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Debate Score:128
Total Votes:140
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 No. (52)
 Yes. (38)

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SitaraMusica(536) pic

Is atheism a religion?

I do not believe that atheism is a religion because atheists do not believe in any god or gods.


Side Score: 77


Side Score: 51

A religion involves a group of people with the same religious beliefs- not a group of people with the same lack of religious beliefs. By this logic, we could claim that Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Wicca, and numerous others are all the same religion because none of them believe that Jesus is divine as Christians assert. Interestingly enough, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all worship the same God of Abraham, though each disagrees with the others regarding most of the specifics. We classify groups of people by shared beliefs and practices, not by beliefs and practices that both refrain from.

A religion is far more than whether one believes in a god or gods, there is also mythology and beliefs pertaining to the origin of human life, what happens to human life after death, and generally guidelines regarding conduct during life. If you talk to two random christians, you'll have both believing that god created man, that after death one can expect to go to hell or heaven (sometimes with purgatory as a third option), and that people should conduct themselves generally according to the moral standards adopted by the bible. They may disagree on some of the specific minutiae, but they believe all of these. If you talk to two random atheists, however, the only thing they're guaranteed to see eye to eye on is their opinion regarding whether or not god exists. One may believe that human life evolved here on earth due to natural processes, one may believe that human life was seeded here by aliens. One may believe that death is a literal end, another may believe in a reincarnation cycle. Their morals could be completely different as well.

Side: No.

I agree. Atheism does not have a unified set of beliefs, so it cannot be a religion.

Side: No.
atypican(4873) Disputed
2 points

A religion involves a group of people with the same religious beliefs- not a group of people with the same lack of religious beliefs.

Theists could be disingenuously described as "lacking a belief" that the universe is god free. But truly they have commonality of belief.

A religion is far more than whether one believes in a god or gods

I strongly agree with that. Unity based on a single belief, does not a religion make. But then how many beliefs must be shared before a class of people can rightly be considered a religion?

there is also mythology, beliefs pertaining to the origin of human life, what happens to human life after death, and generally guidelines regarding conduct during life.

These I will agree are generalities, but can there be a religion missing one or more of these?

If you talk to two random christians, you'll have both believing that god created man, that after death one can expect to go to hell or heaven (sometimes with purgatory as a third option), and that people should conduct themselves generally according to the moral standards adopted by the bible. They may disagree on some of the specific minutiae, but they believe all of these.


. If you talk to two random atheists, however, the only thing they're guaranteed to see eye to eye on is their opinion regarding whether or not god exists.

Oh yeah?

One may believe that human life evolved here on earth due to natural processes, one may believe that human life was seeded here by aliens. One may believe that death is a literal end, another may believe in a reincarnation cycle.

So if you just wonder about the origins of life, what happens after death, and haven't made up your mind then you can't be religious?

Side: Yes.
3 points

Theists could be disingenuously described as "lacking a belief" that the universe is god free. But truly they have commonality of belief.

You are familiar with the concept of a double negative, right? This one is a bit of a stretch, wouldn't you agree? Lacking a positive belief does not necessarily imply holding a negative belief; but lacking the absence of a positive belief does imply holding a positive belief.

I strongly agree with that. Unity based on a single belief, does not a religion make. But then how many beliefs must be shared before a class of people can rightly be considered a religion?

These I will agree are generalities, but can there be a religion missing one or more of these?

CAN there be? Not according to my understanding of what a religion is, but I'm hardly the only one with perspective there. Are you aware of any organizations that are historically recognized as religions that are missing these? However we define a religion, it should be inclusive of all established religions (including Buddhism; reclassifying it as a philosophy is a copout IMO).

Now, regarding your first link- 'Christian atheism' appears on the surface to be a grey area, but it should be pointed out that 'Christian' here is an adjective. It rejects all of the religious aspects of christianity but maintains that Jesus as described from the bible has good messages that we can learn from, even if one is to throw out all the hocus-pocus. It is best described, IMO, as a 'flavor.' Christianity is the 'real vanilla' here, and Christian atheism has artificial vanilla flavoring but contains no actual vanilla. Literally every aspect of the christian faith is rejected by christian atheism.

