
Hamburger's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hamburger's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You KNOW Bill Barr said Trumps claims of a stolen election are BULLSHIT.. You KNOW Ivanka said she BELIEVES Bill Barr..

We care as much as you did when it was proven that Joe and Hillary were guilty of actual crimes. In other words, no one gives a shit as the Dems' approval continues downward in a death spiral. All we see is a desperate party scratching and clawing at any way to twist and lie to stay in power. They're fucked.

1 point

We know Pelosi let them in. The only way she would have, would be if they worked for her party. Not surprisingly, you provided no source in the first place, so it's moot.

1 point

So anyway, you are Excon, and you are Excon's racist avatar. Excon is so not racist that he created you so that he could say racist things. And that's why you're called the party of the Klan. Lift the sheet, and there you are.

1 point

You only LIE because you KNOW the truth EXPOSES YOU as a racist prick

Seeing you and Nowich are the same person, and Norwich says racist things all of the time, that means you say racist things as Norwich every day. You are also mad that a black man named Herschal Walker might win a Senate seat. What is your point?

1 point

If you want to know how we know you're Excon, it's by how you capitalize words of emphasis (no one else does that), that you use the term "imbecile" (no one else uses it), and the fact that Excon has answered as if he were you for you. It's also that from time to time you slip up and say something as Excon while under your Norwich name.

1 point

The media hammering home diversity in both parties won't get Democrats elected or help their narrative. In fact, they've tried to stop a unified and party diverse America from happening. They don't want diversity. They want power and someone to blame as their boogeyman. Black Republican voices is their Achilles Heel, and it's got them back on their heels. Soon they'll have to come up with a new group to blame, probably the Jews.

2 points

Here's what he forsakes challenging in his argument. "The people" is clearly a term used to describe the population and not an official military unit of any kind.

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

2 points

He left out the part where it says "the people" while trying to convince us what a regulated militia is or isn't. The people is clearly us and was interpreted as such from the writing of the Constitution up until the day the Democrats decided to go after peoples' guns in recent history. That's why everyone had guns in their house in 1776, 1850, 1900, 1950, etc.

1 point

Excon's brain at work

3.2% unemployment, high job participation rate, $1.30 gas, energy independence, and "MAGA steaks" = bad

Taking money from the CCP and helping move American manufacturing to China while funding deadly virus production in Wuhan, not to mention $5 gas, empty shelves, and skyrocketing inflation = good because someone slapped a "D" on it.

2 points

To justify a past BIG mistake

There are black and brown countries that still have slaves. The Democrats aren't interested.

1 point

Do you have free speech rights on my property?

Yes. I can be walking in your yard or be in your car and call you anything I want. Are you planning to kill the next person who practices free speech in your vehicle or something?

1 point

Nah. Some scams are pretty good. I once worked for a company, and the email was from my boss. Only it wasn't my boss. It had his email address, but the only difference was a period subtly placed into the email adress. I was lucky that my boss's office was 20 feet away, so I just walked over and asked him about it. Not many people check for a small dot in their boss's email, and not many people ignore commands from their boss, so every single person other than me got hit. If 553 of 554 employees would fall for it, it's a pretty clever scam.

1 point

I'm a lib. I believe in free speech. To suggest that people like me DON'T

When you create no argument and use the term "stupid, stupid, stupid," it makes you sound like a child or mentally handicapped person.

1 point

BUUUUUT, you LOVE the opinion talkers on FOX News, like Sean Hannity, Laura, Tucker, Gregg, Asman, Maria, and more, MUCH more.

Fox News didn't avoid the Hunter Biden story for 2 years. They covered it the day the story broke on the New York Post. They didn't call it Russian disinformation. Instead, they told you where the laptop was discovered, what was on it and how to see what was on it for yourself. CNN tried to cover it up. Most media did the same. Perhaps it'd be a good thing for you to look into other sources for your news.

1 point

You owe no one, but if you cower, you aren't hidden from the response, ridicule and/or consequences of your lack of ability to defend Democrat logic.

1 point

Are you talking to yourself with the crack pipe in your hand again there fake liberal?

1 point

Pretending like you support Democrats because they promote liberal principles when they no longer do is stupid, stupid, stupid.

1 point

I'm sure there are a few libs who don't want kids being touched by adults, but it's only because they are the libs who basically act like Republicans and have no idea about the other libs wanting to touch their kids.

1 point

Basic sense, open the Keystone Pipeline

Democrats, give us dirtier gas for 10 cents cheaper. These people are lunatic lemmings who lack the ability to think like adults.

1 point

Nobody cares about how anyone identifies. They care that men are taking women's awards and records. In your case, you support men dominating women, leaving women no safe space. The reason is you're a sick mother f*er.

1 point

Will Smith would have stayed seated if Dwayne Johnson had made the joke.

1 point

Dude. Insurrection is the LEGAL definition OF an event.. It's not the event itself.

This isn't hard stuff.

