
BellaSmella's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BellaSmella's arguments, looking across every debate.

Let me guess, I'll say ISIS actually stands for Islamic State,and you scrap this piss poor logic. Correct? Of course it is.

---"The foundation of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (German: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, SPD) can be traced back to the 1860s, and for much of the 20th and 21st centuries it has represented the centre-left in German politics."

The opposite of a socialist is someone as far right as socialism is left. The Nazis were on the far right.

This is nonsensical. Nothing makes you "opposite of socialism". It's like saying green is the opposite of the number 7.

Hitler was a liar and if you want to believe Hitler 75 years after he was proven to be lying then that's your own stupid fault.

Ad hominem. You are making a blind assessment that everything he ever said is a lie, which isn't true. If he said he was a socialist, then that's what we have to go on. Was Obama a Christian? He said he was. I can also provide you with a highlight real of his lies. Seeing Obama has lied before, does that mean every word he ever said was a lie? By your train of thought, Obama can't be trusted to ever tell the truth in any circumstance, ever.

Atrag put this on one of my posts too. I think he may be a pedophile or something. He sent me a dirty private message too.

BellaSmella(171) Clarified
1 point

What? I think you should be turned in for sexual harassment. I'm only 14.

Why does he think I'm brontoraptor? I don't understand.*

Israel did not even exist while Hitler was alive

Technically true, but it did exist prior to and after. It was also the people who had Israeli bloodlines that he tried to genocide. Hitler blamed everything on the Jews including people having a conscience. He said they invented it. He also praised Islam.

Millions of Muslims fought for the allies against Hitler during WW2.

This debate isn't about that. It's about the ideology of the left vs the ideology of Hitler. Hitler glorified Islam. The modern left glorifies Islam. Watch or listen to any of Hillary or Obama's speeches concerning Islam. Then go look up what Hitler had to say about Islam. Isn't it strange how the left feels hate toward conservatism and intolerance, yet feels right at home next to Islam which is both of those things only more so? Isn't it odd that Hitler, Hillary, Bernie, and Obama have the exact same views on Islam, yet you claim the American right are Nazis despite having almost nothing in common with Hitler's views or actions?

it's science, not politics

Mind control and psychological manipulation as weapons of war isn't politics? Yeah, that's obviously false.

The academic study of Eugenics began in the US and Hitler adopted it.

Oh you finally nailed one. And we know which party was in power at this time and has always controlled the universities.

Hitler was the opposite of a socialist. History scholars clearly recognise this and so should you.

1)What would be "the opposite of a socialist"? Give it a name or even a description.

2)Germany was socialist when he came to power.

3)He had absolute power and never changed them from socialism.

4)He claimed to be a socialist ver batum.

5)Your claim is the equivalent of saying "scientists believe in the steady state theory. Technically true, but most don't.

The Clintons already have proven that at that level you are untouchable, even if they have you dead to rights in sketchy and illegal activity. Now just apply the liberal logic to this case and wala! Everyone gets off scott free. Of course in this case you can't even tell us what exactly the "crime" was. But anyway, the reality of it is, the Democrats didn't turn over their "hacked" emails/server to the FBI (nothing fishy there), The Republicans could destroy the Clintons and Schultz if the Dems want to play ball, and they know it. And we know the Dems actually WERE in conspiracy with the Russians through Fusion GPS. The Dems know that a bunch of crap on them will come out if they purge too far that will destroy the party and the narrative. That's why you'll never see him impeached regardless of guilt or innocence of a crime. The right has so much dirt on the left right now that is actually provable, that they could destroy them.

Because of this, what will happen is that the left will know they can't go too far or attempt impeachment, so they'll demonize him and spread mass propaganda disguised as news, play the "racism" and "evil capitalist" card, and throw random mud from all sides hoping anything sticks, and hope to win seats in 2018 and the Presidency in 2020.

it must be why the entire global economy came crashing down in 2008? Because, you know, capitalism works

People taking loans they couldn't afford is why it crashed. And the system still corrected itself. Are we in a "crash" now? And how many that made responsible choices "crashed" in 2008?

