
FromWithin's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of FromWithin's arguments, looking across every debate.
-3 points
-2 points
-1 points

Thank you for the vote. I will do the same for you if these anarchists try to censor you.

With their down votes, they are proving to be the same as all the Leftwing censors on Social media.

This is why I will always ignore their hate.

I do not spew hatred towards any debater on this site. I keep my debates civil with no need for vulgarity, profanity, hatred, yet they still try to censor me.

Their down votes are proving that my words ring true. If not they would ignore me. They fear my Conservative message and will do all in their power to silence me and other Conservatives.

We are the only ones educating the people to these extreme Big Brother Leftists.

America is in a dangerous place when half our nation would vote for these authoritarian Democrats.

-2 points
-2 points
FromWithin(8241) Clarified
-2 points
FromWithin(8241) Clarified
-1 points

Thanks for the question...

No, never allow the haters and disrupters to force you out of business. Debate sites should provide one thing above all else. A safe place for sharing opinions with no fear of being stalked and ridiculed by a few anarchists. We can not allow a few haters to ruin it for everyone else. This is no different then the intimidation from rioters in big cities. Mob rule should have no place in cities or debate sites.

One thing I like about your debate is the ability to ban these disrupters, but they create many aliases and can still dwn vote people so that their arguments are removed unless someone hits the + key.

I would eliminate the -2 down vote limit to prevent people who are banned from effecting debates. They live to disrupt! If they can not bipass the rules, they will learn to act civilized, or live with the consequences.

The next thing I would do to clean up the hate, is to warn those who constantly spew vulgarity and depravity. There are childish disrupters on this site who can't go a sentence without calling someone a Retard or a miriad of profanities. Tell them to stop, and if they refuse, take some action against them.

I'm sure you have the ability to prevent them from creating never ending aliases to continue spreading their hate.

I hate censorship when it is done to silence political opinions, but there should be at least some standard of decorum when it comes to vulgarity and hate. Free speech does not allow someone to scream fire in a crowded room.

I suspect that these disrupters are allowed to continue because of the monetary benifits of memberships.

I am guilty of losing my temper with these people, and have returned their insults, but it shouldn't have to get to that point.

I am grateful we have people such as yourself who do the hard work creating these sites. I understand it's an impossible task making everyone happy, but we can not allow the childish bullies to destroy civilized debates.

I do not want a site so strict that we can't even say something or someone is stupid, but there can be common sense limits to pure hateful vulgarity and profanity.

-2 points
-1 points

I repeat that schools are safe because kids seldom have any problems with the disease, as well as not spreading it to others.

If the schools had some recipe for keeping kids safe, we would be doing great in all our other places using the same rules. We are not! It's the kids! PERIOD!

Did you know that cloth masks are only about 3�fective? Do you hear that on fake news? Nah, all you hear from these Trump haters is that he did not push masks every word out of his mouth.

Maybe you missed it. Masks are not working. People are using their masks and it does not matter! I read where 70% of people getting Covid WERE WEARING THEIR MASKS!

0 points

Can you imagine if Obama had created record unemployment for African Americans rather than record food stamp roles?

He would have been heralded the greatest President of all time!

What did Democrats say about Trump's success with creating jobs for their favorite voting block... African Americans?

HE'S A RACIST! HE'S A NAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The biased media believes every rumor or inuendo when it goes against Trump, but if it is bad news towards Democrat, they must have three sworn affidavits to verify before allowing it to be posted.

If a friend of a mail boy's barber over heard Trump possibly saying that he liked Russian cooking, THEN HE IS IN COLUSION WITH RUSSIA!!!!!!!!!!


2 points

All I have heard is that kids hate it and are very depressed from being locked up against their will.

Kids need fellowship with other kids. PERIOD!

Data all along has shown that Covid has very little impact on kids, and that kids seldom spread the disease to others. This is the data and facts from doctors, Science, and the so called experts.

Democrats have used Covid to defeat Trump and have used our children to do so. They distort the facts and actually try to blame Trump for the deaths.

It's truly dispicable what the Politics from the Left has become. There is nothing you can believe from the biased Left wing media.

Trump is the one who has been listening to Science. You on the other hand have been listening to corrupt Democrats who have been trying to over throw Trump's Presidency for his entire term!

The Science and data from the very beginning has told us that kids handle Covid VERY VERY WELL, and seldom transfer it to family members!