Regarding your second link, 'Oh yeah?' - Yeah. When religion is concerned, only the concrete existence of God is considered. The existence of the concept we label 'god' is another animal entirely; I don't believe anyone can back the claim that the concept we label 'god' does not exist as a concept. Theists believe in a concrete existence of a god or gods. Atheists do not.

So if you just wonder about the origins of life and haven't made up your mind then you can't be religious?

You're using a bit of misdirection here, talking about religious individuals vs. religions as a whole. A religious person is a follower/practitioner of a religion. That person may dissent from most other followers/practitioners on some topics; a person doesn't cease being a christian just because they question, say, the timeframes noted in the portion of Genesis dealing with the creation myth.

I'll even go so far as to say that some atheists can certainly behave in a manner that many would describe (erroneously, but still) as religious, but atheism is still not a religion.

One could make an argument that 'Atheism' represents an umbrella that several 'religions' fall under, but it should be noted that numerous non-religious viewpoints and philosophies also fall underneath it. This makes it more comparable to 'Theism' which is not itself a religion, but is rather than umbrella that numerous religions fall under, as well as a number of viewpoints and philosophies that don't quite constitute a religion.

Side: No.
2 points

God or gods do not qualify a religion, a unified belief system does. Buddhism is a godless religion with a unified belief system.

Atheist is not and can not be a religion because it one, is not unified, and two is not a belief system.

Atheism is a default position, indicating a lack of belief. Can babies be born into a religion? No they can not, they can not be born united with a group of people who share similar beliefs because they are born with no beliefs, hell with no memory let alone thoughts of forming a group. Yet every baby is born an atheist, because they are born with that lack of belief.

Side: No.
SitaraMusica(536) Clarified
0 points

I agree. I do not believe that atheism is a religion either. What you said makes sense.

Side: No.
2 points

Atheism is as much of a religion as not playing hockey is a sport, or not cooking is a type of food.

Side: No.
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

The not cooking as a food analogy doesn't really work, I don't think so anyway, but props on that "not playing hockey" as a sport one, that also made me laugh.

Side: No.
2 points

Atheism by definition is not a religion

re·li·gion noun \ri-ˈli-jən\

: the belief in a god or in a group of gods

athe·ism noun \ˈā-thē-ˌi-zəm\

: a disbelief in the existence of deity

But according to common vernacular the word "Atheism" is commonly placed under the category of religion. If you were to ask an Atheist "What is your religion?", the common answer would be "I'm an Atheist" as opposed to "I don't have a religion." Just like someone might say that black is their favorite color, while in actuality, black is the absence of color. Atheism is used as a filler for religion in colloquial terms, but technically speaking, Atheism is undoubtedly not a religion.

Side: No.
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

re·li·gion /rəˈlijən/

noun: religion

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

"ideas about the relationship between science and religion"


faith, belief, worship, creed; More

sect, church, cult, denomination

"the freedom to practice their own religion"

•a particular system of faith and worship.

plural noun: religions

"the world's great religions"

•a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.

"consumerism is the new religion";=define+religion

Regardless of whether or not atheists admit that atheism is a religion, dictionaries do define it as such. Denying this also makes one wonder what else they refuse to accept, like the truth and evidence contrary to their own beliefs.

•a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.

"consumerism is the new religion"

Side: Yes.
The Phantom(450) Disputed
2 points

re·li·gion /rəˈlijən/

noun: religion

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

"ideas about the relationship between science and religion"


faith, belief, worship, creed; More

sect, church, cult, denomination

"the freedom to practice their own religion"

•a particular system of faith and worship.

plural noun: religions

"the world's great religions"

•a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.

