
Debate Info

Debate Score:10
Total Votes:12
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 UK (4)
 USA (4)

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Datboiidan(5) pic


What’s your opinion on this maybe you absolutely hate UK and are FOR the USA or maybe it’s the other way around! I’d love to hear what you have to say about it!!!


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 5
2 points

Although it's system is crumbling rather quickly, I won't give up on my country.

I do love America too, but its no match for the ancient beauty and history that surrounds me here.

The UK certainly has its faults (Brexit, high taxes), but look how far its come. Over 1000 years, it's survived multiple crises and is sure to survive this one, for better or for worse.

Side: UK

Well, people in the US are literal morons, so there's that. The only people in the world who genuinely either like or take Americans seriously are other Americans. I mean, I'm speaking in general terms here. Obviously America has its fair share of cool people, but the culture itself represents the death of society. Think about it. A place where greed and exploitation (within the confines of the law) are rewarded and children are nurtured to believe having more than your neighbour is all that matters. I mean, it nauseates most of the rest of the world.

Side: UK
2 points

I think the Brexit vote to leave the European Union is a sign that the U.K. is a wannabe United States.

The British National health service is crumbling and yet they refuse to introduce the measures which are necessary to bring it into the 21st century.

In my opinion increased taxation and/or separate medical insurance are among the measures needed to enable the National Health service to provide the level of care people deserve.

The U.K's decision to leave the European Union will prove to be catastrophic in the short term and they will, once again, be looking towards America to save the day by providing a special relationship trade agreement.

They maintain a nuclear strike capability which they can ill afford while their infrastructure is falling seriously behind those of other advanced nations.

The Brits must extract themselves from their Empire Mentality and merge into the European Union where they can change from within the features of this United States of Europe to which they object.

While Germany is the powerhouse of Europe America is the powerhouse of the world.

America is the place to be.

Side: USA
1 point

I think the Brexit vote to leave the European Union is a sign that the U.K. is a wannabe United States.

No, it's a sign that Britain has a comparable percentage of stupid people to the United States.

Side: UK
seanB(950) Disputed
1 point

I think the Brexit vote to leave the European Union is a sign that the U.K. is a wannabe United States

The vote was 51 to 49, and most young people -- who were polled as being overwhelmingly in the remain camp -- didn't vote. So, you should correct this. The older generation may be a wannabe America. The majority of the country, however, is not.

The British National health service is crumbling and yet they refuse to introduce the measures which are necessary to bring it into the 21st century

This is also misled. The NHS's budget is severely stunted. It needs a larger budget and less outsourced contracts. If private investors are contracted, they seek larger profit margins. Seeking profit drives up costs. Driving up costs compounds the budget issue.

In my opinion increased taxation and/or separate medical insurance are among the measures needed to enable the National Health service to provide the level of care people deserve.

The level of accessibility and care is still significantly higher than in the US, according to the World Health Organization.

The U.K's decision to leave the European Union will prove to be catastrophic in the short term and they will, once again, be looking towards America to save the day by providing a special relationship trade agreement

That's if the UK does leave. At present, another election is likely, particularly considering the Ireland border issue and the problems a DUP-Conservative alliance brings for the Good Friday Agreement, for a country (NI) that voted remain.

They maintain a nuclear strike capability which they can ill afford while their infrastructure is falling seriously behind those of other advanced nations

I dispute this. The UK infrastructure, in terms of social safety-net and GDP to debt ratio, is still significantly better than America's.

The Brits must extract themselves from their Empire Mentality

The Conservative Brits must ... the rest abandoned that mentality long ago, including the Royal family.

and merge into the European Union where they can change from within the features of this United States of Europe to which they object

I agree with this. Being part of the EU gives countries power to change its direction while maintaining at least a partially coherent European community.

While Germany is the powerhouse of Europe America is the powerhouse of the world.

America is the place to be

Except if you value community policing; affordable healthcare; a lack of gun violence; a lack of religious idiocy; actual democracy; food standards; affordable education; yada yada, etc etc.

Side: UK

I like the USA better. Mostly because I live in it. I just dont like driving on the other side, or the wierd ass traffic signs. Not to mention that they have a weird government.

Side: USA
1 point

The US has a full range of ecosystems and climate types to enjoy. Whatever kind of natural world or urban lifestyle you're looking for, you can find it in the US. The UK has narrower geographic appeal.

Side: USA

The United States has American football, and there's nothing else like it and the festivities.

Side: USA