And why 90 percent of the wealth is owned by 10 percent of the population

Much of which goes back into their companies. They reap the rewards because they have the greatest risk. If things go bad they make no money. Their employees still do regardless. And if they didn't exist, tell us how you plan on making a decent wage. And if they sat on their cash and did nothing with it, it affects you in zero way. Now tell us how making them poorer makes you richer. Finally, tell us, if the government takes their money to give to the poor, why they can't take yours away as well, and what guarantees we have that the poor won't squander it in a month and be back to square one.

That must be why there are 43 million Americans who live in poverty then

Having no job or not going after decent paying jobs, mixed with mass immigration of unskilled migrants is why poverty exists. This isn't Haiti. I was raised poor and am a minority. I'm not living in poverty, so what happened there...

Good argument. If you have one thing in common with someone you obviously are the same as them. Kim Jong Un has 2 arms. You have 2 arms. You must be North Korean.

The best way to defeat your enemy is if they are afraid of what you might and could do to them. There's never any war that way.

With Obama's way Iran stockpiles, North Korea stockpiles, and China takes over the global economic structure. Doing and saying nothing is more dangerous than rebuke and red lines.

Someone explain to me how the 10 commandments, "my statutes shall stand forever", "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever", "God never changes", God's intolerance of sin and open rebellion, and "for a man to lie with a man as if a woman is an abomination to God" comes off as Liberal.

An authoritarian would have used force to shut them down and applied obscure laws on how close one can protest, riot, demonstrate in relation to the Whitehouse. Notice how that never happens.

I've seen 7 arguments on this site of Trump being authoritarian/using hate speech. I've also found examples of Obama and Clinton using the exact same language in the exact same scenarios. It's odd how saying "we will completely obliterate them" is not authoritarian coming from the mouth of a black man or a woman.

I wouldn't say it's a 100% complete myth because there are more Whites than any ethnic group in America. But is there a systematic block that keeps minorities from success and happiness? No. If there was, Asians wouldn't be thriving like it's nobody's business. Is there a white privilege that resembles the one that the left describes? Not at all. Much of the Hispanic and African American plight is cultural. The culture of victimhood keeps getting passed down. The minorities that choose to make it do make it.

2 points

I'm sure there are people with the desire to be surgeons from a scientific and not economic standpoint.

We have a shortage of doctors and surgeons now, as we speak, and that's while being paid handsomly. Imagine it once we flood them due to "free healthcare" and take away their high wages.

2 points

People are willing to take shit jobs in capitalism

And people are willing to do highly skilled jobs under capitalism because of higher wages.

2 points

Okay. Equal pay, equal incentive. Now convince me to join the military.

0 points

Venezuela is not a victim of socialism, it is a victim of bad money management

It's a victim of a socialist dictatorship.

0 points

Literally a blank statement based on nothing

Sure it is. If there is equal incentive, I'll do the easiest job and nothing else.

0 points

Everybody would be more equally rewarded

So why would anyone join the military or become a surgeon...

0 points

I know someone who moved to Canada and was forced to move back to save their daughter's life.

2 points

The problem with pure socialism is that if people don't naturally flow into certain professions, the system is obligated, in order to not collapse, to force people to do jobs they don't want to do. So you very well could end up being a surgeon making nothing for wages. And then, should I trust a surgeon who was forced to be a surgeon and makes nothing for wages to cut on my body?

George Bush claimed on national television that God told him to invade Iraq

Sadaam Hussein was using chemical weapons on his own people and invading our allies with military force. You also decided to ditch facts and try to pretend like most of those deaths weren't Muslims killing Muslims. (As is normal with Muslims).

You are just as bad as they are, if not worse, yet you expect us to love you and hate them

Is that right? So you hate Obama and think he is worse than Muslims? Interesting.