Here you are still repeating the same old tired lies from the Left as to blame Trump for the deaths. GET REAL! Bleeding heart Sociaist Europe has had the same problems in their nation! IT'S NOT TRUMP'S FAULT!

Try blaming China just once in your life! Trump probably saved many many lives when he so early on banned China flights, while Biden criticized him for it!

Schools are not safe because they did a good job with Covid rules. Schools are safe because kids do not get or spread this diseases very easily. PERIOD! Those are the facts and data from the so called experts.

I will continue to listen to common sense from the Orange Nobel Peace Prize nominee President because he is not a politician. He is the exact opposite from trained politicians who have perfected the art of lying to the low end peasants who gladly vote for their free stuff at the expense of the working man.

Trump was defeated by a coup from the biased media. PERIOD! These corrupt media outlets buried every story hurting Demcrats, and cheer leaded every story hurting Trump. If you don't get that, then there is little hope for that type of ignorance.

-2 points
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-2 points

I agree and the reason I ban them. You should also ignore them when they choose to spew vulgarity and hate.

I will not waste my time debating people so insecure that they feel the need to point out grammatical errors. When you stop being a narcissistic joke, and actually want to debate the topic, let me know.

Is it possible for insecure jokes such as yourself to respond to a debate without hateful insults?


2 points

Newsflash, all Politicians lie and if that is a surprise to you, WOW!

Biden told us he did not know what his son Hunter does in his job in the Ukraine or China, but people like you would still vote for him. I guess it is ok when Democrats lie.

I would have responded in a more in depth way to you, but as always, you had to spew your insecure dysfunctional hatred. You are the epitomy of insecurity.

If you ever decide to act like a sane individual, we will talk.


Democrats have yet to define a so called assualt rifle. In NY, they tried to pass the so called "Safe Act" whereby they wanted to take our hunting rifles if holding more than seven rounds!


The Left's plan is to ultimately take our guns, including hand guns, etc.

The Left is made up of absolute liars who will tell you anything but their true motives.

The Democrat Party has become closet socialists who want to emulate Socialist Europe along with their Gun bans.

Anyone who thinks they only want to ban so called assualt rifles are LIARS or the most ignorant low end voters on the planet.

Yes, I will continue to ban fools who love to point out spelling errors. Yes I know how to spell hear. When we type fast, we sometime makes mistakes and only fools constantly point these mistakes out.

Read up on the word Narcissist, and see yourself.

When the day comes and you actually respond with some sense of intellect, and reframe from your knee jerk hatred for those people who do not agree with you, then I might actually carry on a conversation with you.

I doubt that day will ever come. Narcissists never grow as they believe themselves to be too superior to lower themselves to getting help.

Yes, they have been doing this for decades now. I'm going back 50 years to get to a time when they actually possessed love for American ideals.

With each passing election cycle, Democrats descend further into Socialistic authoritarian rule. Can you imgine how these Democrat run States are tracking your where abouts after traveling out of State? They have even tracked your credit cards to see if you shopped after traveiling, and fine you $2000 is you did so.

Back when we had the Aid's crisis, these same Democrats refused to even put your name on a list if you had Aids, a 100% killer disease! But of course, this was one of their identity voting blocks.

That's great to here. The numbers changing over to Repubicans will only increase as Trump has shown the nation what a bunch of fake news censors are in the Democrat Party.

Trump's legacy will only grow as people saw the corrupt media coup perpetrated against him.

Do you remember when these phonies on the Left once pretended to hate censorship?

Look at them now!

Glad to hear you are prolife. I hope that means you would not vote for pro abortion politicians.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

If this is true, it's good to hear.............................................................................

0 points

One last word to a fool....



Birth control is obviously an answer to help reduce it. Reducing the numbers of legalized killing has nothing to do with protecting that life with laws!

Making No Restriction abortions illegal would the biggest step in reducing their numbers! There will always be some killers who throw their newborns into dumpsters, and go down back alleys to kill their baby. Laws would drastically reduce those numbers.

One baby being killed out of convenience is one too many!


Fools like you deserve no response.

To deflect the issue of killing innocent people, with ramblings of why these people are here, is barbaric!

Maybe instead of making laws protecting your life, we should be talking about supporting programs that may have kept you from ever existing.

Get off debate sites, it's embarrassing to waste a second with your drivel!