"consumerism is the new religion"

The definition of religion that is being talked about in this debate is obviously the first one. Attempting to assign all of those definitions, or any other than the first, to the term "religion" is purely equivocal. The "religious atheist" that you speak of, which may appear to be an oxymoron, is simply an "avid" or "passionate" atheist. The validity of your argument lies only in your accidental, or maybe purposeful, confusion of terms.

Regardless of whether or not atheists admit that atheism is a religion, dictionaries do define it as such. Denying this also makes one wonder what else they refuse to accept, like the truth and evidence contrary to their own beliefs.

•a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.

"consumerism is the new religion"

Again, you have only arrived at this conclusion by confusing terms. By claiming the "passionate atheist" is a "religious atheist" you are constructing a straw man and attacking an argument that no one is even talking about.

Side: No.
1 point

Atheism has no central belief system. It has no holy book. It is not a religion, no matter how much you twist it.

Side: No.
2 points

D...really? lol no it's not a religion, it's is lack of any religion meaning nothing, follow no one or thing that has to do wit a God or Gods, am I religious about anti religion? "yes" in the sense that I feel its humanities downfall but is it a religion? hellzzz no chic.

Side: No.
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

It's the lack of gods, Buddhism is a religion that lacks Gods.

Side: No.
1 point

Very true, but most Buddhist will say that they are not a religion but a way of life, meaning you can be Christian and Buddhist or what ever, its more of a way of life or looking at life

Side: No.

Well, the dictionary has a couple definitions for religion.

the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

This is pretty much the opposite idea of atheism which, according to the dictionary, is

disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

These two definitions pretty much contradict eachother. To be believe in atheism is the exact opposite of believing in religion, or so says the dictionary.

Side: No.
1 point

No, Atheism is not a religion as the definition of religion is 'the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods'. Athiests do not believe in a God so they can not be a religion.

Side: No.
1 point

Atheism by definition in the dictionary is "disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods." And religion by definition is the belief in a higher power or "god". The two are complete opposites and couldn't be any more different. Plus atheism doesn't have any codes or way's to live. It is not a religion. In fact it isn't even close.

Side: No.
1 point

If atheism is a religion then not collecting stamps would be a hobby

Side: No.
1 point

I thought about this before, and it is definitely not a religion. A universal definition for religion is not agreed on, but considering that atheism is "the belief that there is no god", it is no religion. Another thing is that theism itself isn't a religion either. Atheism and theism are just philosophical views on the existence of god.

I would like to see a valid definition of religion.

Side: No.
0 points




the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

"ideas about the relationship between science and religion"

synonyms: faith, belief, worship, creed; More

a particular system of faith and worship.

plural noun: religions

"the world's great religions"

a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.

"consumerism is the new religion"

Side: No.
DS0330(267) Disputed
1 point

This is a terrible definition. A religion is a set of practices and sacraments, not just simply a belief in something. Also, there can be a religion without belief in the supernatural(a naturalistic religion).

Side: Yes.
2 points

I am a minister at the First Church of Atheism :)


Side: Yes.
Jace(5211) Clarified
2 points

I am not convinced that co-opting religious terminology to describe a small portion of the atheist population that has organized into a community actually constitutes a religion. Boom?

Side: No.
atypican(4873) Clarified
1 point

Perhaps your rationale will be applied to deny us legal status of a religion! Depends on who makes the more convincing argument in court I suppose.