Of course we know you're full of crap because liberals keep wanting immigrants to come to the U.S., which is a heavy majority Christian. And you want them to leave dangerous Muslim countries to go where? Safe, Christianized areas.

We think that when Christians constantly accuse Muslims of violence it destroys the credibility of the accusers

450 of 452 suicide bombings in 2015 were Islamic. You'd probably have to look in the air and pause if I asked you to name all of the "Christian" acts of terrorism in the world. Of course we don't see a lot of Christians trying to kill in the name of God because it contradicts the teachings of Jesus. We do see it in mass from Islam because Muhammad DID teach violence. It's a death cult.

And the Crusades were in response to the mass wave of Muslim conquests into Europe. Even the Chinese had their own crusades to fight off the Muslims, and they were atheists.

We almost never heard of the crazy things happening in the West until Islam starting gaining numbers in the West. Wasn't it you who loves facts?

We do not think Islam is peaceful

Aah. So the liberal riots at Trump's 6 country ban was bs and more liberal fake outrage.

We believe that comparing the meeting of minority employment quotas with human slavery is completely retarded

Okay. Then explain to us why Mexicans flooding us with illegals is okay. Then explain to us why Russia and China can't flood us as well.

2 points

Something is either a fact or it isn't a fact

Okay. Muhammad openly admitted to molesting a six year old and to being "demon posessed" in the Quran. Now what

Did your parents teach you about safe spaces or the school?

Like that the Democrats have a past of racism that stretches from slavery, to the trail of tears, to Japanese camps, to Jim Crow, to fighting the civil rights movement, to Robert Byrd being a Democrat until his death in 2010. They taught you that in college? Uh huh. I bet.

Liberal professors. No one thought there were 50 genders and no one had heard of safe spaces prior to the current indoctrination.

Here's some more facts that liberals will never hear.

2 points

Liberal bias is alternative facts. Liberalism as a whole is an alternative fact. It's a world where Islam is peaceful, not all races are racist, the Middle East is Disneyland, Obamacare premium hikes are wonderful, wikileaks are illegal to read, where there are 50 genders, where "love" wears a mask and breaks windows and burns cars in the streets, and where after it being proven that the media is colluding together to protect Democrat politicians and lies on a daily basis, the media is still our good friend.

New York has too much traffic, too many cabs, too high of prices, and too much crime.

The Left was acting like maniacs and got away with it for 8 years. You're just mad because someone told you idiots finally to just shut up. There aren't 50 genders. Islam isn't peaceful. Socialism is stupidity beyond belief. And safe spaces are for mentally unstable people. Now get over it.

Electric fence. It'll be like bugs zapping on the front porch.

What a tangled web we weave. *

Liberals are simply Communists who are so far brainwashed and indoctrinated that you can show them themselves in a mirror, and they won't understand what they are even looking at.

50 years ago? Robert Byrd was in Congress as a Democrat until his death in 2010.

2 points

If you are in Britain and reach your expected age of death and still live? Good luck getting helped.

And there is only so much money alloted to its system. When the funds start running out? Good luck.

And in its best days, expect giant waits that are longer than your symptoms and too long to save your life.

Libs want Obama out of these discussions and comparisons. By their own standards against Trump, by the same standard, Obama was/is a greedy, capitalist, elitist, war mongering racist.

It needs more interaction on one on one debates in my opinion. Something that shows it like Street Fighter where it's Dermot vs Bella for Example.*

You would at some point think that if the Native Americans per the liberal perspective are the greatest of the oppressed and the actual owners of this land, that the Natives could say to stop flooding Native lands with more unwanted foreigners.

It doesn't logically follow that it matters his political views. It appears that the general point of the discussion is that his professors fed him a bunch of "education" and steered him in a way that led to failure. It also looks like you evaded that point.

-1 points

And then Allah, who didn't exist until Muhammad made him up, commanded Muhammad to rape a 9 year old girl...and because of his great love for Muslims and hatred for Infidels, made the Muslims live in the desert while the infidels thrived. Makes sense.

