai. Saul was changed

into St.Paul, and Mardochai into Karl Marx. By exterminating this pest,

we shall do humanity a service of which our soldiers can have no idea."

(p 63-65)

13th December, 1941, midnight

"Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing

more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the

Godhead into a mockery.... ....

"When all is said, we have no reason to wish that the Italians and

Spaniards should free themselves from the drug of Christianity. Let's be

the only people who are immunised against the disease." (p 118 & 119)

14th December, 1941, midday

"Kerrl, with noblest of intentions, wanted to attempt a synthesis between

National Socialism and Christianity. I don't believe the thing's

possible, and I see the obstacle in Christianity itself....

"Pure Christianity-- the Christianity of the catacombs-- is concerned

with translating Christian doctrine into facts. It leads quite simply to

the annihilation of mankind. It is merely whole-hearted Bolshevism,

under a tinsel of metaphysics." (p 119 & 120)

9th April, 1942, dinner

"There is something very unhealthy about Christianity." (p 339)

27th February, 1942, midday

"It would always be disagreeable for me to go down to posterity as a man

who made concessions in this field. I realize that man, in his

imperfection, can commit innumerable errors-- but to devote myself

deliberately to errors, that is something I cannot do. I shall never

come personally to terms with the Christian lie."

"Our epoch Uin the next 200 yearse will certainly see the end of the

disease of Christianity.... My regret will have been that I couldn't...

behold ." (p 278)


The Nazi Party, thus Adolf Hitler, persecuted a great many Christians. He 'created' a new denomination of Christianity to further his anti-Semitic agenda; in doing so he warped canonical religious texts into claiming that Jesus was, too, anti-Semitic and not Himself a Jew.

Religion was, and still is, a powerful tool for the politician. Religious voters - which have long made up the majority - would prefer to have a leader who shares their beliefs, thus by claiming to be religious he manipulated the people into giving him his political power.

Side: Absolutely
2 points

Der Fuhrer war ein Katholisch.

That is, Adolf Hitler was a Roman Catholic.

Side: Absolutely
Side: Absolutely
1 point

Hitler wasn't just any atheist, he was an extremist that killed Jews. No one should compare atheists with people like Hitler, they are completely different things. Please don't even JOKE about that.

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

Separated...Absolutely, and we'll see which side prospers. Have fun living with people who don't believe in science and who can't think for themselves. Because Hitler has anything to do with Atheism?...

Side: Absolutely
2 points

Definitely, I would love to be sent away to live with intelligent, logically minded people that aren't afraid to be themselves, and are free to actually carry out scientific studies without the pitchfork brigade banging on the door, telling them they are playing God, and legally petitioning to have it stopped.

I can imagine this Utopia to be medically and technologically advanced, with better prospects for life expectancy, and fairness.

The Islamic, Judeo,Christians can then get back to doing what they do best like burning people as witches, praying to heal the sick and creating wars with each other over how they all read the same book. Women will be dragged back to the kitchen and Catholic Priests will be free to molest to their hearts content.

In short both sides of the situation would get what they want and the religious will not have to tolerate those annoying Atheists with their ways :):):):):):)

By the way Stalin is a far better example of a war mongering Atheist as Hitler was supposed to have been Roman Catholic, and Religious people don't start wars, remember?:):)

Side: Absolutely
3 points

i now swap my last view of "absolutely not" to absolutely with this idea in mind

Side: Absolutely
3 points

This was exactly my thought as I read the prompt. I would much rather live in a society where science is not bound by the regulations of an oppressive (or repressive) religious majority. The other day, in fact, I was thinking if I became a billionaire, I would buy several islands and start a society somewhat like this. Although, it could be a little difficult to declare it sovereign.

Side: Absolutely
2 points

All you'd have to do is use your money and get the top scientists to make an army of robot soldiers and a series of WMDs.....Oh, wait, scratch that:):):)

Side: Absolutely
2 points

Call it Rapture!

