
Debate Info

The WEST They'd be EVEN
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 The WEST (2)
 They'd be EVEN (3)

Debate Creator

excon(18261) pic

If 50 cops patroled the east side of town, and 100 cops patroled the west side....


Which side of town would produce the most arrests???



Side Score: 4

They'd be EVEN

Side Score: 4
3 points

If 10,000 crimes happened on the west side of town and 5,000 crimes happened on the east side of town, as police chief would you equally divide your officers between the east and west side of town?

Side: The WEST

They'd make more arrests in whichever part of town was committing more crime.

Side: The WEST
2 points

Well let's start with if 50 cops patrolled the east side and 50 patrolled the west side for a month and compared figures the figures should balance out for arrests shouldn't they ?

If one area had a higher rate of criminality one would expect a higher arrest rate from the 50 cops in that area wouldn't they ?

Side: They'd be EVEN
1 point

It would depend on a number of factors that you haven't listed. But it is entirely reasonable that either side could effect more arrests than the other. Given equal crime rates spread evenly, and depending on the size of the areas patrolled, the presence of 100 cops could be enough to dissuade a significant amount of illegal activity; while the same size territory with the same crime rate could have more criminals being arrested by the 50 officers who were not prevalent enough to dissuade, but numerous enough to respond.

Side: They'd be EVEN
1 point

Excon, do you intend to weigh in on this? Was there rhetoric underlying your question? Did you mean to make a statement?

Side: They'd be EVEN