
Julius's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Julius's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It depends what you're basing your data on. If you want to go by the bible, yes. If you're going by Dante's Inferno, then if you're not baptized you're going to hell.

1 point

But at the same time, there are places that do have euthanasia illegal. Yet, why should it be legal for you to get someone else to do it? It's cruel to have someone else do it.

1 point

In a battle, NOrdic gods. They're bred for war, and have an army waiting.

Also, 'god' refers to Jesus' father.

1 point

Why is murder illegal? Simple, you're taking a life. If it's your choice or not doesn't change that one fact, a life is still being taken.

1 point

Wow, just wow. Epic job !

2 points

Of course it shouldn't be. It may hurt the economy, but so what? Is that not better than having people on the streets everywhere? It all comes down to one simple question, are you left, or right?

1 point

...Aren't you for homosexuality...? Which is stated in the OLD TESTAMENT as being wrong? Yet you just quoted someone from the old testament?...


1 point

Don't get me wrong, both are great series made by great people(LOTR book is better.)

Star Wars, though, I find has a better variety of sub-genres put into it, from romance to action to betrayal. Hence, my vote goes for Star Wars.

1 point

They should earn it because of age. Not to mention the theory of giving respect to others untill a moment in which they lose it.

1 point

I know here, we have it set up so that from grades K-10 you don't get to chose, the classes you have a forced upon you. Then, once grade 11 hits, you can start choosing your own courses. These courses both effect what you can take in the next year, aswell as what you can take in University.

Julius(201) Clarified
1 point

I'm assuming you're from somewhere in Europe. I'm Canada, and last time I checked we don't have GCSEs, so, care to elaborate?

1 point




A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing: "sexual and racial stereotypes".


View or represent as a stereotype: "the film is weakened by its stereotyped characters".


Word for word from Google's define.

You're assuming all Canadians are arrogant, which they aren't.

0 points

I'd say yes, last time I checked they're stocks were relativity high. I see no reason as to why they'd crash.

1 point

"free mar·ket


An economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.


I'd rather have it set up so taxes are being payed, rather than this. With this, you have to deal with corporations.

1 point

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, no?

They did their crime to society, and they must pay. If I had it my way, they'd be sent to Gulags.

6 points

Why are Americans so fat? Why are the French always drunk? Why are all Germans Fascist?

Stereotypes are frowned upon, and really should not be used.

2 points

The world is not black or white, it is many a shade of gray. In theory, is it not okay to disagree with some things in the bible and agree with others?

1 point

No, you can't. It's a politically incorrect term, and is very offensive. That's like saying it's okay to call a white person the N word, just because they're white.

1 point

Haha, as opposed to Broke-back Mountain .

Julius(201) Clarified
1 point

I didn't agree with the American revolution. If that didn't happen then maybe Canada would be more powerful.

1 point

They didn't even enter the airspace of Guam. I looked for this story elsewhere and could not find it on anywhere but Fox. You are very right.

2 points

If you don't have an argument for this actual debate, then why post in it? If you're here to criticize the creator of this debate, then please leave it.

2 points

It literally goes against everything Canada stands for, democracy. When you think about it, we don't vote them in. Isn't that the point of Canada? To actually be able vote for who we want?

3 points

I'm pro, of course. What else will we test it on, your children? How else will we make sure they're safe?

1 point

Thank you for your sarcasm! Please, do continue with it.

On a serious note: is this website not about debating in a civilized and well produced manner? Not bashing members and and being immature? Drama should stay this.

Beside, Judas, aren't you a bit of a ..backstabber? (Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.)

Soviet Spy and Kozlov would approve of this post!

1 point

No, they shouldn't. That's saying it's okay to have sex in the bathroom. What they should do is have someone go to the school who does hand out condoms for free, this way it helps out with lowering the teen pregnancy rate.

1 point

Seconded, Komrade. THis site here if for debates, why are we arguing about random things? We should be y'know, debating, not arguing about over things.

1 point

How the bloody Hell does this have 200+ arguments? Isn't it all opinionated? If you have something against her, good for you. If you don't, good for you! Just because you don't like her really makes no means to create an entire debate about it.

3 points

(Ha, I see what you've done here, Kozlov.)

Yes, I believe it's on the way out. But, as the gentleman above me said, I doubt it'll happen in our life time.

1 point

Of course it was a purposeful pun ;) ..........................

Julius(201) Clarified
1 point

Ya, sure, I will.

Just remind never to introduce you to my parents, you'd have a field day.

1 point

They really should add more options...Disputed doesn't seem right..

Anywho, I have nothing against Americans. I've met many who are kind and amazing people. The people in my school, though, tend to think you're all fat and stupid.

As for the rights, not sure. I'll get my friend to look into it, he's doing it for a project.

1 point

We have freedom of speech, and the right to bare arms(Just not assult rifles.)

As for the Canadians like Americans. In my small rural town of X, Y, 90% percent of the population hate Americans!

1 point

You misunderstood, I think.