Side: Absolutely
CubeGlider(132) Disputed
2 points

Separating everyone is never a good idea. Eventually one group would find some reason or other to get mad at the other group and then wars happen. Our best hope for peace as a planet is to find a middle ground, not to have various areas of different extremes.

Side: Absolutely not

But if you don't separate them, you risk civil war ;)

Side: Absolutely not
Rationalmind(7) Disputed
2 points

Without the theists who would we debate with about the mysteries of our world?

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

I suppose Rabbits would have similar views. .

Side: Absolutely not
Houston(187) Disputed
1 point

I see your point, but Atheists don't end wars. Religious people do =). Name an Atheist who has ended a war.

Side: Small footnote
2 points

Gorbachev was religious, and he ended the Cold War.

Side: Absolutely not
AlexM(9) Disputed
1 point

How many started them? One reason why we cannot name one is because there are never any Atheists in power.

Side: Where is the love
2 points

Hitler wasn't an atheist, but I agree with the sentiment of this debate.

Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, Castro, Marx, Stalin: they were some of the worst people in the history of the world, and yet they were atheists.

And yet atheists claim that Christians are warlike !

Side: Absolutely
3 points

I support you on these things, however Christians are considered warlike as an artifact of the Crusades. In which they killed plenty of people (crusades are similar to jihad FYI).

However that idea is outdated.

This debate could very easily turn into a useless flamefest like most here on religion.

Also I'm surprised you didn't use Machiavellian in your argument to describe those men.

EDIT: What about Iran? The Iran-Iraq war was clearly a religious war.

Side: Small footnote

Do you know the cause of the Crusades? The Muslims were trying to conquer Europe - at the time they had taken Jerusalem - thus the Christians were trying to defend their land and their religion.

Side: Absolutely

Makes one wonder, huh? Go figure ;)

Side: Absolutely
1 point

You hit a jack pot of posts here Joe, is this your first over a hundred poster? =P

Side: Absolutely
2 points

All atheists that have been mass murderers (like the ones you mentioned) have all been communists, whereas religious murderers have come from nearly every major religion, and have supported a wide variety of of ideologies.

Therefore, if you are an atheist, and not a communist then you're probably fairly peaceful.

Side: Absolutely not
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

All atheists that have been mass murderers (like the ones you mentioned) have all been communists, whereas religious murderers have come from nearly every major religion, and have supported a wide variety of of ideologies.

Therefore, if you are an atheist, and not a communist then you're probably fairly pea

The crimes perpetrated by Christians pales in the light of the crimes perpetrated by atheists.

Name for me a few wars begun by Christians.

Side: Absolutely
aveskde(1935) Disputed
2 points

Hitler wasn't an atheist, but I agree with the sentiment of this debate.

Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, Castro, Marx, Stalin: they were some of the worst people in the history of the world, and yet they were atheists.

And yet atheists claim that Christians are warlike !

Come on, you're smarter than this. I shouldn't have to point out the obvious, that each of these men belonged to or founded an EXTREME POLITICAL IDEOLOGY.

You're making the same exact false association that anti-rap/video games people do when they try to explain violent crime. Just like you, it doesn't matter that the kids [men] who did this were psychopaths [or tyrants] but no, it MUST have been the rap music and video games that made them go on a killing spree [in your case atheism].

Hitler was a vegetarian by the way, I guess this means that vegetarianism leads to mass murder.

Side: Absolutely not
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point


An EXTREME POLITICAL IDEOLOGY which encouraged atheism, and thus encouraged the persecution of all theists!

it MUST have been the rap music and video games that made them go on a killing spree [in your case atheism].

Again, I've been misinterpreted.

Violent video games can lead to violence - but rarely.

That is beside the point.

Marxist Communism encouraged, or rather, demanded, atheism. For them to demand the extermination of religion, then irreligious behavior must be the cause. If they had not cared about which religion the people subscribed, then I would agree that atheism was irrelevant to the Red 'reign of terror'.