0 points

I want you to ask those same questions to someone who does not think it should be legal to kill you out of mere convenience.

Do you even have a clue how ludicrous your pathetic excuses for keeping convenience abortions legal?


Please get off debate sites if this is your pathetic argument to justify taking innocent life. You are saying if I do not support free birth control, that it's my fault two people chose to spend their money on alcohol instead of condoms?


This will be my last response to a hatefilled anti Christian bigot who calls another person faith as retarded. What kind of insecure fool wastes his time demonizing someone else's beliefs?

God never supported killing unborn babies for mere convenience. He understood that innocent lives would be lost in wars, just as they are today.

It's sick evil people today who have made it legal to purposefully kill innocent babies for mere convenience. Your sick hypocritical judgment of God is truly mind blowingly ludicrous when you support far worse!


You are doing what every anti Christian bigot does, which is to post Old Testament verses to somehow equate those with the New Testament Christian faith.

The Old Testament is built around old Jewish law, and dealing with evil warring nations.

Christ died for our sins and changed Old Testament Jewish law.

If you are going to judge Christians, try quoting the New Testament. Otherwise, don't waste our time with your bigotry towards people of faith.

If you are going to try to equate God killing evil people in the Old Testament, with today's Democrat supporting the killing of viable babies FOR ANY REASON, then don't waste our time.

If you are saying God went too far when allowing babies to be killed in wars, then how much further have people like you gone when supporting the killing of even viable unborn babies for mere convenience.

Do you have any idea how ludicrous and hypocritical your argument?

0 points

Exactly! Democrats always deny what they support until they think there are enough voters to come out of closet whether it be the anti gun closet, or socialist closet, etc.

Bernie Sanders, the admitted Socialist is getting more votes than anyone else in the Democrat Party. That says it all!

0 points

Democrats always try to say that only fringe groups are Socialist in their Party.

Bernie Sanders just garnered the most votes in Iowa. That means Democrats voted for the Socialist!

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Democrats believe in guilty till proven innocent. Romeny has always acted more like a Democrat. He has hated Trump since the least election and this is just sour grapes, nothing more.

Democrats hated Romney when he was running against Obama. They made fun of his Mormon cult as they called it.

0 points

Nancy said she ripped it up because Trump was taking credit for things he should not have.

Gee, that would include every President State of the Union address since it began. I don't remember any other fools ripping up the speech for the same reason.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
0 points

You act like this is just Nancy. The entire Democrat Party has needed gallons of calming tea for the past three years!

They are still saying they will keep going after Trump. They should all be kicked out of office for the sham impeachment they just pushed on America.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
2 points

There might be some truth to what you are saying, but it does not detract from the reasons why we have the electoral college.

Imagine what these politicians in Congress would be doing for the less populated States? They would not even bother setting foot in the smaller States.

The laws they pass would ignore the voice of people living in less populated States.

We've all heard the words taxation without representation. The popular vote would give a whole new meaning to those words.

2 points

Trump's always looked great to me, and yes the Left is insane or pure evil (not sure which it is).

This impeachment process has shown Democrats for the corrupt obstructionist liars they are, and cements what I have always known.

For the able bodied low end voter who wants free stuff, they could not care less how corrupt Democrats are. They don't care how many viable babies are killed, they don't care if public schools are forced to allow so called Transgender boys into our daughter's sports, as long as they get their free stuff.

Their priorities are self!

So Trump will look better to the rational intelligent compassionate people in the middle, but their rabid Democrat base would vote Democrat no matter what they have done.

2 points

Yes, the only politicians breaking ranks are those supporting Trump. This is a scam impeachment and were it not for fake news holding the Democrat's water, it would have never even started.

I speak to the constant Democrat hypocrisy, and have very few examples of the same type of Republican hypocrisy.

You show me the debate you created speaking to all the Democrat hypocrisy. If you haven't, then it is hypocritical to only mention it when Republicans do it.

If you are trying to deny that the Left has been screaming, every single election, how the GOP was going to overturn Roe V Wade, then just ignore me because I can not debate a liar.

Of course abortion is the number one reason Democrats try to defeat Trump, whether through impeachment or election. He is the strongest Pro Life President in our lifetime.

What I said is not untrue, nor misleading, and it is you trying to deceive others when denying the obvious.

2 points

You are exactly correct. Can you imagine if Trump had made such a statement? Fake news would have crucified him, but when Schiff says it, it's buried.

