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ThePyg's Debates: [clear]

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Winning Position: The movie "42" is a tale of how the Free Market defeated Racism despite Statism
Winning Position: Morality of Statism and Anarchism
Winning Position: Yes
Winning Position: Which candidate do you side with the most? Quiz Time!!
Winning Position: If the government had a War on Zombies...
Winning Position: Eliot Spitzer got my repsect
Winning Position: My question to those who believe that contraceptives should be provided
Winning Position: Level of Sexuality - I'm curious on what you would rate yourself
Winning Position: Let's discuss Humans as Organic Machines
Winning Position: A Terrible Argument Against the Existence of God
Winning Position: An Issue with Aspects of Feminism
Winning Position: Political Spectrum Quiz
Winning Position: Is C-SPAN Conservatively biased?
Winning Position: Michael Moore's Gun Control Fallacy
Winning Position: Religious People... This the best you got?
Winning Position: Free Markets
Winning Position: No
Winning Position: Faggotry
Winning Position: Mises
Winning Position: Logic Versus Emotion
Winning Position: No State Religion
Winning Position: Ron Paul 2012
Winning Position: Obama and the Bin Laden pictures

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