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Debate Score:32
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logicaljoe(529) pic

A Lesson For You

A couple of weeks ago I noticed 1 cute little bug in my room.  He'd fly around me and I was going to kill it but I noticed how cute he was and he was only one.  I let him be.  Two weeks later, there were now about 50 of his kind in my room.  I had to put my foot down and decided enough was enough and I started taking them out one by one.   Now my room is bug free again.

I let that 1 turn into 50 and if I let those 50 remain, they would have turned into 2500 in another two weeks infesting my room and affecting my health.  It had to be done.   It's a lot easier to kill just 1 or even 50, than it is to kill 2500 or more, when it's too late.  Some *fill in the blank* could learn from my lesson ;)

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3 points

Some website admin should learn that lesson.

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

:( :(

I would fill in the blank with, ''liberal minded, sanctimonious politicians'' who are, in their recklessness encouraging the influx of religious zealots who are from a totally different culture and whose loyalties will always be with those of their own kind, including I.S. terrorists and not with the nations which they adopted as home. It's politicians, and only politicians who are responsible for the atrocities committed in the western nations which harbour imported Muslim terrorists whose existence was aided and abetted by our wonderful leaders.

1 point

So you think liberal politicians should be killed?

KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point


1 point

Only a low grade half wit such as you could have made such a bizarre interpretation from my reply. Three questions for you fool;- 1)where in my post did I infer that anyone should be killed? 2) What exactly is your response to this thread? 3) Is your glaring resentment a consequence of being abused as a child? You are one of those low lives who pollute debating forums like this by using it as a platform to offend those who express their genuinely held opinions. You have no interest in the topics nor in offering a rational and reasoned viewpoint, probably because you haven't got one. Mindless fools never have. All you want to do is spew out a torrent of personal insults, probably as a relief for your pent up sexual desires about which you can do nothing due to the minuteness of your pitiful penis and your twisted psychological state. Visit your nearest psychiatric clinic for some urgent treatment.

You're right! The Native Americans should have killed the colonists as soon as they arrived! And even though there's so many, they should go about killing all non native people starting right now! Great idea!

KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

Again 13 or 15 years old? Or are you an adult that never grew up?

1 point

Does sarcasm only belong to 13 year olds? My mistake.

1 point

I think the problem we come across is when we sacrifice the good to eradicate the all. To take from your example and put it in a larger scale.

In farming we know that there are good bugs and bad bugs. The problem is that insecticide doesn't. So while we are busy trying to kill bugs, we are also killing many bugs we need for plant propagation and pollination. You had one specific bug and probably one specific breed. Are you sure that all the bugs you killed where from that one bug? Or were even just one type of bug?

logicaljoe(529) Clarified
1 point

Hi Mint! You make a very good point as well. Yes, it is important to know that sometimes killing/removing what we perceive to be "bad" may actually have other ramifications we didn't expect like in nature when you eliminate one troublesome species, it may cause a chain reaction in the ecosystem and affect other things.

As for your question, yes the bugs were all EXACTLY the same. At first, it was just one. He's a really cute species. He's so tiny and flies so slowly that I felt pity for him how easy it could have been for me to kill him in the air. When he lands, his wings go in and he has a soft shiny outer body shell (it's hard). He has little antennae that stick out from his head. When he senses danger, he stops moving and goes into his shell. Sometimes I noticed they will intentionally fall off the wall so that I can't smush them.

So about 2 weeks after I let him be, I noticed one night that there were about 5 or 6. When I turned on the lights, there were actually more, over 20 - 50. I started killing them all and everytime I thought I got rid of them, there were 20 more that kept appearing. But now that I have removed most of them, they are not as prevalent as before. They must have bred somewhere in my place and recently hatched a couple hundred flies. But now that I have them back to under control, 1 or 2 is tolerable, but I saw the lesson in it. It's easier to deal with an issue in it's earliest stages when it's easiest to deal with. But we as humans often let it go because we don't see well into the future. Then when the issue becomes overbearing, we try and do something about it but often by that time, it's too late or the job is 100x more difficult than it would have been had we just dealt with it when it was a minor issue.

That's why no small issue should be overlooked and taken lightly. We must be vigilant at all times to ensure the protection of our long-term health and well-being :)

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

Lol, so the lesson this teaches us is, if you find a bug cute, don't let it stay in your room. Put it back outside so that it may continue the life it wants and fulfill the purpose it needs. Or if you are going to have a pet bug, make a home for it ;D

well the issue isn't so much the flies, as it is the spiders that eat the flies.... no wait that analogy sucks...


The ebola on the flies is the real problem? NO.... FUCK



1 point

I've only been gardening a couple years now but I've been learning the hard way about some bug or some weed I need to destroy and remove immediately and persistently or else the problem they cause a month later is far worse.

But unlike some on this site I honestly don't think this applies to politics or free speech. To me the nation and the government is analogous to nature itself, and the free speech and differing opinions are just whichever fauna survives.