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 8 foot tall 4 mile long fence around the Democratic National Convention (22)

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DBCooper(2194) pic

8 foot tall 4 mile long fence around the Democratic National Convention

Building a fence to keep people out is only racist when anyone says it other than Barack Obama. As for the Democratic National Committee elites keeping unwanted Americans away from their convention is a good idea to them while protecting the southern border from intruding terrorists, rapists and murderers is a bad one. 
Surely there is some sort of mistake here! 
If fences don't work then why is it the Democrats have built a fence in Philadelphia. 
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Great point! Kinda blows all their objections against border protection right out of the water. What happened to being open and accepting of all? Shouldn't ALL be welcome?

IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

First, they don't have control over it.

Second, they aren't arguing against the entire notion of "security".

Third, don't let partisanship cloud your judgement. "Great point"? It's not even a logical one. One can be opposed to the notion of a border wall due to how absurdly fiscally irresponsible and ineffective it is, while supporting the notion of security for individual buildings and events because it can be both fiscally responsible and effective.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
1 point

Third, don't let partisanship cloud your judgement. "Great point"? It's not even a logical one. One can be opposed to the notion of a border wall due to how absurdly fiscally irresponsible and ineffective it is, while supporting the notion of security for individual buildings and events because it can be both fiscally responsible and effective.

Border wall is irresponsible and ineffective but responsible and effective is a fence around an event. Can you rationalize that Democrat mindset to me.

1 point

Here's the problem with your assertion. Neither the RNC nor DNC chooses or dictates the security for their events. PoliceWeareAbsolutelyreadytosecuresafetyof_DNC.html

The Department of Homeland Security designated the DNC a Special Security Event and government teams determined based on the city, geography, arena, size of attendance, political climate, etc, what to do to maintain safety.

The RNC's fence was 6', DNC's is 8'. Cleveland is a smaller city than Philly, the Republicans have a smaller member base than the Democrats, and the fringe radicals of the Republicans already got their way by getting Trump nominated whereas the fring radicals of the Democrats did not. Slightly different circumstances call for slightly different fences.

Spew your hate on me now, but everything I just wrote is true. Your spin doesn't beat this.

Maybe, despite all their grand sounding, vote catching rhetoric they've realized that high fences make good neighbours. In my opinion the fence which Donald Trump is proposing should be paid for by the latino states, mainly Mexico, as it is the criminal greasers and illegal immigrants who are posing the threat to the stability of the United States. Gee, greasers in the Southern States with Bongos and crazed Muslims all over the country. The National Anthem should be changed from, ''God Bless America'', to ''God Help America''.

Who needs oil? I take the bus. #ConservativesMemes

0 points

Probably the fact that they made a fence that is .2% as long as the proposed border fence.

DBCooper(2194) Disputed
3 points

Democrats can build walls to keep Americans out but not illegals. Make some sense out of that.

4 points

Great example of the Democrat's constant double standard.

Just as the progressive hypocrites have body guards who carry conceiled weapons to protect their corrupt lives, they say we can't have conceiled weapons to protect our lives.

So lets get this straight, Democrts say a wall to keep out illegl immigrants will not work, but a wall to keep out illegal people at the Democrat convention does work.

Hmmmmmmmmm, ok now I get it. Those illegal immigrants will someday be the low end voters for Democrats after they give them all amnesty. BUT, criminals will never be a voting block so therefore build a wall in this case.

LOL, what corrupt political traitors to this nation.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

Americans follow laws, dipshit.