Yet you continue calling January 6th an insurrection depsite it being less violent than left wing attacks on federal facilities, unarmed as well, and the protesters were on video being led into the building by capitol police. You're a liar and also evil. You promote evil, so that's what you are. You promote the state regardless of its provable actions even above your family. You're well beyond evil. The only real word strong enough to describe you is Satanic.

1 point

What happened to cows before there were humans to milk them? Did they explode?

2 points

People can FORGE paper documents, but nobody can forge your face.

You think computer programmers can't make your face come up as Whoopi Goldberg's identity? Seriously?

1 point

So a group of unarmed people are soldiers? Damn, looks like everyone is an insurrectionist. If a group of people wanted to kill a bunch of people in a building, they'd use a fertilizer bomb or fly a couple planes into builings. What they wouldn't do is enter unarmed and take selfies while snipers on top of said building didn't shoot them due to an insufficient threat.

1 point

Because you won't starve if there is no one paid to explain 5,000 gender pronouns to you.

1 point

20 lessons on fighting tyranny. Or not..


1. Do not obey in advance.

You do this worse than anyone on the site. They told you creating a vaccine takes years and that Operation Warp Speed was dangerous because we couldn't know long term effects. You followed. Then they said take it or else. You layed down like a puppy when its mom nips it into submission without question or hesitation.

2. Defend institutions.

How in the fuck is defending institutions run by the elites fighting tyranny you dipshit?

3. Beware the one-party state.

We have a one party state, and the media you worship is designed to protect it.

4. Take responsibility for the face of the world.

What the hell does this have to do with tyranny?

5. Remember professional ethics.

No idea what this even means.

6. Be wary of paramilitaries.

ANTIFA took over city blocks and attacked a federal courthouse waving the Communist flag. It seemed to have gotten you hard.

7. Be reflective if you must be armed.

Uh ok. I'll reflect. What kind of dumbass shit is this?

8. Stand out.

Let me guess. Some 21 years old that weighs 95 pounds and wears glasses came up with this shit.

9. Be kind to our language.

Like "fuck Trump", pussy hats, and libs going nude in front of children to "make a point"? STFU.

10. Believe in truth.

Tell me what's on Hunter's laptop. Nope? Didn't figure.

11. Investigate.

See above.

12. Make eye contact and small talk.

Jesus fucking Christ. Seriously?

13. Practice corporeal politics.

Did a monkey make this list?

14. Establish a private life.

A monkey did make this list.

15. Contribute to good causes.

So if I give to a charity, tyrants will not exist? My god.

16. Learn from peers in other countries. okay, let's do it. Nazi Germany censored, used mass propaganda, had curfews, promoted snitching, and filtered its ideology through the school system while demonizing the Jews. Today this is known as the Democratic Party.

2 points

The mind blowing failures of Biden have Democrats freaking out

Democratic sources tell us

This is by far and away a complete trainwreck. You couldn't possibly govern worse even if you intentionally tried to govern worse. And all of this follows a guy who got us to the lowest unemployment in 5 decades, who didn't take a salary, and who lost a billion dollars in his first term, yet still wanted to help this country via a second term.

2 points

Aww.. I thought we was buds...

Why would I want to be friends with someone who thinks a hoedown is when his sister gets knocked out?

1 point

Let's break up. The red states can form their own country with Trump as Pres

Your business would be taken from you, your taxes would go through the roof, you'd be allowed only enough to live on, and your son would be forced to move to a red state or accept being censored, threatened and treated like a lepper. This is how ignorant you are. You never use the analytical part of your brain in these debates. You think like an emotionally unstable child who never grew up or learned to accept personal responsibility for yourself or demand it of those who are able.

You live in a childish world of denying reality and making excuses rather than actually facing the problem and the truth like a grown ass man. If the truth makes you uncomfortable, you instantly retreat and look for some other explanation or someone else to blame, which is why you try to blame a bunch of rednecks in rural West Virginia for the "systematic" problems in giant, liberal metropolises in a culture monopolized by the left. Surely there's a right winger somewhere in the woods responsible for the crime, immorality, violence, racism and trash in NYC, Chicago and Seattle. There just must be. This is how immature little kids think and behave. Grow up and accept that leftist megalopolis are shitholes while being run and operated by leftists. Face reality for once in your life.

1 point

Who's gonna be around in 2022, the UNVACCINATED party or the VACCINATED party?

The mortality rate was .001 percent before the vaccine, and most Republicans have been vaccinated, so the question answers itself. You gonna keep telling yourself that a .001 percent mortality rate is the plague? Go ahead man. It's your American right to live in fear and hide while the rest of us live our lives and never die. At some point, you'd think you'd see the mortality rate and take off the foil hat, but that's your business bro. No one can make you leave the nuclear bomb shelter. Just make sure you keep plenty of food and water down there with you.

1 point

Everything. Including (And especially), hiring the best people ;-) most of whom havn't been arrested.

In other words, forget that he has done nothing better than Trump, has been far inferior to Trump, and here, let me deflect to some unrelated bs because an attack on something unrelated to my quality of life is the best I can come up with. Fair enough. I couldn't come with anything he's done better either.

