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 The easily offended are the Democrats (19)

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The easily offended are the Democrats

Now it is known the Democrats own The Party of the Offended. Democrats exist in their world to be offended everyday.
Few examples :
Don't like Obama - You are a racist
Don't like Hillary - You are a sexist
Don't believe in Climate Change - You are a climate denier 

Why is it Democrats live in a world where they feel the need to always be offended ? Opposition is not an excuse for Democrats. 
The graphic above is a very telling sign but farther insight into their world of delusion needs to be explored !
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It's a form of political correctness designed to marginalize those who disagree with the left. If you believe in enforcing immigration laws, you are a xenophobe/racist. If you accurately describe Islam, you are an islamaphobe. If you question global warming, you are a flat-earther. If you criticize gender-neutral bathrooms, you are a homophobe... and on and on and on. This name calling is an attempt to shoot down the messenger rather than addressing their message.

2 points

Democrats are puppets on a string. Only thoughts they have must come from the government. Without government Democrats don't have the intellectual ability of thought.

How to spot a liberal male-

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Did you really need that video?

1 point

Perhaps. What's ironic is the liberal press has become the new religious two faced hypocrites. They told the religious folks to stay out ofpeoples' sexuality, their bedroom, not to judge, etc then?

They became the most judgemental, morality and ethics preaching hate mongers on planet Earth.

1 point

Dems only get offended when clueless right wing reactionaries such as yourself make groundless as slanderous remarks toward them. Otherwise, the vast majority of Dems are known to be far more tolerant of things like Free Speech than the GOP.

Also, last I checked, the GOP's current presidential candidate, the misogynistic Trumpster, has shown himself to be far more thin-skinned and easily offended than Hillary. Trump is the epitome of the far rightist GOP mindset: arrogant AND thin-skinned. Not a good combo for president.

So I reckon it's a damn good thing he is self-destructing on a daily basis and now has zero chance of getting elected. Actually, I personally believe he knows deep down that he is ill-qualified for POTUS, and would be truly ruinous to this country if a miracle occurred and he were elected. So I think he is self-destructing on purpose. Or perhaps on a sub-conscious level.

Thanks for the laugh. Indeed, laughs are usually about the only thing I ever get out of your posts, Outlaw.


Teddyroosey Disputed
1 point

So, you can't argue the issue actually presented, "whether Democrats are easily offended," so instead, you turn the conversation into a conversation about Trump v. Hillary. I doubt most Republicans consider Trump's antics to be equated with their own; and the same goes for Democrats with respect to Hillary's antics.

KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

Your free speech is a delusion. You have a steered society, and you all are cattle!

Being offended has nothing to do with being a Democrat or a Republican. Ive heard the whole "You're sexist for not liking Hillary!" thing, it's bullshit and they're offended, which is also bullshit. But it's not exclusive to radical liberals. I've also heard of radical conservatives who are offended by the gay lifestyle or by transgenders, and can't even get over two guys kissing, saying that it's perverted or whatever.

All in all, you choose to be offended. If someone does something you don't like that isn't causing any harm, then don't worry about it.

1 point

That's why the Democrats are always banning opponents on the CreateDebate website.


No wait, that's just FromWithin and SaintNow.


How easily offended are the conservative Republican debaters on this website?

0 points

You aren't wrong. Congratulations.

Now what do we call someone that labels people liberal for not liking Trump?

1 point

I would label the Trump attackers as...Self righteous two faced hypocrites? I thought that was "what religious people were supposed to do". Rofl

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

And what does that make you? People who label Obama attackers have a name. People who label Hillary attackers have a name.