Hitler was a vegetarian by the way, I guess this means that vegetarianism leads to mass murder.

This is a generalization - I've attempted to point out (to little avail) that Christianity has not entirely been responsible for the wars it caused, and at the same time acknowledging the fact that Christianity has been partially to blame.

The Crusades were meant as an endeavor to save Christianity from Islam and the Holy Lands from Islam. The Muslims instigated the fight. (That is, if you planned on using the Crusades as a source).

His vegetarianism is irrelevant - you could easily claim that any aspect of his lifestyle leads to mass murder. However, if one's political ideologies demanded the execution of all omnivores/carnivores, then I'd say that vegetarianism was responsible.

Side: Absolutely
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

Marx is awesome. Stalin sucks and mao sucks, castro eh, and Lenin had some bad ideas. What ever you consider bad about them probably doesn't correlate directly with them being atheists.

Side: Absolutely
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Why is it that Christians can be insulted and harassed and nobody gives a shit, yet if you say something bad about a Muslim, or even an atheist, people will be angered?

This debate was a response to a recent debate entitled 'should Christians, Jews, and Muslims be separated from the rest of the human race,' or something to the effect.

People wrote about how horrible Christians have been in the passed, and stuff like that. I attempted to point out that atheists have also done bad things. What do I get? Banned and further ridicule.

Atheism was directly responsible for what Lenin and Stalin did. They wanted an atheist state, and thus persecuted all religious people.

It does correlate directly with them being atheists!

Side: Absolutely
PungSviti(552) Disputed
1 point

"onwards Christian soldiers, marching of to war"

never heard that song?

I might be wrong, but I have never heard an athiest claim atheists are morally superior to anyone - a claim that the big three religions all do without much evidence. Athiests (and I) though, do claim that religions give people very dumb reasons for killing others (if they, are gay, women and have been raped, are of another religion - they all deserve to die according to the bible - and doctors are apparently also fair game according to seom revisionist bible nut cases)

Also 95% of prisoners are religious (higher percentage than in every day society)

showing that religious people might be less law abidant

Then also there is the thing about intelligence

Now like I have said before: I dont think people who are religious have any lesser capacity to be generally smart (and you can train to get better score on intelligence tests - and they also just rate general intelligence, and not special abilities)

I just think the reason that religious people have lower grades in intelligence tests is because religious sentiment (espeicially in the bible belt in America - and in the middle east country´s) is a barrier for further learning. Religious peoplen shy away from learning things that might open up their brain capacity.

So I dont think atheism is a key to morality, nor have I heard such claims, but I do think religious thought often aids in being immoral (and stupid - and these two very often go together)

Side: Absolutely not
MicronX(9) Disputed
1 point

Wait, what? "onwards Christian soldiers, marching of to war"

So the fact that they were Christian soldiers is the sole reason they were going to war correct? Not for their land or their lives... but because they we're Christian? BS

"I do think religious thought often aids in being immoral (and stupid - and these two very often go together)"

Seriously? You think believing in a god that will damn you for wrong doings makes it easier to do wrong? Also Immorality and stupidity VERY RARELY go together... Hitler was not stupid, retarded maybe, but stupid he was not. Doing the wrong thing usually takes cunning and determination, even a dog can tell when it is causing undo pain.

"I just think the reason that religious people have lower grades in intelligence tests is because religious sentiment"

For the love of god ( mine ) please reword that, I hoped you meant to say on AVERAGE, because if not there is absolutely no reason to continue this discussion.

Let's just be honest, it is easier to be immoral when you don't have to live by a code of morality correct? Yes religion has been and is involved in more than a few wars, but at the very least their religions won't ask for a holocaust...

Side: Absolutely
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

You love that link, don't you? Religiosity and intelligence.