Boom! is like I just dropped a bomb (delivered knockdown argument) I was meaning to convey a joking approach because...Shh!... I don't think atheism is a religion, it's a single belief; if it's rational. However IMO the whole "lack of belief" rationale is blatantly disingenuous. I strongly believe that everything concerning knowledge that can be shared, depends on language and logic. More specifically shared symbology. I'm thinking about the beginning of language logic and.......wait for it......religion. The same people who got together and created alphabets had to have already had a faith rationale in place that this was all worth doing. I'm also thinking about the beginning of recorded history and the sciences. I forget who said that science was the record of dead religions (oh oscar wilde of course) but his opinions about religion were very influential to me, as were Einsteins and Carl Jungs. See religion is the convictions we currently have, science is the greatest tool for improving our religion. The only logically sound rationale for atheism that I know of (unless I'm wrong of course ALWAYS)is that one has never met anyone who they recognize as a god. That's mine. All this lack of belief in god shit irritates me because I used to say that shit before I ever seriously and maturely thought about what gods were. The epistemic role religion has played in arts sciences technologies agriculture architecture culture society government is unmistakable unless you've had sufficient indoctrination into secularism. We all do what we do based on what we value. Different religions can have different rationales for why what's valued is valued, but the justifications aren't what's greatly significant. The actually held values are. This religion business, is value narrative business, which makes it moral business too. And I think I can make an argument that essentially we are talking about government too. The rules and justification of rules business.

Wow I went off on a tangent..puts it out...hopefully in picking through this drivel you can think of a debate topic for us to try in the formal or moderated formats that we talked about

Side: No.
1 point

Atheism is not a religion. It has no central belief system. It has no holy book.

Side: No.
2 points

It certainly can be. There are atheists who seem determined to convert others top their view. They will claim it is not religious but will use all the same tactics.

Side: Yes.


Been done ten thousand times already. The answer is still the same, but the earth is now a triangle.

Side: Yes.
3 points

As it is neither an organized set of beliefs nor a belief in any deity, atheism can not be rationally considered a religion.

Side: No.
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

If is to your liking then consider atheism to be a religion by irrational thinking, either way it doesn't change it from being a religion.

Side: Yes.
-1 points

Atheism is not a religion because atheists do not believe in a god or gods.

Side: No.
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
2 points

Wrong. Atheism is not a religion because there is no unification under a set of beliefs. Buddhism represents a religion that is not concerned with gods. Some argue that Buddhism is a philosophy rather than a religion, but there is a significant amount of material concerned with codified morality, the afterlife, the source of life, and whatnot that should be considered; labelling Buddhism as a philosophy rather than a religion is a relatively new thing, and a consequence of an attempt to redefine religion as specifically involving a god or gods.

Side: No.
1 point

I think atheism is a religion because they think that God/Gods don't exist,but no proof shown.

Side: Yes.
2 points

but no proof shown

Theists are the ones with the claim, therefore they are the ones who must prove "god".

God is real! And until you show or give me evidence of his non-existence, he is real!

Fairies are real! And until you show or give me evidence of their non-existence, they are real!

See how irrational your argument is?

Side: No.

Thank you. I am not an atheist, but I realize that atheism is not a religion.

Side: No.
1 point

Atheism is not a religion. They have no unified set of beliefs. .

Side: No.
1 point

It really depends on what you think a religion is.

If a group of people united by religious belief is a religion, then atheism is a religion.

Side: Yes.
4 points

If a group of people united by religious belief is a religion, then atheism is a religion.

For this statement to hold true, you would need to demonstrate that atheists are united by atheism on a large scale. I don't believe this can be demonstrated, because I don't believe this to be the case.

The scientific community, even though it is predominately atheist, does not represent atheists united by atheism; it represents scientists united by the pursuit of science; the high incidence of atheism is a result of what is uniting them, not what is actually uniting them.

Side: No.
atypican(4873) Disputed
2 points

For this statement to hold true, you would need to demonstrate that atheists are united by atheism on a large scale. I don't believe this can be demonstrated, because I don't believe this to be the case.

That would be as hard as proving that dog owners own dogs.

The scientific community, even though it is predominately atheist, does not represent atheists united by atheism; it represents scientists united by the pursuit of science; the high incidence of atheism is a result of what is uniting them, not what is actually uniting them.

Did you think I was confusing atheists with scientists?

Side: Yes.
SamLucas(3) Disputed
1 point

In that case not believing in Santa Claus is a religion. Just a stupid question. "Hey you believe in God?".."No." How is that a religion?

Side: No.
1 point

One of the definitions of religion is:

"A pursuit or interest followed with great devotion."