I watched a video of him speaking to the boy scouts and they were cheering like he was Michael Jackson.

But anyway. If he were rebuked by the police, liberals should be on his side, seeing that liberals hate those racist pigs.

0 points

A new report accuses the State Department of STAGGERING lapses in its visa program that gave Sept. 11 hijackers entry into the United States.

Looks like a good reason to scrap liberal immigration and U.S. entry politics and toss them straight into the trash can wouldn't you say?

I don't know what we are supposed to do on this debate. I guess I'll vote Bronto.

Nobody cares except for Ramshutu. Ramshutu stays up late at night and hangs from the ceiling drinking booze and taking pills.

You do know that the North had slaves in mass right? You also know that no Republican, North or South owned a slave, correct? Slavery wasn't a north vs south issue. It was a Republican vs Democrat issue. There were people from the south that fought for Lincoln and people from the North that fought for the Confederates. The North started emancipation first under a Republican President named Abraham Lincoln. Emancipation wasn't a "north thing". It was a "Republican thing". The north and the south were both filled with pro slavery adherants. The Republican Party fought them and won.

Look up any civil rights issue from the past. The Republicans, without exception, got it done. Jim Crow laws were the Democrats. The fight against the Civil Rights movement, was the Democrats. The KKK at the pinnacle of its power, was the Democrats. Putting Japanese Americans in POW camps, was the Democrats. The Democratic party was lined with open KKK members and at its height in the 1960's, it was the arm of the Democrats. And after that only one Democrat from that group ever switched parties(Strom Thurmon). That means kkk members were flooding the Democratic party into the 70's, the 80's, the 90's, and maybe even some older ones into the 2000's. Think about that.

It appears the genius believes you are brontoraptor. Lol

False. How can bronto omit anything. He/it/she hasn't made a post yet, but looks to have simply put up two videos. I've come to the conclusion that Ramshutu is the biggest liar on the site.

So Mr Excon, show me a Trump "failure" that affects my every day life, and we will discuss it.

If Excon is a businessman as outlaw claims above, shouldn't Excon be fawning over Trump with delight? This is the most pro business President in the history of the United States. Would Excon cut off his nose to spite his face?

2 points

You're right. Racism does exist. That's why some liberals call for white genocide. Because they are liberal racists.

Black people don't collude with whites because they're racist.. They do it for the same basic reason, to ingratiate themselves with the white man

Oh god forbid that blacks see what liberals would call "the white man's world", try to integrate into it, and then try to.find success in it and peace with white people. Snap that whip Excon. You must keep the black man on the Democratic voting plantation by keeping him mad at whites and poor.

Why do white liberals go against their own race? Who knows. They love Hitler? They are "uncle toms", other?

Bronto misrepresents the point: his implication that because a minority of people hold a position the majority must be wrong

This is an unsupported claim. You haven't shown or proven which position is the majority position in the first place. Perhaps the majority of blacks don't think racism is a big problem or have no opinion on the issue. The fact is, you don't know, attack so called "unsupported claims", then maked unsupported claims. You also just assume we will believe your claim with no evidence, then assume we will not attack your unsupported claim with rebuttal.

Also, this brontoraptor made no false claim in saying "some black people think racism isn't a problem". The video is proof that some black people do not think racism is a big problem in the U.S. So you've actually spoken a non-truth in your "rebuttal".

False. You don't know the blacks who say racism is everywhere vs blacks who say it isn't stats, nor did you provide them. In multiple posts you have not shown that your exageration's claim is even correct, nor did you ever address the actual debate topic.

So your answer is "you don't know why blacks think there is no racism", so you have changed the subject all together.

Looks like we've found a young male with his hand down his pants and firmly wrapped around his thang moving in a north/south motion. Carry on.