2 points

There is not a day that goes by where I do not see Democrat hypocrisy and double standards.

Do Republicans do it as well? Yes, but not near as often. It's almost laughable watching past videos of Democrats saying one thing, and today doing the exact opposite.

2 points


You and the other hateful bigots on this site spend every waking moment shilling AGAINST Trump while ignoring all of the Democrat's hypocritical obstruction, and the one time you see it coming from a Conservative, you piously judge him?


FromWithin(8241) Clarified
2 points

I hope you realize that the Democrat Party has taken hypocrisy and double standards to an art form.

Yes it can happen on both sides, but we see it far more times in the Democrat Party.

I would love to see you speaking out on their constant hypocrisy so I could take you more seriously.

I do not remember where the GOP said that impeachment should be a non partisan event, and then impeaching Obama with not one Democrat vote, but I watched as they played past videos of many Democrats saying just that and now doing the exact opposite.

Why of course it's climate change!

Anything that happens today is because of climate change! I'm sure if some volcano erupts, it will somehow be caused by Climate change.

The last I knew, Climate has been changing since recorded history.

When Hunter Biden with no experience got that cushy job in the Ukraine... CLIMATE CHANGE! It had nothing to do with Joe Biden's corruption.

2 points

Why would Sanders care what it costs, Democrats are all the same. Every time they need to raise the debt limit to cover their over spending, they scream if Republicans refuse.

You just described yourself to a tee! I would read up on Freud's analysis, but this time take notes.

2 points

Yes, they scurry off to repeat the same lies to others who lack the discernment to see through their deception.

Other than insulting the President for his hair, these Leftists never give any examples of what Trump has done that is so terrible.

Has he lied? If so he joins the ranks of every other politician since time began!

We can name many many great accomplishments by him, and you give us partisan rhetoric.

Yes you are still nuts and will never learn a thing no matter how many times someone shows you the indisputable truth.

The only politicians being frog marched out of town will be House Democrats for wasting our nation's time and money on a scam impeachment for the same types of things they have ALL done!

When you vote for the Democrat Party, you are responsible for keeping the killing of viable babies legal!

You can deny it all you want, but know it is true. You have sold your soul for free stuff.

0 points

Hey fool, why do you always ignore the facts?

I have told you many times how the Democrats in New York passed a new gun law called the Safe Act.

Guess what the law called for? It originally made it illegal for any homeowner to have hunting rifles, that held more than seven rounds, in their homes! THESE WERE NOT ASSAULT RIFLES... FOOL LIAR!

Democrats ARE after law abiding citizens guns and it's not about so called assault rifles! Legal hunting rifles can easily hold more than seven rounds and Democrats declared they would be illegal!

Let me repeat.... FOOL! You are a joke!


Are all Democrats fake news?

I never see a debate created by the known Leftists on this site that ridicules Islam. The only time they mention it is when someone points out how they only ridicule Christianity. Then they say they do not support Islam as well.

0 points

I'm not a fool and the reason I'm not wasting another second with your denial of what the Democrat Party is trying to do! Their goal to take our guns....FOOL!


You refuse to answer? What does that say about your lack of an argument?


2 points

Try addressing the point! Why is Christianity the only religion that the Left constantly ridicules?

There is a reason to any honest person. What's your explanation?

2 points

I will respond one time to the fool who creates non stop fake accounts.

The point to any intelligent debater is that Christianity is the one religon that the Left's speaks out against. The Left gives all the other religions a pass!

There is a reason for this, but vulgar childish fools like you have no clue.


I don't know about you, but I taught my children that if they touch a hot iron, they will get burnt.

Why is it that Progressives never teach such common sense?

Why is it we never hear the simple message that if you abuse alcohol, you will become addicted! It's not a disease... IT'S A CHOICE!

If you have one night stands, you might get pregnant.

If you take drugs, you will become addicted.

Common sense! The Left has rebelled against God, and has thrown common sense out the window.

There is a reason why the Left hates Christianity. They know in their hearts that it's the one true faith. God said he gave us all a conscience, and that we would know in our hearts when we do wrong.

The world hate's the one true faith that shines a light on their sins and selfish lives. The insecurity from non believers is amazing. They even refuse to admit how they support killing viable babies every time they vote for these radical pro abortion Democrats.

But in their hearts, they know it to be true. So they hate the messenger of the truth.

