
Debate Info

New liberal world Price we pay for diversity
Debate Score:42
Total Votes:50
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 New liberal world (21)
 Price we pay for diversity (12)

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brontoraptor(28599) pic

Lyon France cancels Christmas Market because of possible terrorism

This year, the city of Lyon in France is canceling an annual Christmas market due to the high cost of protecting it from a potential terror attack, PJ Media reported.

Terrorism has become a serious problem for Europe, and it was estimated that it would cost up to 20,000 euros — about $23,000 — to protect this event.

New liberal world

Side Score: 27

Price we pay for diversity

Side Score: 15
2 points

Bronto, you are purposefully distorting the facts again. Not only is this story nowhere to be found outside of wingnut far right media, but it is specifically claimed the market will be cancelled because it lacks an adequate security budget. The connection between this story and terrorism is non-existent and has been invented by the neo-Nazi zealots you get your information from.

Side: New liberal world
1 point

but it is specifically claimed the market will be cancelled because it lacks an adequate security budget

Hello goodlistener.

There used to be no need for a security budget.

Side: Price we pay for diversity
Nomenclature(1257) Disputed Banned
2 points

There used to be no need for a security budget.

LOL. When was this, Herr Bronto? Before thievery and vandalism were invented?

You are completely, irreconcilably full of shit.

Side: New liberal world
GoodListener(603) Clarified Banned
1 point

You talk to him or me?

Side: New liberal world
FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

You are getting better, but you have to learn to pre ban the deceptives jokes. Why give them a forum to deceive?

Side: New liberal world
1 point

invented by the neo-Nazi zealots

Why is it that the word "Nazi" gets your dick hard? We both know why...

Side: Price we pay for diversity
1 point

Thank God for Amazon. Now all the fine Christians can do their shopping safe from their own homes.

Side: New liberal world
3 points

The Lyon world famous Christmas Market was a major tourist attraction that brightened and brought cheer to the lives of many over the season of the celebration of the birth of Christ.

Along with their fleas and pots and pans the Filth also imported their religious tradition of bombing and shooting anyone who doesn't conform to their stark interpretation of the Satanic Verses.

But, as we all know, our illustrious European politicians cannot squeeze enough Islamist terrorists into their respective countries.

Of course as people's limbs and guts lie strewn over the city streets of Europe the ' here today, gone tomorrow' politicians will sip their Napoleon Brandy and or their Dry Martinis and rationalize that the death and misery caused to their citizens, whom they were charged to protect. is a reasonable price to pay for introducing diversity into their inbred nations.

Poor old broken down, hapless U.K. is launching one of two multi-billion pound aircraft carriers whilst they have the doors jammed wide open to those who have sworn to topple the Westminster government and replace the British traditional way of life with Muslim religious disciplines as detailed in their barbaric Sharia law.

I must repeat myself;- 'YOU COULDN'T MAKE IT UP'

Side: Price we pay for diversity
0 points

You fucker, these terrorists are attacking the nicest nations out there who ACCEPT them the most it clearly is nothing to fucking do with Islam, read the Qur'an the whole thing and come back to tell me where it insinuates to do this to people.

It explicitly states that the only one who is entitled to judge who should live or die is Allah. Don't talk shit about Islam just fuck off. Can I tell you please what these maniacs do? If you need to justify people doing suicide-missions, the promise of afterlife is the easiest way to do it.

Don't fucking think it's Islam's afterlife in particular, that is the COINCIDENCE. Once one group realised it was a believable scapegoat that got people riled up, the other groups caught on.

Fuck off, I tell you just fuck off calling these pieces of shit "Muslim". You can call them patriotic Arabs (or whatever their ethnicity is) but don't say they are Muslim, they haven't the slightest clue of this faith when they do these acts.

Side: Price we pay for diversity
2 points

most it clearly is nothing to fucking do with Islam

Uh huh. That's why Muslims make up about 2% of Britain's population and over 90% of Britain's terrorism.

Or perhaps it's the vile hate and violence towards nonmuslims taught in the Quran.

Side: New liberal world
Nomenclature(1257) Disputed Banned
1 point

That's why Muslims make up about 2% of Britain's population and over 90% of Britain's terrorism.

That's because you are defining terrorism as violence committed by Muslims against non-Muslims. It isn't possible to be any more stupid unless you claimed 90 percent of drive-by shootings were committed by people in cars. You throw about these doctored statistics like you are some form of authority and nine times out of ten you are either cooking them or making them up entirely.

According to the year ending March 2015 CSEW, victims believed the offender(s) to be under the influence of alcohol in just under half (47%) of all violent incidents, or an estimated 592,000 offences1. In nearly one-fifth (19%), or an estimated 241,000 violent incidents, the victim believed the offender(s) to be under the influence of drugs

So this automatically rules out Muslims as the perpetrators of over half of all violent crime in the UK.

Side: Price we pay for diversity
GoodListener(603) Disputed Banned
0 points

It is not taught in the Qur'an to mass-murder people, like it's literally not in the Qur'an anywhere.

Side: Price we pay for diversity
2 points

read the Qur'an the whole thing

I have. It's how I'm able to do religious debates against Islam.

and come back to tell me where it insinuates to do this to people

Pick a page.

Side: New liberal world
Nomenclature(1257) Disputed Banned
0 points

I have. It's how I'm able to do religious debates against Islam.

You clearly have never been within three feet of the Koran, you lying neo-Nazi bong head, and neither do you understand what debate is. Your definition of telling significantly greater whopping lies than your opponent is actually called fraud.

Side: Price we pay for diversity
2 points

It explicitly states that the only one who is entitled to judge who should live or die is Allah

Actually it says to kill the Jews, Christians and unbelievers. It then refers to Jews as "apes and pigs".

Side: New liberal world
GoodListener(603) Disputed Banned
0 points

LOL Where does it do this? Really fucking show me where.

Side: Price we pay for diversity
2 points

You can call them patriotic Arabs (or whatever their ethnicity is) but don't say they are Muslim, they haven't the slightest clue of this faith when they do these acts

Actually ISIS is doing exactly what the Quran says, and nonviolent Muslims are ignoring the Quran.

Side: New liberal world