
Debate Info

Drop out, endorse Hillary Continue hurting the party
Debate Score:23
Total Votes:26
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 Drop out, endorse Hillary (10)
 Continue hurting the party (12)

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nobodyknows(745) pic

After this crushing defeat, should Bernie Sanders drop out?

Now that Bernie has lost another set of states today, it is time for him to drop out and get his supporters behind Hillary. It is hopeless to continue and he will only be hurting the Democratic Party by attacking the nominee. Thoughts?

Drop out, endorse Hillary

Side Score: 10

Continue hurting the party

Side Score: 13

Even though I despise Hillary, I think today was the nail in the coffin for Bernie. Although he has made huge strides since his campaign began, it just wasn't enough. Looks like our next President will be just another corporate puppet. Four more years of business as usual in the United States of Corporate America. Hopefully Elizabeth Warren will run next time.

Side: Drop out, endorse Hillary
1 point

BUT! Only if Ted Cruz does the same!

I watched him (Cruz) make that ridiculous speech last night: Shut down the EPA (let the big guys pollute our air and water because they can make bigger profits!); Create thousands of high paying jobs (by taking away all business regulations, let the big guys hire discriminately, increase the people who can't get jobs ... making it easier to get them to take desperation jobs for what they WANT to pay them)! Throw out the Dept of Education, opening schools "for profit" for those who can afford to go!! Start a "flat tax", with no government oversight, easily cheated and as in tennis "advantage...RICH! One crazy idea (as dictated by the Kocks (by virtue of the $800,000,000 invested in the campaign)! The purchasing of America is under way! The lies ABOUT Hillary FAR FAR outnumber any (IF any) she has told! The lies on the Republican side are intentional, and intent!

Side: Drop out, endorse Hillary
1 point

To drop out would be to give the win over to Hillary. She still might (laugh) face some sort of disciplinary action for her many crimes, such as the currently investigated e-mail/hard-drive scandal. He should keep working at it and give hope to the Democrats who see through the evils of Clinton.

Hillary is a Liar
Side: Continue hurting the party
nobodyknows(745) Disputed
0 points

What I don't understand is why progressives, who before Bernie Sanders ran for president would tell me the accusations by Fox News and the Republicans against Hillary Clinton were ridiculous, have completely adopted the Republican narrative about Clinton.

Sure, she isn't a progressive; she is a centrist. I understand why you prefer Bernie. I just don't understand why you have to label her a criminal. Are you trying to fear monger your Democratic colleagues into abandoning Clinton?

Do you really believe she has committed real crimes? I don't think you do. I think you know she is just a really good politician. She believes whatever polls above 50%. That's what a centrist is. In one breath people praise Trump for changing his mind, and in the next breath they accuse Hillary of being a liar for doing the same.

Side: Drop out, endorse Hillary
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

As a Sanders supporter, I think it's because people as a whole are stupid. There's no reason Sanders supporters should be exempt from that. People have latched onto who they support and all too often believe the best course of action isn't to raise their candidate up, but to tear the other candidates down. We can see that clearly in the Republican Party, it's just happening a tiny bit more subtly in the Democratic Party.

Side: Drop out, endorse Hillary
Pantagruel(984) Disputed
1 point

1. I am not a Democrat.

2. I am not an American.

Therefore I do not have "Democratic colleagues", as you put it.

I believe that she has committed crimes.

Finally, don't you dare try putting words into my mouth. I think she is a heinous politician who speaks whatever the crowd that day wants to hear. Not much better than Trump in that regard. The one thing that matters to me is consistency; were I to vote, I'd vote for the more consistently honest and human candidate. Probably Libertarian, but that's a different can of worms.

Side: Continue hurting the party
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Do you really believe she has committed real crimes?

There are many people who do. He even mentioned one of them. It isn't about her changing her mind. She decided to use her own private email server to store classified information. Under her watch 4 people died in Benghazi. Either of those might be considered real crimes.

Side: Continue hurting the party

It means nothing in the states he wins because the Democrat party has it rigged where Hillary still gets more delegates. They will give the super delegates to the establishment Hillary.

Side: Continue hurting the party

Hes not hurting the party hes trying to fucking save it. Letting Hillary win only continues the trend of Democrats being corporate shills that dont represent the will of the american people. Most bernie supporters dont give a flying fuck about the Democratic party. I know i sure as hell dont and im registered Democrat. Fuck the two party system. Fuck the establishment that continues to funnel big money into elections. Im standing with bernie even if he runs as an independent.

Furthermore he isnt even done. The states that bote in the next month favor bernie. Hillary's firewall of the south is done. From here on out its a real race. Is he behind? Yes. But if he wins the majority of the next 9 states AND New York he is tied with hillary. And if he wins california as well then superdelegates are gonna seriously reconsider their endorsement of hillary. Keep in mind she only leads him by about 180 delegates despite what every major news network will tell you. They ALWAYS include superdelegates in that count to make it seem like shes absurdly far ahead. The reality is its still a real race. He isnt a Marco Rubio, this isnt over by a long shot.

Side: Continue hurting the party
nobodyknows(745) Disputed
1 point

There are 4765 total delegates. 4051 are pledged delegates, 714 are superdelegates. Lets say superdelegates don't count. A candidate needs at least 2026 pledged delegates to have a majority of pledged delegates. Bernie has 825 pledged delegates, Clinton has 1139. Therefore, Bernie needs an additional 1201 pledged delegates. Only 2087 remain. That is 1201/2087 = 57.5% of the remaining delegates. Do you really believe Bernie will pick up 57.5% of the popular vote in the remaining elections?

Side: Drop out, endorse Hillary
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

You probably shouldn't have done the math. 57.5% is easily attainable for someone who is a viable candidate. There is no reason for a Bernie supporter to think he can't win 57.5% of the remaining vote.

Side: Continue hurting the party

Considering from here on out its the mid west, mountain, and western states which are all leaning toward him and are where his campaign really took off yes he has a good chance. He simply needs to win with the current trend he's already been winning states which is 60/40 Sanders. If he maintains that trend he enters the covention with close to a 100 delegate lead.

Side: Drop out, endorse Hillary
1 point

Okay, I don't support this side because it says that Sanders is hurting the party, but he isn't. The only reason Hillary is taking the lead is because of the superdelegates. They can switch anytime and Sanders will flat out beat Clinton.

Side: Continue hurting the party
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

She has the lead in pledged delegates as well.

Side: Drop out, endorse Hillary
foil7(346) Disputed
1 point

I didn't say anything about her losing the pledged delegates contest. The amount of superdelegates she has, if they switch to Sanders, can beat Hillary.

Side: Continue hurting the party
0 points

No, because as long as he stays a contender he increases the chances he'll at least be named a VP. And he'd be a great VP, because it would drag in his support base, and it would also help minimize the risk of Clinton later being assassinated by the right wingers.

Side: Continue hurting the party