I was not talking about pesticides bad for the environment, but for you. That may have been a fail at my part, I was replying to the "A vegetarian diet has more fiber and less of the harmful substances present in non-vegetarian diets." part.

1 point

You could, in theory, argue for that. :P Why moderation? (Yes, stupid question, I know.)

1 point

Kozlov is very protective over having his quality, he's a perfectionist.

Julius(201) Clarified
1 point

Not sure if I made a misleading intro, or if you misunderstood. I tried more along the lines to use them as an example, with any given government up for being the, 'best'.

1 point

No problem, glad to be able to help you out, Ismaila ;)

I'm assuming you do other poems, too?

2 points

WoW all the ways. I get to be PANDAS. Your argument is invalidated by that one simple fact.

1 point

Always understood the term itself was "cheri" not "cher". Not sure on that though.

Also, nice poem. A tad short though.

2 points

If I had to chose one sin, I'd chose lust. Go out with a bang! (Bdumtss).

1 point

Life is hard, my friend. It will be hard. But should we sin over it, no. You can't blame God for your problems, for, the only one to blame, is yourself. Fix it, there is generally always a way to fix it.

1 point

While being alive, yes. Breathing, thinking, blood flowing, etc. One the blood stops flowing, you're dead.

0 points

They ar edangerous, don't get me wrong.

Does that mean I believe they should be outlawed? Hell no. You'd be fighting a losing battle.

2 points

Wait, you have internet?! I had to go to my American Friend's house just to get it! Damn, it sucks having no electricity...

1 point

Pesticides. Must I say more?.............(Add ALL the random dots just to make my thing long enough!)

1 point

See, I'm a believer of the, "you only live once, so why bother with watching what you eat?". I understand to the fact that you don't for ethical reasons, I completly respect that.

But, it's the Id in us that is talking. Simple as that. We've eaten meat since the dawn of time, since Lucy's time. Why stop, just because we believe it's 'wrong'?

PS: For those that don't know- the Id represents the most primitive aspect to us humans.

1 point

Canadian here, not surmised Kozlov created this.

We, as a country, are okay. We have rights. That's about it. Or economy sucks, not as bad as Americas, but still bad.

Not to mention the fact that there pretty much is no middle class. You either have cash, or don't.

But hey, I'm stuck here, so matteraswell make it work.

1 point

But still, isn't it kinda foolish not to eat meat just for health? I get it if you don't like the taste, or if you can't for X reason(x being anything.)

1 point

John, hands down. Thor goes haha! I have a hammer! Then John just goes Haha! I have a warthog! Then Thor dies.

1 point

I think it is obvious what's wrong. Perhaps you've had too many?

1 point

I bet you don't like woman's rights... There is no need to act the way you do. I suggest you pay attention to facts.

1 point

Most of the new Pop music is computer generated. No real thought goes into it. Look at masterpieces like Requiem and the Moonlight Sonata, they took years to complete, and the work shows.

1 point

The thing wrong with Sex,Drugs, and Rock and Rool would be sex, and drugs....

1 point

We need less regulations(que the anger). Simply, if the headmaster of the school in America where the shooting happened had a gun he'd be able to shoot him and end this madness. Look at Texas, with the lowest crime rate in America. You don't do anything there, because you don't know who has a gun.

To put it simply, lets increase the gunlaws.

1 point

The argument, though, is not weather or not about the education system, but about uniforms for school.

If you ask me, I do say ban cellphones completly. My question, though, is this. Are you in the school system? I am, I have the inside veiw. It doesn't matter about the car, it's not about the gadgets, it's all about the clothes. I for one, don't buy the form of clothing that costs more money then I get per year. Yet, you have the people who buy 200+ dollar shoes. They brag about it, and you're shunned for not wearing them.

1 point

"Dispute" seems like the wrong term, but I really couldn't find a better reply version. I wasn't trying to be cute, I was just trying to get my point across in a better maner then the usually plain old words. Though, I'll take what you said into Consideration, and try to lower the amount of time I'm sarcastic.

2 points

He never said anything about a, "Correct" amount. He simply stated what every Socialist believes. As I stated in my argument below, why is someone such as a Star getting paid more then a police man?

2 points

Yes, the people on TV having sex and smoking pot have an effect on society. Not a good one, though.

2 points

Why, is someone who enterains me on TV getting paid so much? Yet, Teachers get paid little. Firemen get paid little. Police, ambulance drivers. They all get paid little. Why pay these people so much more?

3 points

Church is, simply and in a nutshell, a religious matter. Religious matters should stay out of all fourms of the goverment.

1 point

Because y'know, without goverment we would be fine. Bandits running around. People killing people. Brothers spilling blood. Yay for anarchy!

1 point

You know, second hand smoke is dangerous. It can cause many, many, problems.

1 point

So does Luke, but it's a dark side power that requires anger to use, and as the code states, "There is no emotion, just peace."