Then, if all these people who believe in a higher power are idiots, explain the smartest people who have ever lived:

(This list includes the two people with IQs over 200: van Goethe and Sidis)

Robert Boyle

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

William James Sidis

Carl Jung

Isaac Newton



Juhann Gutenberg

James Watt

Blaise Pascal

Alexander Fleming






Side: Absolutely
1 point

Personally, it doesn't matter what you think, because realistically, this could never occur. However, I agree that we atheists should all be moved somewhere to start an empire bounded only by the laws of nature. This gets what everyone wants.

Still say though, not possible

Side: Absolutely
1 point

Absolutely. We'll occupy southern France. Christians need to struggle in order to prove themselves in the eye(s) of God. Atheists need to lie on the beach and drink good wine after a lifetime of combating ignorance.

Side: Absolutely
1 point

I signed up just to respond to this old a$$ argument. All these posts were so quick to say what religion Hitler was and back and forth - rubbish. Anyways, my answer is Yes. Atheists, like Hitler, should be separated from the rest. Anyone at all, like Hitler, should be - atheist or not. See what I did there? :)

Side: Absolutely
1 point

Yes, because the next time someone tries to convert me, I'm going to have to put my Jiu Jitsu into practice. I'm sick of christians!

...can we get Hawaii?

Side: Absolutely

Just a heads up..., Hawaiians do not like non-natives. They especially don't like white folks. So..., may end up having to fight them for it ;)

Side: Absolutely
1 point

Dammn. How about Japan- they have tis population crisis where they don't have enough people? And volcanoes:)

Side: Absolutely
1 point

So we don't need to deal with cults holding us back from advancing the human race. Enjoy praying your Cancer away.

Side: Absolutely
8 points

I don't think Hitler was ever separated from the human race. Until he killed himself, that is.... So...good luck subduing and separating all the atheists.

Religion starts wars, atheism only correlates with them. So if we're banning things in the name of peace, let's start there.

Side: Absolutely not
6 points

there is in fact, very little proof to show Hitler was a atheist, but there was a load of statements to show he was a catholic,

Mao and Stalin are commonly pointed to be atheist, but they simply hated most religion because they saw it as a enemy to their power, so they made themselves a religious cult to be worshiped.

atheism never starts a war, something that can not be said for religion.

Side: Absolutely not
Houston(187) Disputed
0 points

Communist-Atheism kills people. During Stalin and Zedong's reign they prosecuted religious people, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. I used Zedong instead of Mao because we are using Stalin's last name, so I think we should use Zedong's last name, too.

Mao and Stalin are commonly pointed to be atheist, but they simply hated most religion because they saw it as a enemy to their power, so they made themselves a religious cult to be worshiped.

Doesn't that still make them Atheist?

Side: Small footnote
lyle91(87) Disputed
1 point

Yes, it makes them religious people who probably don't believe in God. Most atheists are anti-religious though.

Side: Absolutely not

I kinda like my Christian, Jewish and Muslim friends and family. I actually don't know all that many atheists so I'd probably be pretty lonely.

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

Well, I would hate having to spend my days with Hitler, Mao and Stalin... fuckin' Atheists.

Yes, I am a major Atheist, but even I hate other atheists (really, just the Liberal kind, which are a lot). I mean, Secular Humanism has to be the gayest thing to ever come out of Atheism.

Why can't more of them be Libertarians? Ass fuckers.

Side: Absolutely not
4 points

Damn, what's with all the hate?

I promise we're not that bad.

Side: Where is the love
2 points

I have friends who I consider pretty great who are atheists, so I'm with you here. And I'd be kind of ticked if they all had to move. I only know like ONE guy who is an atheist who I'd be okay with moving to Australia or somewhere, but that's because he's a jerk, not because he's an atheist. x]

Side: Absolutely
aveskde(1935) Disputed
3 points

Why can't more of them be Libertarians? Ass fuckers.

Because libertarianism is for the naive well-wishers who think that no government intervention will make everyone suddenly play nice with each other, and the selfish pricks who want to be able to own monopolies with sweatshop conditions while they take in all the profits.

