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Debate Score:26
Total Votes:28
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 NO WAY (11)
 YES (10)

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Do we need a woman president or not


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 12

We do not exactly NEED one but it sure looks as if we are going to get one. Hillary is gonna beat Trump, and I think her margin of victory will be greater than most people now imagine.

Its the debates between her and Trumpy that are gonna be his undoing. She knows all too well how to push buttons. Decades of practice. She will gain the moral high ground, and will also incur Trumps wrath and volatile temper. He will basically lose it on the podium in the debates, and the world will see him for what he is. I don't think the guy is all bad, but politically and rhetorically she is gonna hand him his ass.

Just watch and see.

Side: NO WAY

Gender shouldn't enter the equation. The candidate for the position of President of the most powerful nation on earth must be judged exclusively on merit and ability as depicted in their track record. The U.K's Margaret Thatcher, Isreal's Golda Meir and Germany's Angela Merkel were/are excellent leaders.

Side: NO WAY
1 point

....................................................... She ain't no ways tired .....

the Clintons fall asleep
Side: NO WAY
1 point


I love women, I have three beautiful children because of a woman. One of my daughters is about to make me a Grandfather. My Aunt holds this entire family together, she's the family historian and chronicler and makes sure everyone gets invited to family events.

Women are awesome, but they are too emotional to hold the position of President of the United States. Not to mention they bleed for 1 week out of every month AND DON'T DIE (from blood loss).

Side: NO WAY
1 point

"Need" is a rather strong word choice. I would elect for competence and issues first.

Side: NO WAY
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

I think it's supposed to be in more of a sociological sense.

Side: NO WAY
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

I got that. I just do not think it is particularly important relative to a lot of other things.

Side: NO WAY

We need the right person, be it man or woman, regardless of race.


Side: NO WAY
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

It's a sociological question. Why don't you engage it? :P

Side: NO WAY

Everyone Knows that women suffer from PMS that makes them act like ratchet B's Would people really want someone who gets uncontrollably angry every month, just to see a woman elected? And dont even talk about how women would wage less wars, There would still be wars just over dumb stuff.

Side: NO WAY
Grenache(6053) Clarified
1 point

Remember when Arnold Shwarzenegger got elected governor of California and people complained an actor was governor and SNL or someone spun that around that he was flattered to finally be considered an actor? Well, maybe the same thing will be true with people calling Hillary Clinton a woman president.

Side: NO WAY
Ignoramis(381) Disputed
1 point

Hillary no longer has PMS. How can't you have realized that?

Side: YES
1 point

Does America need Madame Mao as POTUS ! She is a bought and paid for candidate just as O'Blunder is ! 4 more years of a POTUS governing against the will of the people is going to break down and civil war will be brought. There is no question about that !!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: NO WAY
2 points

On the 20th of January, in the year of our Lord 2017, Her Majesty Hillary Rodham Clinton, after obtaining glorious victory over her heinous rivals in mortal combat, and as the sole heir of The Establishment, will be inaugurated as the 45th President of these United States of America.

She will be a shining example for girls of all backgrounds. Through her example they will find that if they are determined, work hard, and sell their souls to large corporations, they too can be hated by bigoted religious rubes and unwashed socialist hippies.

Forever banished will be sexism, for how could misogyny exist any longer if for our leader we hath chosen a woman? This clearly follows from the example of racism, as it is well documented by learned scholars that our election Obama rid the land of a that pestilence the very moment he took office.

Long live Goldman Sachs! May she reign a thousand years!

Did I say "Goldman Sachs"? I meant Hillary Clinton. I always get those two mixed up. They are so similar, in public policy at least.

Side: YES
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Mortal Combat?

I bet Hillary's fatality would involve tearing off her skin to reveal that she is actually one of the lizard people.

Side: NO WAY
1 point

Hillary: "Donald trump has not the temperament to be President"

I AM SICK AND TIRED ........ blah blah blah
Side: YES

Eventually, yes.

Side: YES
0 points

Came here to say this. We don't need Hillary, but eventually a woman should be president.

Side: YES
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Actually we do need Hillary, but that has nothing to do with her and everything to do with who she is running against.

Side: NO WAY
1 point

Probably so. It would be interesting to see how America goes if a female is prez.

Side: YES
1 point

But I think Hillary has to get her views challenged more

Which of Hillary's views do you think haven't been challenged?

Side: NO WAY
2 points

If we go strictly by dadman arguments, all of them. ;)

Side: NO WAY
Dante756(77) Disputed
1 point

Please explain one barrier she will have being a female president that male presidents don't have?

Side: NO WAY
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Meeting with foreign presidents from countries where women are not allowed in leadership positions.

A pretty easy one to think up.

Side: NO WAY
Ignoramis(381) Disputed
1 point

She is a blond, and the blond jokes haven't even started yet.

Sexist biases with a lot of countries. Note that the majority of countries are male run, woman don't matter much. I'm surprised Obama could get anything done with how racism is a world wide issue.

Look at Saudi Arabia and how woman have no rights there.

Side: YES
1 point

I think eventually a woman president is inevitable. But do we NEED it to be Hillary? God no. I'd rather have a good president than any president that is voted solely for their gender or race.

Side: YES
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

Except Hillary isn't being voted on solely for gender, she is being voted for in large part because of her opponent.

Side: NO WAY
Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

This is very true, but a good portion of it is because of gender. Otherwise I think Sanders would have a better chance. Sadly I know a few people who are so gung ho on voting for her because she is a woman that they don't care about all the lies and investigations.

Side: NO WAY
1 point

Wouldn't it trigger some great SNL skits as well as a whole sub-genre of pornography?

Anyway, seriously, all constituents of society stand a turn at being President. That's what the USA is all about - a fair shot to anyone and everyone that works for it.

Side: YES