Yes, they spent three days presenting hearsay evidence that could have been presented on every politician since time began.

Politicians spend every waking moment trying to help their chances of getting elected, and they do this on company time!

They use our time and our money to find dirt on their opponents. Nothing is ever said about this because they all do it. But this was Trump! This was the man that Democrats have been trying to impeach from his first day in office.

It matters not if it's true or not. His motives one way or another has not been proven, and even if true does not climb to the level of removing a duly elected President from office, especially in an election year, and when those removing him are obstructionist Democrats who have vowed to deny the people's vote.

0 points

Yes, the Democrat Party is in a state of panic as we see with this scam impeachment. It will not take very many Black people to jump ship to help Trump win.

They knew that the impeachment would probably not succeed, but they also knew they would lose in the election, so they gave it a shot.

I hope they now lose the House because of their corruption.

Yes, what happened to the record numbers of Hurricanes in Florida from Global warming? Oh that's right, they have had record FEW Hurricanes.

After all their sky is falling rhetoric, they never mention it again after their claims never happen.

0 points

Yes I agree. What kind of fool would take guns away from law abiding citizens when we witness constant mass shootings where no one had a gun for self defense.

Police get to the carnage after many people are dead!

0 points

Hey fool, your Democrat Party wants to take your guns! Why do you repeat their deception and make it sound like they are just trying to prevent criminals from having guns?


The NRA knows that when you give these anti gun control fanatics an inch, they will take a mile. They are already admitting they want to take our guns, fool!

The GOP has no problem with stopping criminals from getting guns.

2 points

Thank you for the common sense truth...

When the Democrat Party sold it's soul to radical Feminist groups and Pro abortion lobbies, I noticed our culture died a little more. Life became cheaper.

We started seeing mass shooting of children in schools.

We started seeing more mothers throwing their new born babies in dumpsters.

We started seeing terrorists killing innocent women and children.

We started seeing complete strangers killing people they did not even know! They killed with no motive!

Life became cheap when society legalized the killing of our most innocent unborn lives purely for convenience. What message do you think this sent to the bad guys? They could honestly say how killing people after they are born is no different. It's just a matter of taking a privacy clause in the Constitution and changing the law.

Here's the man that Democrats call a dictator. Amazing how such a man cares for the little lives that can't vote and who have no voice.

-2 points

Yes and one of the reasons they are trying to undo the 2016 democratic election is because Trump is the first Republican President to truly speak out on abortion and actually change policies protecting tax payers from paying to support the inhumanity.

The Democrat Party's biggest fund raisers come from Feminist and radical pro abortion lobbies. They absolutely hate Trump for stopping funding to the Planned Parenthood abortion trade and appointing Constitutionalist Justices.

Abortion has been the number one election issue since Roe v Wade.

-1 points

Viable babies do feel pain, and the Democrat Party supports killing them for any reason! If you vote for them, you are culpable! Don't insult our intelligence denying it!

If I voted for a known KKK member, I would be culpable for any racist policies implemented.

You are culpable when voting for people supporting NO RESTRICTION ABORTIONS!

0 points

It's amazing how Trump is called a dictator by Democrats, yet has the compassion to care for the least of us.

You show me a dictator anywhere in the world who is concerned with the lives of unborn babies.

To all you choicers who try to say both Parties are not much different on the abortion issue.


-2 points

So what Schiff is saying, is that to stop Russia from possibly influencing our elections, Democrats will influence it instead.

That about sums up the corruption of the Democrat Party. Like good little controlling Socialists, they will not only tell you how to spend your own money, but they will also vote for you.

Yes, you are looking at the actual proof, but Democrats only operate on hearsay.

Hearsay in a real court would have this case thrown out before it began.

2 points

The arrogance and deception of Democrats is truly sickening.......................

If the Supreme court Justice residing over this Senate trial could have any say over this farce, he would have thrown it out of court before it even began.

What dream world do these corrupt politicians live in? They have become emboldened by decades of biased fake news holding their water.

Trump is an entire new story. He has the backbone to fight back!

So how is it any different when tax payer dollars go to the Ukraine, or to politician salaries on company time?

Democrats say Trump can not use tax payer dollars to help his future election, so why can other politicians use their tax payer salaries during company time, to help their future election?

If politicians are finding dirt on their opponents during working hours, how is it different? It's using their tax payer provided offices for personal gain.