Side: Absolutely not
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
3 points

Libertarians don't believe in fairy tales like Anarchists or Communists. They're well aware of the consequences of a free market, they just prefer it over a much too powerful government.

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

...Well, I doubt that you actually support this, Joe, because it's obviously a horrible idea, so I'll argue the other points in the description. First of all, there have been plenty of wars waged by religious people. I seem to recall a hundred year long war taking place among pretty religious people. And what about the crusades? PEOPLE, not ATHEISTS, are capable of atrocities. Atheism is not the problem. Tell me how many atheists have made wars, and I'm pretty sure I can show you at least an equal number of religious people who have done the same thing. Also, how are "atheists" using up resources making war weaponry? The US makes weapons, and it is a country probably made up of more Christians than anyone else(I haven't looked at any statistics lately, but it's clear that we are not anything close to a nation solely of atheists).

Of course, this is Joe I'm talking to, so it's definitely a possibility that you're being sarcastic/mocking someone elses arguments about religious people/trying to piss people off. x]

Is there some similar debate that I haven't seen regarding religious people? 'Cause this kind of sounds like a response to attacks on religious people, but I could be wrong.

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

They would never agree with each other!

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

A true atheist is a person who respects other people's opinions. Guess what would happen if the whole world were like that?

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

You point out how many, many atheists have caused battles and deaths. What about terrorists? Everything they do is based around their religion. What about the Crusades? Hundreds of unneccessary wars have been fought over who's god is the real god and other such nonsense. Certainly more wars have been started by them then by atheists. Also, Hitler didn't decide to commit mass homocide because he was atheist, he did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. On the other hand, most religious battles were CLEARLY fought because of people's different religions. Very few wars are started due to LACK of religion. Look at all wars that are currently being fought. Hmm. They are all either wars over religion or over something else which is completely unrelated religion or atheism. I don't see any wars because of atheism. Religion instead appears to be the leading cause.

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

A whole continent full of Hitlers left to their own devices.......I don't think that would bode well for the rest of the world.

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

Well, it looks like you want to separate and segregate all of humanity. What next "Blacks, like Hitler, should be separated from the rest of the human race"? Everyone should be able to live together and it's people like you who seem to be very intolerant to other views that are holding us back from world peace.

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

Only criminals and sex offenders should be seperated from the rest of the human race.Secondly, liberty to believe what you want is the greatest thing and a God given right (lol). Thirdly, only pussies want to remove any competition/competing views because their ideas have flaws.

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

Hitler was not an atheist you dumbass! He was Roman catholic. Typical conservative distorting facts to suit their purposes.

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

Coming from a Christian Liberal, no. I should also like to note that Hitler was Conservative... National Socialism was not his idea, it was a name he took and corrupted even further than it already was. Either way, politics isn't even the point here. The point is, no group is entirely wrong or entirely useless. I'm a firm believer that it takes all kinds (and any self-respecting Conservative, Liberal, Believer, or Atheist should hold that view) and that everyone has something to offer this world. Even then, anyone who wants to eradicate the opposition as opposed to turning them to your opinion has it wrong.

Side: Absolutely not
2 points

Hitler was catholic. Seems like most religious people don't know their history as well as the fact that religion is the cause of most wars. Not Atheism.

Side: Absolutely not
1 point

I want this argument at zero points, seeing how I take neither side.

Hitler in PUBLIC STATEMENTS says that Christ is highly important to Germany.

However of note, in private he states that he was not really attached to the church even though he did attend.

So it differs on your definition on religious if he was an atheist.

Side: Small footnote
Houston(187) Disputed
1 point

In public statements he also states that they should have no God other than Germany itself.

Side: Small footnote
1 point

why should that be done? belief in god is one's own personal thing and the society doesn't have a right to interfere in one's personal matters.

Side: Absolutely not
1 point

Can anyone actually find a quote, or any evidence at all that Hitler was an atheist, or is this all propaganda BS?

