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 I decided to reject the left versus right paradigm. (21)

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Sitar(3680) pic

I decided to reject the left versus right paradigm.

I realized that I don't fit in either category. I have beliefs on both sides of the aisle.
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1 point

Congratulations on your awakening. ..............................

1 point

LOL, thanks. I am too attached to gun rights to be a liberal.............................

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I'm a "liberal", have many "liberal" friends, and WE all own guns, have for years! WE don't want to have OUR guns taken either. WE don't want YOUR guns .... if you are deserving to have them. WE just don't want NUT-CASES to get them soooo easily! Terrorists to get them soooo easily! WE TOO are "attached to gun RIGHTS ... NOT TO GUN STUPIDITY!

I used to be a PROUD NRA MEMBER .... until they were taken over by radicals! I used to instruct in NRA sanctioned "Gun Safety" classes! I used to shoot in NRA sanctioned shooting matches! I am attached to the OLD, not the NEW.... gun "rights"! MANY "liberals" love guns too! (We just are not too sure of some of the OWNERS!)

That's good to hear.

“The moment when someone attaches you to a philosophy or a movement, then they assign all the baggage and all the rest of the philosophy that goes with it to you. And when you want to have a conversation, they will assert that they already know everything important there is to know about you because of that association. And that's not the way to have a conversation.”

-Neil deGrasse Tyson

Lopilulu(286) Disputed
1 point

Are you implying that there is a right and wrong way to converse? Surely if two (or more) people are having a conversation, their way is fine for them.

LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
1 point

"Are you implying that there is a right and wrong way to converse?"

If you want the conversation to be productive, then yes. If you just want to flap your gums and aren't actually interested in what the other person has to say, then no.

1 point

Lol, that's good!! I don't fall on either side as well, I think they both have good points. Sticking to one side only, to me, limits your thinking.

1 point

While I agree with you, Sitar is saying that she denies the very existence of the wings in the first place.

Mint_tea(4641) Clarified
1 point

"denies the very existence of the wings in the first place." I'm sorry, could you clarify this? I'm a tad confused and would like to know what you meant by it. :D

I'm overwhelmingly conservative, but I'm not lock-step with the right. I don't agree with anyone, or anything 100% of the time