1 point

Yes because let us ALL go by what they think! By your logic, we should purge all those agaisnt the country because the hold a threat to the glorious leader! (Stalin)

On a serious note, though, think of Texas. Lowest crime rate- yet everyone has a gun. Having more gun control is like punishing someone because they knew Stalin.

1 point

Why do you have the authority to tell me I'm not allowed to kill someone? To go into a random building and shoot anyone on site?

1 point

No. No way. Too much spite will be created by this. You downvote someone, they can then downvote you purely as spite. Keep it the way it is.

1 point

Actually, you're wrong. It's Finland, not Norway. I'm also willing to bet that if you check out a private school in Norway, you'll have uniforms.

1 point

Of course they're good, make a uniform and it ends up being that people can't talk about how their jeans are from so-and-so while their jeans are from Walmart. But, if we have uniforms, it ends that everyone is dressed equally. Not to mention, you don't see the ripped jeans or skirts that work as belts.

1 point

Your right, your health is your business. But when your health inflicts ours, that's when we get involved. The fact is, second hand smoke is a problem. Not to mention, people who will smoke it and drive, or work, etc, etc.

1 point

Then become a writer, but I'd rather not have someone making my house be high.

1 point

But, on that note, we'd end up becoming much to small. With Canada in three fractions, the country itself would be doomed if war broke out. What about us being part of the common wealth, would the Maritimes still stay with it? What about Newfoundland? That's part of the ATLANTIC Provinces, not the MARITIME provinces, do we leave them on their own?

2 points

Star Wars, obviously. Star Trek has no depth in character, and it's all ab out the cash. Star Wars has tradegy, love, humor, and everything else ever wanted. What's more to ask for?

1 point

Technically no, because ths skin would rot away aswell as the lack of blood would stop your muscles from being able to move.

1 point

As Kozlov said, who would you like us to to test on? Would you want to test on YOU?! I'd rather not be tested on, so let us just test on animals to keep us safe.

Julius(201) Clarified
1 point


Julius(201) Clarified
1 point

So, if you celebrate Hanukkah and want a tree for it, It'd be a Hanukkah tree? That's what your logic is stating, Kozlov.

1 point

Norway also has the highest rate of depression and suicide, so maybe, just maybe, pulling out the Norway card was a bad idea buddy.

1 point

Of course not! Our economy is bad enough without spending millions of dollars on air-craft, and we all know we're screwed the minute someone decides to attacks us.

1 point


2 points

Mythologies say hey.

Hel, the Nordic goddess of the underworld.

The theory of a god, pretty much coming from EVERY religion/mythology.

1 point

Are we more effective? By our cellphones? How do we cooperate? The generation of today can't cooperate long enough to do a book report, let alone figure out how to help the world. In the African Tribes, they can hunt together. Take out the technology from the major cities in the U.S.A. and Canada, and then take it away from the African Tribes. The population of North America will drop like a stone, while the tribes really won't change that much.

1 point

Because Wikipedia can be such a proper site...Prove with a better site, then we'll believe you're statement.

1 point

It depends on how you want to look at it. Technically, yes. We've evolved over the years to support the lac of heat and sunlight. But, on a more popular-meaning of the term, then no. Generally, people would assume that not as evolved would make them more stupid. But, really they're not.

1 point


1 point

But, comrade, keep in mind about what would NOT have happened he didn't purge the country.

1 point


1 point

It seems intresting, but I really don't see it being true. It's jsut too...weird to be true. It seems too fake. I don't beleive it.

-Julius Marino.

1 point

Why would you ban it? Is it not the women's choice? What if it's rape? Or if it's incest? There's a large chances that they'll end up not proper once born.

1 point


1 point

Don't get me wrong, I DO love Popcorn, but a soft(yes SOFT) pretzel has the cake for this one. Though, a hard pretzel, 99.9% of the time, sucks. They're dry and nasty. A soft pretzel is fluffy and warm and melty and delcious. I ADORE them. Though, a pretzle dog wins over ALL.

1 point

NO. OF COURSE NOT. It's the capitalist of capitalists. The obesity rate of the country is the highest out of every country in the world. Not to mention the ignorance level there is enough to make my brain melt. They think we Canadians live in igloos after all.

1 point

Technically speaking, "This amendment to the US Constitution protects American citizens from being forced to pay extremely high amounts of money for bail if they are accused of a crime, being charged exorbitant fines and from cruel and unusual punishments being inflicted upon them by the government." It depends on your opionon of cruel. Cruel would be whipping, which I do agree with. Killing someone is painless, and instant. So, in my opionon, it's not breaking it.

2 points

No, you should not. The simplest fact is that you go to school to LEARN not to watch soft core porn. It's the most basic fact of school.

1 point

He was a miracle to the country. Of course he killed millions, then again, who hasn't. Keep in mind, he industrilized the country. Think about the people who would have died assuming that he did NOT choose to industrilize. How many people would have died in wars? Not to mention the simple fact that he killed the Nazi makes him a plus one. LONG LIVE STALLIN!

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