2 points

So if a politician has worked on defeating his oppenent on company time, he is GUILTY and should be thrown out of office!

How many politicians would pass that test?

2 points

Well said! Saddly it's lost on Leftist ears....................................................................

2 points

I always wondered just the opposite. Why are Leftists such complete morons?

What kind of Leftist fools constantly lift up activist LGBT groups?

What kind of Leftist barbarians fight to keep the killing of viable babies legal for any reason up to birth?

What kind of Leftist fools want Transgenders talking to our kindergartners and forcing every school to allow boys in our daughter's sports?

What kind of Leftist fools would want to put more of our money in the hands of corrupt politicians?

What kind of Leftist fools thinks that corrupt politicians know better how to spend OUR money?

What kind of Leftist fools thinks that two men having sex is a natural normal sexual orientation?

What kind of Leftist fools thinks that punishing hard working successful people, and rewarding lazy able bodied people, is the best way to run a nation?

Why do fool Leftists want to disarm law abiding citizens?

You represent that lunacy and shows how pathetically stupid you are.

Yes, Trump will be using this impeachment scam non stop on the campaign trail. One thing I love about Trump is that he is not afraid of explaining to the American people how corrupt the Democrat Party is.

He details how the biased media is in bed with Democrats. Past Republican Presidents lacked the courage to ever fight back against the media and Democrat Party.

It's ok when Vice President Joe Biden used Ukraine to get his son a job, and ok for Biden to have a prosecutor investigating Biden's son's company fired.

That's all ok, but no matter what Trump does it's the end of the world.

-2 points
0 points

Yes, I had noticed before you left that you were becoming more Conservative. Being able to grow and learn is a sign of intelligence.

I wonder how many times you will repeat the same thing when it has nothing to do with what we are talking about.

Who does not know that people can act out all sorts of fetishes which have nothing to do with the natural ways our bodies are designed.

To the adults in the room, we are talking about activist groups trying to force everyone to sanction their fetishes as being normal.

For anyone to lift up Gay sex as being another natural sexual orientation, defies rational Scientific intelligence.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Exactly! We ask why these activists must push their unnatural lifestyles onto everyone and force us to embrace it as normal. It will never be!

I believe it is a war between God and those who would rebel against the natural design of God's work.

Nothing else makes sense for supposedly intelligent people to embrace this LGBT hysteria.

It has nothing to do with tolerance for diversity because they have gone waaaaaaayyyyyy past that deception. They want everyone to sanction these lifestyles as normal.

Honesty! Very refreshing to hear someone stating the obvious... thank you

The only thing I want Democrat voters to admit is that they are responsible when voting for those keeping No Restriction abortions legal. None of this denial saying they are personally against abortions of viable babies for any reason, and not responsible for keeping it legal with their vote.

-1 points

There is this thing called the Science of Biology. Rational people understand the natural design of our bodies, and the natural role that men and women play.

They understand that women and females animals in nature have this thing called breasts, and are meant to feed and nurture the children.

All of this LGBT hysteria today is a political movement by Progressives and LGBT activists.

Today if a man is feminine acting, they want him to come out of some Transgender closet and deny his biological gender.

I could not care less how people express themselves until they start trying to force others to sanction whatever orientation of the month the Democrat Party cheer leads.

We have the Democrat Party trying to force every public school to allow boys, who think they are girls, to play in our daughter's sports.

We have Transgenders talking to our KINDERGARTNERS in public schools!!!!!!

How dare they go into our schools and condition our children to deny Biology.

-2 points

LOL, when the truth gets too close to you, you always resort to the loser I banned in the first place.

What judgment thing? Speaking on behalf of innocent human lives? Was it judgmental to tell slave owners they were being evil when killing slaves?

Telling you it is evil to support killing even viable babies is NOT JUDGMENTAL! IT'S CALLED HUMANITY YOU BARBARIC LIAR!

As per usual you did not address your fake news concerning Trump. Why I even bother with you Left wing jokes on this site is amazing. None of you have the character or honesty to ever stick to the truth of what you support, and the lies you put out against Conservatives.


Did you even bother opening the site I pasted to you?

You never respond when shown your deception. Why are you even on a debate site when you refuse to admit when proven wrong? Is this all a game to you, or are you truly that brainwashed by the Left.

-3 points
FromWithin(8241) Clarified
-3 points
-3 points

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