
Mors777's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mors777's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

It is proof that the 'Mic' collection is better.

15 points


-1 points

No I'm not dickweed.

2 points

PresChaffy got resurrected, maybe he's the Messiah.

-4 points
1 point


1 point

Saur and I are partners in crime. We team up every once in a while to lure in some unsuspecting newbie to a debate and once there we spring our trap and troll him ;)

Now Saur is not sour at all. As a matter of fact, she's sweet, like a candy cane ;)

We went on a picnic once and the ants went straight for her, ignoring all the food.

I got curious as to why that would be the case and..., well..., one lick is all it took to get hooked ;)

Another time she saw this cute baby that was teething. He only had 4 teeth. 2 on top and 2 on bottom with the rest coming in. Saur couldn't resist but to pick him up. Unfortunately, the kid decided to take a bite out of her and ended up with cavities.

I've also seen a humming bird dipping his bill in one ear while a bee tried to get honey out the other ear.

There was only one time when I was with her that I was the one who was attractive. I attracted this one dog that would just not stop sniffing me. He would sniff down one leg, jump on me and sniff up my arm and the owner just couldn't keep him away from me. I was so happy that for once I was the sweet one but my joy was shorted lived when the owner said that it was quite unusual for his dog to be sniffing me because he only liked to sniff other dog's and human's butts.

Anyway..., those are my experiences with Saur ;)

-2 points
2 points

Teddy Roosevelt, I remember him he was an asshole.

3 points

Long Live Chaffy!

Long Live CreateDebate!

Long Live Stalin!

-1 points

Long live Chaffy!

-1 points

I generally find woman's breasts disturbing to see in the first place. Plus it would help smaller stores as they wouldn't need to provide women and men clothes.

Also, we all know that woman only abuse their right to wear clothes by dressing like prostitutes whenever they're not cooking.

1 point

Yeah, like no one's going to be biased or subjective in this debate.

Over my extensives reasearch on a majority (one) of debating websites, I've found that the best one, of course, is CreateDebate.

(Can I have triple points for this?)

1 point

Actualy, Srom only gets so many comments because his arguments are both intellectual and inspring to so many others.

1 point

What about America defeating Britain in the revolution? Britain is weak.

2 points

I still don't understand your previous comment to me.

1 point

What are you talking about? And how do you know I'm a fundamentalist Chrisitian?

0 points

I don't do that. Making alternative accounts would be untruthful.

1 point

I believe that we should get double points, this would make createdebate a better and fairer society for all.

1 point


1 point

Actually, France had a strong resistance building up while under Nazi control, it is likely they would have successfully revolted without need of British intervention.

1 point

Love what?

1 point

So that they can be like America, we have an eelcted President and our the best country in the world.

1 point

What are you on about you weirdo?

1 point

If everyone converted into Christianity (the correct faith) they we could all abolish money and create a fair society, then our debt would be paid off.

2 points

"The fact is I’ve already given more reasons why I would discriminate against them, you just haven’t been reading my arguments, i.e. “Also, being gay won't harm anyone, being a sociopath/psychopath is destined to lead to the harm of others.” "

Actually, there are articles that show how homosexuality in society has a negative effect on people who are exposed to gay sex.

1 point

Britain should modernise into a republic. I propose a removal of the Queen and making Britain have an elected President.

-1 points

I really don't like Dremorius, he should stop sticking his nose into other people's business and claim they have multiple accounts, he is really starting to piss me off.

1 point

Atheists are stupid. That's common knowledge.

1 point

I know you are not me. I am the only one with the password to my account.

1 point

Neither do I! it's all coincidence!

1 point

It's all coincidence! We're completly different people, I've never heard of srom until you mentioned him just now!

2 points

Because he is the chosen one!

1 point


2. You're special

2 points

It is what you said pedophile urine drinker!

3 points

I have no idea who Srom is, I got the name Mors from Inspector Morse on TV.

2 points

I have no idea who Srom is, I was online 2 hours ago that means it was 7:35, normal people in my area are asleep at that time!

4 points

We are all God's children, let us rejoice in his splender!

1 point

That's not what happened at all, I have real brohers and a father who have real accounts on CD. I have no other accounts. Honest.

1 point

First off the Bible says that the earth is round not flat.

Second of all Matthew 4:8 has nothing at all to do with how the earth was flat. So why did you put that verse up when it had nothing to do with the earth being flat?

Third that verse was when the devil was tempting Jesus but Jesus didn't get tempted. So you are mistaken and learn to use the Bible in a good way and not in a bad way.

0 points

God has condemned Syria to eternal pai, because they're muslim.

1 point

You believe paedophile urine tastes good?

1 point

I don't know anyone called Srom, I'm completly new here. YOU'RE AN IDIOT!

1 point

You're completly wrong! The verse agrees that the Earth is round.

3 points

The Earth is certainly round as is stated in the Bible, these atheists will never prove the God doesn't exist!

3 points

I completely agree with you! it doesn't matter how food is made as long as it tastes good.

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