
Debate Info

Doesn't care about minorities She's fed
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:28
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 Doesn't care about minorities (10)
 She's fed (9)

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TrailorTrash(131) pic

While businesses go out of business daily, Pelosi is at home eating icecream

Doesn't care about minorities

Side Score: 11

She's fed

Side Score: 12
1 point

While business go out of business daily Pelosi is at home eating ice cream


OMG!!! Ice cream????


Side: Doesn't care about minorities
2 points

OMG!!! Ice cream????

My favorite was when she said she would come back if there were an emergency. Apparently a pandemic and mass bankruptcies by the hundreds of thousands doesn't qualify. So what does qualify Con? Do tell.

Side: She's fed
1 point

While businesses go out of business daily, Trump is in the White House eating burgers! (Happily paid for with our tax money ;-)!

Pelosi has been in Washington for a LOOOONG time. She's made a lot of money, mostly helping the American people. I think she has the right to eat what she sows, so to speak. Now, Trump has been there almost 4 years …. less than a third of her time. I say he can eat what HE wants …… BRING ON THE BURGERS …. hold the veggies! (I really COULD get to like cholesterol! ;-)

Side: Doesn't care about minorities
excon(18262) Clarified
2 points

(Happily paid for with our tax money ;-)

Hello Al:

:-( Interesting tidbit.. He pays for his burgers himself.. Oh, the government pays for state dinners, but Trump pays for the rest, including his guests meals.. And, they pay their own household expenses as well, all the way down to their toothpaste..


Side: Doesn't care about minorities
1 point

I would remind you that, although he doesn't take the Presidential salary, he has cost the taxpayer over $130,000,000 with his golf trips. When he's in Mara Lago (when he WAS ;-) he drew people there that wanted to make deals with him. VERY BIG deals. They spent a LOT of money to get close to him! Those visitors poured money into his pockets, albeit in a round-about way (for all we know). THAT'S the money he uses for his burgers … etc. While he spends our money sending his family around the world on "government business" costing U.S. well over that golf trip thingy. Any way you look at it, excon, WE pay for his burgers IMO :-(

Side: Doesn't care about minorities
0 points

:-( Interesting tidbit.. He pays for his burgers himself.. Oh, the government pays for state dinners, but Trump pays for the rest, including his guests meals.. And, they pay their own household expenses as well, all the way down to their toothpaste..

No mention of Pelosi blocking the bill to save small businesses and going on vacation I see. I guess she's just not orange enough to have left wing standards applied to her. Oh well, at least she has two fridges full of food, eh Con?

Side: She's fed
0 points

While businesses go out of business daily, Trump is in the White House

Giving press conferences that the media refuses to cover because they need to control what you see and hear?

Side: She's fed
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
3 points

Right now I'm in another room (and have been for some time), waiting for him to get off the "fake news channels" where he's been EVERY NIGHT for some time! WTF are you talking about?? I wont watch his "briefings" anymore because they (he) gives NO factual info while he gets a free political rally! That's all these "briefings" are. FREE political rallies! I WISH you were rig … um … correct! (That the media wouldn't cover them). They become vainglorious blatherings … that KILL PEOPLE! :-(

Side: Doesn't care about minorities
2 points

Giving press conferences that the media refuses to cover

Every single word which ever leaves your lips is absurd. If the media refuses to cover his press conferences then how do you even know about them you retarded fascist imbecile?

Please, if not for me then for the sake of your kids. Shut your stupid fat lying fascist mouth and go and get the proper psychiatric help you need.

Side: Doesn't care about minorities

Lol. Honestly Bronto. Your boss has single-handedly wrecked the economy and caused close to 50,000 deaths by de-funding the major pandemic programs in the United States then sitting on his fat arse for two months denying there was a problem.

But here you are, talking shit about Nancy Pelosi. Ahahahahahaha! You truly desperate troll.

Side: She's fed
1 point

Lol. Honestly Bronto.

Shooting blindly in the dark, eh Nom? I like it when you guess which ones are me and are wrong. Excellent.

I must say, I do have a mild curiosity as to who all are trolling you on here. Not enough curiosity to move, but curiosity nevertheless.

Side: Doesn't care about minorities
1 point

Your boss has single-handedly wrecked the economy and caused close to 50,000 deaths

Your red China has a million Muslims in gulags and a death count that no calculator can measure. It'll take several calculators to count the Communist death count.

Nevertheless, I'm sitting here in conservative country watching people moving about like insects, doing as they wish, and with a low infection count. What's it to me that the libs can't get the viruses to stop targeting their insides? You'll have to take it up with your Commie god to your East. Maybe China just doesn't like libs or Corbyn supporters. Why don't you give them a call and ask them buddy. I'm sure they'll pick right up once they watch you through your device to see who you are. And perhaps they'll send a drone your way to check up on you.

Side: Doesn't care about minorities
1 point

Your boss has single-handedly wrecked the economy and caused close to 50,000 deaths

Nope. Our country was projected to have up to 2 million deaths, then 250k deaths, then 80K deaths and now we only have 40K+ deaths; that is an amazing job Trump is doing.


Side: Doesn't care about minorities
0 points


Yup and I'm afraid to say that Americans know it too, so why don't you simply shut your stupid mouth and go away?

A majority of Americans say Trump and the government are doing a poor job fighting coronavirus

Our country was projected to have up to 2 million deaths

UP TO you stupid idiot. Those were the maximum figures for a worst case scenario, not a projection or a prediction. And they were put there to scare Trump into taking action, which he did not do.

Side: She's fed
2 points

That's most surprising. Pelosi the racist liking something which is white, sweet and pleasant.

Side: She's fed