If an atheist is pursuing the topic, searching for more depth and shaping his/her life upon it, then it is a religion.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I don't believe that Atheists go around in the pursuit to determine that God doesn't exist. They don't shape their lives around God not existing.

Side: No.
LeRocky(28) Disputed
2 points

I did not speak of atheists as a whole, Cartman.

I stated that "if an atheist" does as such, then I would consider it a religion.

This leaves room for many opinions, and many rights as well.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Sometimes I think some of them on this site might do just that... not me, but some of 'em. Just sayin'.

Side: No.
1 point

Atheism is not a religion. It has no central religious belief system. It has no holy book.

Side: No.
nikiki(3) Disputed
1 point

why would you waste your time in pursuing the topic, then maybe you're just trying to persuade that topic to satisfy yourself that you're right in your belief or like to show that what you believe which you preach is impeccably true. then it's brain-washing.

Side: No.
MundiVeritas(10) Disputed
1 point

Were you aware that the usages of words in the dictionary are numbered by commonality? There is a reason you had to qualify your rebuttal with "One of the definitions..."

Religion means something, and the most common usage of the word refers to Theistic beliefs specifically. Seeing as how Atheism makes no positive claims to knowledge, it cannot definitionally, be a Religion.

Side: No.
0 points

"A pursuit or interest followed with great devotion."

So stamp collecting, masturbating, bird-watching, teaching, eating/drinking, pretty much f#cking everything is a religion according to your definition.


Side: No.
LeRocky(28) Disputed
2 points

No, you do not understand the etymology and true meaning of the words "pursuit" and "devotion".

One does not shape his/her life and thoughts completely on masturbating.

One does not shape his/her life and thoughts completely on stamp collecting.

And, if they do, they are considered out-of-the-ordinary, and usually mentally unhealthy.

And it is not my definition, but the official definition of both Oxford and Merriam-Webster dictionaries, although the latter phrased it differently.

Side: Yes.

Is atheism a religion? All one has to do is look at the number of up-votes given to arguments from both atheists and theists and the answer is clear. The atheists have a larger number of followers than the theist do and so one can conclude that a unified set of beliefs has been met by the majority, the congregation has spoken. Atheism is a religion.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Are you claiming that anything that gets a lot of up-votes becomes a religion?

Can you explain how a lack of belief is a religion? Or do you think any organized set of beliefs is a religion, which would mean that every single ideology and political affiliation would be a religion?

Side: No.
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

How can one promote that in which they lack? There is no lack of belief, there is just a different belief. If one truly had a lack of belief, then there would be no desire to promote it. Atheists claim they have nothing, no feelings, opinions or beliefs and yet express feelings, opinions and beliefs. How logical is it to claim one thing and do another?

Side: Yes.

Religion: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe....a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons.....sounds like a religion to me.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Religion is anything that links you to your source of existence. Thats actually the literal rendering of the greek root word. Atheists hold to scientism, which, for them, takes the place of traditional religion. So the mythology of Atheists goes like this: there was a big bang, and now an expanding universe of billions of stars, and we are revolving around one of these stars. They even have a conception of heaven: a dark quiet place with a lot of rest.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Yes it's a religion, more accurately it's a faith. Atheism says there's no God, if there's no God there's no such thing as morals, if there's no such thing as morals then there's no such thing as moral values, if there's no such thing as moral values then there's no evil in that case release every inmates out and leave ISIS alone. Now just your reaction to reading that comment suggest that you believe in morals so you're borrowing from thiesm in order to support your worldview. Not to mention you believe in naturalism/materialism/darwinian evolution,which have zero proof or even evidence for that matter yet you still believe it. All the evidence points toward intelligent design and the Bible, yet you claim the opposite with no evidence, that's faith. Yes atheism is an absolute religion/faith

Side: Yes.

The debate will continue. Many atheists declare atheism to be a religion so they can have their way of life not to be discriminated against.

Side: Yes.