
Debate Info

Wearing seat belts not illegal Should be illegal
Debate Score:38
Total Votes:39
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 Wearing seat belts not illegal (12)
 Should be illegal (16)

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Should not wearing a seat belt be illegal?

Wearing seat belts not illegal

Side Score: 14

Should be illegal

Side Score: 24
1 point

There should be no seat belt laws as there is no need to regulate common sense. Don't want to go through the windshield in an accident? Wear a seat belt. To pass laws regarding it is merely a cash grab for the government.

Side: Wearing seat belts not illegal
Antrim(1287) Disputed
3 points

People shouldn't drink and drive, but they do.

People shouldn't knowingly drive defective vehicles, but they do.

People shouldn't speed in built up areas, but they do.

People shouldn't use cell phones while driving but they do.

Side: Should be illegal
sylynn(625) Disputed
2 points

but they do.

You list 4 activities already illegal yet people continue to do, suggesting the laws are ineffective anyway. Aside from that, all 4 activities also have the potential of hurting or killing others whereas not wearing a seat belt can only hurt you.

Side: Wearing seat belts not illegal
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

The cash grab goes way beyond one entity and that is fact.

Side: Wearing seat belts not illegal
cownbueno(407) Disputed
1 point

I go about this calmly but I just have to say...

This is a fucked up comment.

Not sure about the U.S. where people have to pay for themselves but traffic laws in every other Healthcare providing nation are in place to also help reduce the stress on the medical system, clean up for first response units, and other professionals who would lose time cleaning up the body of an imbecile you was projected through his window.

You're essentially saying if someone doesn't know better they deserve to die. What kind of sick maniacal person are you?

You should really seek therapy.

Side: Should be illegal
sylynn(625) Disputed
1 point

I go about this calmly but I just have to say...

This is a fucked up comment...

...What kind of sick maniacal person are you?

You should really seek therapy.

Yeah, that was calm.

Not sure about the U.S. where people have to pay for themselves

Unless your jobless and leaching off society, you're paying for yourself too.

but traffic laws in every other Healthcare providing nation are in place to also help reduce the stress on the medical system, clean up for first response units, and other professionals who would lose time cleaning up the body of an imbecile you was projected through his window.

Keep telling yourself that. By your logic that should extend to any industry related to this, yet despite laws prohibiting mobile phone use, insurance rates keep going up and up because of distracted drivers.

You're essentially saying if someone doesn't know better they deserve to die

How is this sick? If someone doesn't understand it's dangerous to jump off a cliff and does so anyway, yes they deserve to die. How is that any different with seat belts? I'm curious though, how many people don't actually understand the benefits of seat belts, but only wear it because it's the law. I'd imagine that count being rather low.

Something interesting you pointed out, "if someone doesn't know better". The issue isn't a matter of introducing laws, it's a matter of educating people, but again, I really don't think there are many that simply don't know. No legislation can fix stupidity.

Side: Wearing seat belts not illegal
1 point

think wearing a seat belt should be legalized. If this is legal, all communities are obliged to follow the rules that have been created by the government. If anyone breaks this rule, then he will be given a sanction in accordance with the applicable rules. In addition, we must understand that the government aims to make a rule to the common good and public safety on the highway. Of course, the rules have been made and agreed to be followed both by governments and society.

Side: Wearing seat belts not illegal
1 point

Where the decision directly impacts no one but oneself, one should retain autonomy over the decision. I'm not keen on the government constraining individuals' choices over their own lives solely out of some misguided paternalistic sentiment.

Side: Wearing seat belts not illegal
4 points

It's my understanding that it already is. Is this not the case? I know in my state you can and will be pulled over for not buckling up.

Side: Should be illegal
Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

It is a common if not universal law in the US. The question is whether that should be the case.

Side: Wearing seat belts not illegal
2 points

Of course legislation is necessary to force the motoring public to act responsibly.

Years of expensive, ''clunk-click every trip'', had a negligible impact on convincing people to use their seat belts, so laws had to be passed.

When the seat belt law was passed 1000s of shitheads knew of someone who lost their life as a consequence of being unable to release their seat belt when their vehicle went on fire.

Side: Should be illegal
Amarel(5669) Clarified
3 points

The seatbelt law is in place to protect people from their own bad choices. Do you think it is always appropriate to implement laws of this sort? Is the metric whether it saves lives?

Side: Wearing seat belts not illegal
Jace(5211) Disputed
1 point

From what basis does the government derive authority to protect people from their own stupidity? It's their bloody lives, so I don't see what business it is of the government.

Side: Wearing seat belts not illegal
1 point

I'm torn between freedom to choose and the cost to society of paying damages from terrible accidents and medical bills. Ultimately I vote to require it because there is no constitutional right written around driving a vehicle, and in the absence of a mandate for that freedom the federal and state governments which regulate transportation on public roads can pretty much require anything their voters decide to allow or disallow.

Side: Should be illegal
1 point

Yes, not a major punishment, but insurance should go up .

Side: Should be illegal