
Debate Info

Excellent Idea. Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical
Debate Score:38
Total Votes:39
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 Excellent Idea. (16)
 Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical (20)

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ProLogos(2794) pic

How to lower crime rates further!

Remove stupid laws.

Excellent Idea.

Side Score: 16

Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical

Side Score: 22
1 point

Technically, if no laws existed then there would be no crimes against laws. But then that means your neighbor can do whatever he wants to you unless you personally can stop him. Good luck with that.

Side: Excellent Idea.
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

That's dumb. Talking about lowering crime rate, not getting rid of crime!

Side: Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical
Grenache(6053) Clarified Banned
1 point

Of course it's dumb. That's why I told them good luck with that. It won't end well for them.

Side: Excellent Idea.

Legalize cannabis, pardon non violent drug offenders.

Side: Excellent Idea.
1 point

The laws are what make a crime a crime. Consequently, this could influence statistics greatly. However, that doesn't mean that people will behave themselves.

Side: Excellent Idea.
1 point

Because the Progressive Elite in this country are only concerned with guns in the hands of law abiding citizens not criminals with guns ! Are there any guns in the hands of criminals in Chicago ?

Side: Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical
1 point

So, that means you are also for legalizing Marijuana?

Side: Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Because the Progressive Elite in this country are only concerned with guns in the hands of law abiding citizens not criminals with guns ! Are there any guns in the hands of criminals in Chicago ? Why is it you Progressives just like the Governor of your state believe gun laws with deter criminals ?

Side: Excellent Idea.
1 point
Side: Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical
1 point


We will create moon powered produce.

Side: Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Gun Laws will deter criminals is your point ? If so how !

Side: Excellent Idea.

No, it doesn't sound good and I'm more than skeptical. Generally speaking laws aren't stupid, they have evolved throughout the world's societies in order to protect their decent law abiding citizens. By administrating punishment to the criminals laws act as a deterrent and by removing even a few the ''CRIME FIGURES'' may appear to go down but illegal acts which commonsense tells us constitute crimes against society will not be affected and the low lives would seize on the opportunity to ''get stuck in'' to those anti-social acts which have been decriminalized.

Side: Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical
1 point

Get rid of all the blacks if you want to drop the crime rate.

How is this not logical?

they comprise over two-thirds of the prison system and commit at least half of the total crime. And per capita of course they do MORE crime than any other ethnic group.

So if you have a problem how do you solve it? Duh. Remove the source.

That's not all, Bacall. The country would be improved in other ways too if we shipped off of all the blacks. (I am not saying I am FOR this idea. I am just stating some documented facts and stats). But dont take my word for it. Instead, lookie here!

Side: Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

Once again, Derivative and impractical and would never happen without way more crime.

Side: Excellent Idea.
1 point

I think we've all had enough of your racism.

Side: Excellent Idea.
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

The Jacobfoolguy has not shown he is a Racist !Prove you haven't !

Side: Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical
1 point

You Progressives are not about lowering crime rates ! Crime is not on your agenda nor part of your narrative !

Side: Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical
ProLogos(2794) Disputed
1 point

And yet I've made a debate about it.

What say you?

Side: Excellent Idea.

Remove stupid laws or just remove all laws because they are stupid? That's my question.

Side: Sounds Good but I'm Skeptical