
Debate Info

I'd still vote for him He is too unstable
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:16
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 I'd still vote for him (4)
 He is too unstable (8)

Debate Creator

Jacobcoolguy(2428) pic

If Trump really said this and you're a Trump supporter....

"If we have nuclear weapons why can't we use them?"

Will you still vote for him?

I'd still vote for him

Side Score: 7

He is too unstable

Side Score: 9
2 points

This is hearsay nonsense. This is just an attempt to lie about Trump. There is no context to what Trump said. They could have been going over scenarios where aliens have landed and start attacking us on the celebration of our freedom from Britain. This unstoppable alien force has to be attacked somehow. If we have nuclear weapons in that scenario why can't we use them?

Side: I'd still vote for him
2 points

What if the one hour briefing involved discussing a scenario where a giant meteor was going to hit Earth and Trump was suggesting sending a renowned group of drillers into space to blow up the meteor? We need to blow up the meteor, right? If we have nuclear weapons, why not use them on this meteor?

Side: I'd still vote for him

Three uber liberal outlets citing an unnamed source; give me a break!


Side: I'd still vote for him
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

He says, after having spent plenty of time trying to defend the supposed quote.

Funny, considering how you are defending the "Many people are saying" candidate.

Side: I'd still vote for him
1 point

We had atomic bombs and they were used on Japan. You are opposed to American dominance you Democrat. How heavy is that pail you toting.

Side: I'd still vote for him
2 points

I'll acknowledge the source and context haven't been substantiated. But still, it does sound like something an arrogant, blow hard, do as I order, I'll make them pay, Geneva convention ignoring, immigrant banning, bully would say about nuclear weapons.

Side: He is too unstable
1 point


Side: He is too unstable
1 point


Side: He is too unstable
1 point


Side: He is too unstable
Megatron(82) Clarified
1 point


Side: I'd still vote for him
Megatron(82) Clarified
1 point


Side: I'd still vote for him
1 point


Side: He is too unstable
1 point


Side: He is too unstable
1 point


Side: He is too unstable
1 point


Side: He is too unstable