Side: Absolutely not's_religious_views

In the political relations with the churches in Germany however, Hitler readily adopted a strategy "that suited his immediate political purposes".[331] Hitler had a general plan, even before the rise of the Nazis to power, to destroy Christianity within the Reich.[334][335][336] The leader of the Hitler Youth stated "the destruction of Christianity was explicitly recognized as a purpose of the National Socialist movement" from the start, but "considerations of expedience made it impossible" publicly to express this extreme position.[334] His intention was to wait until the war was over to destroy the influence of Christianity.[329]

Author Konrad Heiden has quoted Hitler as stating, "We do not want any other god than Germany itself. It is essential to have fanatical faith and hope and love in and for Germany."[28]

Side: Absolutely
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

Even if I were to indulge, that any of these statements were accurate or a representation of Hitler's actual views, considering that some of his private statements are entirely made up...Hitler speaks for example....where in any of this, anywhere is there evidence that Hitler was an atheist?

The entirety of your argument rests upon a false dichotomy, if Hitler doesn't like the christian church that de facto makes him an atheist...sorry, it doesn't work that way....this argument was fallacious from the beginning.

Goebbels noted in 1939 that Hitler was "deeply religious" (albeit "profoundly anti-Christian"). According to Richard Steigmann-Gall, "No matter how much he vituperated against Christianity or the churches, Hitler gave no indication that he was now agnostic or atheistic: He displayed a continued attachment to a belief in God."'s_Table_Talk

Side: Absolutely not
1 point

The Crusades - the longest wars in history were fought for religion! Being an atheist doesn't make you prone to war!

Side: Absolutely not
1 point

Hitler was not a practicing Roman Catholic - his ideas were not that which was tagught by Christ. He would be excommunicated for his ideas and actions. His actions were more in-line with atheism. Most wars nowadays are not done in the name of God but of Satan. Trying to explain to atheists what is the reason behind their wars is like atheists trying to explain the same to supposed religious people.

Side: Absolutely not
1 point

Most "wars" or genocide (Iraq, Afghanistan, Native Americans, Unborn Babies, etc. are not done in the name of God but in the name of Satan or man or atheism - really depends how much you care to put it in a spiritual context - obviously, if youre an atheist you will not chategorize yourself in a spiritual context and this is why all the above murderous activities do not get acknowledged; because you cannot put your finger on who this group of people/thinkers are.

Side: Absolutely not
1 point

The only practicing Catholic president of the US was Kennedy and look what they did to him. The rest were atheists/satanists. Here I would like to make the distinction - you can believe that there is no God/life after death whatever and not kill anyone or you can kill and either pretend to be athiest but really worship satan or just not know who you are really worshipping indirectly (Satan) and just go about your killing/power trip thinking that there is no God and claiming you are an atheist. For the latter, an atheist for sure but with that added sinister touch of satanism that you cannot recognize or refuse to as you do not believe in the supernatural.

Side: Absolutely not
1 point

If baby Hitler was babptized a Roman Catholic but acted like a Satanist or an atheist on a killing spree - this does not make him a Roman Catholic full stop!!

Side: Absolutely not
1 point

I'm not sure how many of you really think that Hitler was an Atheist or Catholic or whatever, but if you would do your research before you post idiotic stuff like this, we would all be in a much better place. In different books and research studies, it shows for a fact that he was born to Catholic parents, but some say that he was Christian, and others say that he frown upon the Christian belief. You can't just automatically join together a belief with someone who is looked down on by a lot of people. Not all Atheists are bad. I, for one, love to do charity work because I love to see their smiling faces when I help make things that much easier for them. Wanting Atheists separated from the rest of the human race is like me saying that I want Christians separated because they believe in a false deity, and have no proof over all the "miracles" that occur in their lives. It would be best to just accept everyone as they are, and to see who they are underneath the religion and skin color.

Side: Absolutely not