1 point

WORDS matter, but apparently NOT to you..

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha...

I'd fully exit from any real response as well if I knew I was lying and that I had no logical standing behind my argument. You're the dick who'll call a bunch of white cops if a black man shows up on your doorstep while secretly hoping they shoot his ass. But let's get back on topic. Not only did Democrats get 3 Pinnochios for lying, but you, who barfed out the same lie, got 3 Pinnochios as well. And from a left wing rag, so I assume it was more like 50 Pinnochios. 5 for lying, and 45 for being a fake piece of shit and an evil, Communist worshipping zoo animal who is the tail of the donkey rather than the head.

How stupid do you have to be to fight Communists then turn around and give them nonstop handjobs? Maybe I can interview you to shed some light on the issue of jerking off Communist the "right way".

1 point

What she SAID was that Hitler was right about HOW to indoctrinate children.. And, he was..

Good to know the left is not only indoctrinating children, but sees Hitler as the example of how to indoctrinate, seeing he indoctrinated hate and Aryan supremacy.

He was ALSO right about how to put his pants on.

False equivalency.

NEITHER of those IMPLY that Democrats, or even THIS Democrat, are Nazis..

It implies that a man who taught hate, narking on your parents for not being Nazis, and taught children that anyone opposing the state was evil, indoctrinated the "right way".


You're right. You should have selected yours better.

1 point

In 1970, American was 70% white. In 2021 we're verging on becoming 50% white.. The trend is clear.. White people WILL become a minority in the US.

MLK says judge by the content of their character and not by the color of the skin, so what does the Democratic Party do? Mention skin color every 5 seconds, and determine your worth by your skin pigmentation while being obsessed with racial demographics.

Are there powerful forces at work to prevent that from ever happening?


Who are they?

The Illuminati.

What are they doing?

Harvesting space aliens in secret labs at Area 51.

And, finally, can our democracy survive a seismic event such as this?

It'll be dead long before then. Your party thinks a nation won't collapse if you start baiting the races against each other, shut down the country for a couple of years, and begin censoring 3/4 of the country because most Democrats have the minds of children. That's why educated white Democrat Communists targeted you guys to become their slaves. The uneducated are easier to control and use as pawns to destroy their enemy nations from within. By the way, according to Communist literature, minorities will be lined up against the wall and shot first because "they're too dangerous to allow to live". There's quite a bit of irony in the fact that those you worship were bold enough to put into writing what they think of you, and yet you hand them the shovel to dig your grave. I'm about half tempted to stop resisting the left just to see the stupid, confused look on your face when they put the gun to your back giving you a poke towards the wall with the rest of the nonWhites/nonAsians.

0 points

And if the Republicans had gotten their way, neither would Trump.

If you want video of Multiple Republicans calling for him to give up, just say the word.

You are quick to forget that most of the party supported his absolutely baseless claims of election fraud

There are multiple, blatant evidences of voter fraud. If you want them, just say the word.

in a gambit for ultimate authority and power, which eventually -- thank goodness -- failed.

Authoritarians tell you you can't open up your businesses, wear a mask or else, stay in your home, and taze you for going to the beach or to your kid's baseball game. In fact, Trump did none of that, then left the White House the very day he was supposed to. Are you sure you know whatauthoritarianism actually looks like or is?

2 points

Democratic Fascism only implements the positive parts of Fascism. Why are you pretending they are the same thing?

1 point

The alternative was a fascist

Examples needed.

who literally tried to overthrow the democratic system and replace it with his own dictatorship

Examples needed.

0 points

No they don't, you boring little liar. You can't make a dramatic claim about "the world leaders promoting Communism and socialism" and then offer us nothing in support of that claim except the net worth of one single person

That looks like it was her point. Only one person has wealth in Communism. Gullable nitwits like yourself are just tools to make themselves the .001%. I'm sorry that you fell for it and got tricked.

1 point

Rusticus is your alt account. I know because I am both you and Rusticus.

1 point

In both cases we are talking about an abnormal attraction which is taking place somewhere in the brain.

You have this abnormal attraction to Dermot, Miocene, and Highfalutin.

1 point

Conservatives get censored on social media, so they need a movement to defend them.

2 points

Seems to me like those "fake" polls benefited Trump more than Clinton.. Why would you want to change that?

I wouldn't. They should keep up the poor work.

Since that fact is painfully obvious, my sense is you BELIEVE the present polls, and that's why you're complaining..

I'm pointing out before the fact, so that when you see the election results, you see even more-so just how fake what those melding your beliefs about the world and the President are.

1 point

Nahhh.. It's your right wing website that tells you that.

Libs understand that pedophilia involves a minor who is legally and morally UNABLE to consent..

Step away from the FOX News.. It's rotting your brain.

4 points

It won't be long before we see Trump's hillbilly cultists dying after going to his Super Spreader events.

I'd ask you to discuss giant protests as super spreader events, but I know your an unprincipled chicken shit.

2 points

GOP aghast as Trump's polls sink amid divisive racial rhetoric

He's polling higher than when he was elected.

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