That had nothing to do with well, anything. *

Transgender is literally labeled a mental disorder (Gender dysphoria) and prescribed drugs, treatment, and therapy. Do you want someone covering you in battle that can't even figure out what gender they are much less how to handle a combat situation?

There are straight people who can figure out which gender they are that cannot pass the military evaluations. Transgender is labeled as a mental disorder (Gender dysphoria) by the field of psychology. It is relegated to childhood abuse, biological problems, and use of hormones by the mother during pregnancy. My point is, they are jacked up. Don't try to put them in military situations.

And yet, many are, and you've completely and conveniently ignored the suicide statistics.

I think the parties are beginning to phase themselves out. Their monopolies have simply forced them to morph into third parties under the guises of Republican and/or Democrat. The old Democrats would have never censored speech. The New "Democrats" will censor in a heartbeat. The old Republicans would have never allowed gay marriage. The New "Republicans" simply don't care.

Animals are socialists. Humans are capitalists.

Cartman also failed conveniently to mention the other blocked speakers as well. The Young America's Foundation had to actually sue Berkeley for free speech violations. for-squelching-free-speech-n2323402

Cartman's claim is provably false. B8

If you think 9/11 was our fault, you are a victim of indoctrination and the dumbing down of our youth.

Cartman doesn't make points or back them. He simply tosses out random thoughts whether it makes sense or not. He can defend no serious position. He's also a Liberal pretending to not take a side.

You are Amarel.

Everyone leans either more to the right or to the left. People who claim neither side are doing so out of fear of having to defend a position or stand up for what they believe in. You can never get anything done politically from the middle.

Anything liberals disagree with is "hate speech". Magically, "basket of deplorables" and "irredeemable", "let's burn down the whitehouse", white people should die, kill the cops, and "let's kill Trump" don't make the liberal list.

Ramshutu lie counter number 531

By arguing that his opponent has "nothing to back up his claim", Bronto is strongly implying that he "backs up his claims".

Bronto rarely, if ever backs up anything he says in actuality. In logical terms, a rational, coherent argument or rebuttal requires a logical argument that explains how, if certain things are true, then the logical conclusion is that his opponents argument is false; combined with evidence or citation showing that those logical things are indeed true.

In reality, Bronto doesn't do that; he mainly just asserts or links a bunch of random citations, and then asserts a conclusion without any attempt at justifying or arguing anything.

This tactic is primarily used because his position is intellectually bankrupt, and Bronto knows that if he chose to argue by the same rules of logic and argument as normal, rational human beings did; he would be forced to conclude that his entire world view is a pile of festering pig manure.

Dinesh being tossed in jail for creating a movie called "Obama's America" isn't a nothing burger. It's a big fat something burger.

You also aren't a modern liberal. Your liberalism looks more like the modern right. The modern left looks nothing like 1980 liberalism.

2 points

We're NOT at war with Islam

If not being at war with an ideology makes it something you cannot critque, then by your standard, critiquing conservatism is bigotry. Or are yiu at war with conservativism? And if you are, why did you pick those who support the red white and blue to do battle with?

The left needs safe spaces, therapy dogs, and trigger warnings, so I'd say that this is a given.

So cartman's inner wussy just burst out. And it was ugly.

0 points

Trust me, if anyone are a group of geniuses, it wouldn't be Australians.

0 points

You believe women own their bodies

Is that a bad thing? Enjoy a spot of rape do we?

Nobody mentioned rape. All I saw was you claiming to be a liberal, who are fawining over Islam in some love fest while demonizing Christianity for lesser things than the tribe you are a part of. Point to Brontoraptor.

2 points

Uh oh. Your inner dermot accidentally slipped out... *

That must be your neutral, moderate side speaking.

If you support LGBT rights, you are obviously Conservative. Liberals think it's okay for Muslims to slaughter gays like animals.

2 points

I have the right to healthcare, but I don't have the right to reject unaffordable healthcare. Pure genius. Even the socialists would cringe.

We already are witnessing it. We are about to witness it when it gets pissed off.

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