
Daver's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Daver's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Obama had at least three distinct styles of speaking. He could lecture with a high tone vocabulary, he could also use a distinctly smaller vocabulary when speaking to a black audience. Then his everyday manner of speaking which was common conversational containing an everyday vocabulary.

In the same way Trump is able to tailor his style of speaking to the audience. There is little to suggest any impairment from these facts.

3 points

There has been an unfortunate choice in using the word code to describe DNA sequences. A more appropriate choice might be "Sample Arrangement". Complexity is not dependent on intelligent design. Everything in our universe, taken as a whole may seem complex, yet it's all created from hydrogen and gravity. Given limitless time, gravity stirs the soup to make more and more complex atoms. Simple processes do result in complexity. There is little logic or reason in believing that an entity capable of creating the universe, would somehow require the worship of tiny, short lived creatures on one infinitesimal speck of dust floating in an undistinguished galaxy among trillions in just the visible universe alone. The complexity and infinite variance among snowflakes needs no guidance, simply cause and effect.

1 point

YES For example see the healthcare bill debate. Focused entirely on the question of how to pay for healthcare while completely ignoring the root cause of the problem. All efforts are directed at the cost of health insurance. No one is asking why it cost so much to see a doctor, or to spend a night in a hospital, or to purchase a medicine.

Another example of miss guided effort can be found in the "social justice" movement demanding higher pay , just because min wage is not enough to live on. Employers are compelled to pay $15.00 per hour for an unskilled worker, while thousands of employers are unable to even find the skilled workers they need at any price. The focus is to artificially increase the earnings of employees with no increase in their value to the business.

1 point

There are two main groups claiming liberalism.

1) The individuals who want to turn the US into a socialist Utopia.

2) The old school liberals who are unaware they have been hijacked.

The first category of liberals have used government handouts to create a dependent class who will vote to keep their free stuff, thus insuring that the liberals remain in power.

The latter category are simply fools who believe they are helping, but are actually enabling the socialist's agenda.

The individual in the video, like millions of patriotic Americans, has awoken to the truth.

1 point

YES Journalism carries a deep and fundamental responsibility. Truth is paramount in importance. ANY bias or hint of bias effecting the truth of what's reported completely negates the purpose of a "free press". Important political events, when reported as news MUST ALWAYS be reported without bias.

News Commentary must always be clearly distinguished from factual news.

This hardly happens anywhere in our current media.😕

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Nope that's not it at all. Time is not an absolute. Synchronize two atomic clocks on the surface of the Earth. Then put one in orbit around the Earth for an earth week. Return the orbiting clock to the surface and note that it will be measurably behind the clock that remained on the surface of the Earth. Gravity and relative speed between the two atomic clocks will appear to slow time.

1 point

WRONG There are NO planned cuts to Medicaid. There are proposed reductions to FUTURE Medicaid expansion. If your on Medicaid, you are NOT affected. Chill and get some facts. 😕

2 points

If "Sharia Support" includes failure to comply with any host nation's laws or legal system, it is fair to judge such supporter, not as immigrant but rather invader. Such individual immigrant is not simply expressing opinion, but also failing to accept the laws of the host nation.

2 points

The "Fake News" media will stay on the Russian probe until something new gets invented to use in their "Never Trump" battle. There will be no mention of Democratic plans to create jobs, or to protect us from Mexican drug gangs, or to combat terrorism, or to fix you broken healthcare system. Simply the worn out vague promises of the past. Get Real Dudes

2 points

Yes, and Still with no clue what their core problem is!!

It's astounding when supposedly clever people fail to see the obvious cause of their defeat. The failed progressive agenda was been rejected in election after election, in state after state, year after year since 2012. Yet they doggedly cling to socialism while it drags them into oblivion. -------- Weird 😏

1 point

The larger the group we form, the more freedoms we sacrifice to the group. There is a limit and a balance point between liberty and the protections of the group. People want both freedom and protection. For this reason there will never be a total world government.

2 points

Hard to understand the panic on the left over this agreement. The effect of full implementation will bring about a 0.2 ° change on global temperatures by the year 2100. In a word negligible! So what does the panic actually stem from? Perhaps money - America dollars.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

I'm sorry, but where do chickens and dogs have any liberties?

Chickens are in cages and dogs are on leashes. I believe I am correctly referring to rights of living creatures, not to be abused.

3 points

Investigations uncover facts.

Here is a fact: Obama began an investigation into Russian hacking nearly one year ago. NO facts nor any evidence has been uncovered.

Here is another fact: Since the election, Obama began another investigation into Trump-Russia connections. Again NO facts were uncovered.

Further investigations are a waste of time, resources and focus.

Who is apposed to making America great again?

daver(1771) Clarified
2 points

Today millions of people are migrating from the Midwest to the South, which is exactly the opposite of one hundred years ago. People have, are and will move for jobs. Those able-bodied who chose to stay, do so partly because the government support makes it possible.

2 points

A quick look at history will show the extent to which president Roosevelt shared secret Intel with great Britain and saved the world from Hitler.

Seeking alliances often involve Intel sharing. There remains no reason for Trump to share Intel, other than seeking an alliance against ISIS.

Get a clue.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Much tighter requirements for receiving government support.

If you can't get the job you want where you are ------------ MOVE

Literally millions of Americans move each year for employment.

daver(1771) Clarified
3 points

You can pay over here through your salary for various health coverage plans which gets more expensive by the year ; to pay into a plan is optional those who don't through unemployment etc,etc use government services and are covered by the tax payer .

This rather charitable notion seems reasonable only when you eliminate those who choose to "Game The System". Millions of people choose to have the government support their needs, rather than support themselves.

2 points

I like this point the best. A right, by law alone, is very distinct from a moral right. The left simply conflates the two, in order to imply healthcare is equivalent to life and liberty.

Very good answer.

2 points

Of course it's a privilege to be earned whenever possible. God did not give us a right to a job, nor a car, nor a place to live or even to food.

4 points

The investigation is not only ongoing, but long going as well. No evidence has been found in nearly a year of searching, by the most competent investigative organization in the world. Time to dig for dirt somewhere else.

4 points

Yes. For example cock fighting, as well as dog fighting are illegal in most if not all states. Most would agree that needlessly torturing an animal is wrong.

So it would seem that we believe animals in fact, do have a right to be treated with a measure of respect.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

There are a great many pieces since December of last year. Get the real story from US sources.

Who has bought Trump?

2 points

Once again At Rag, whatever that is?

You butt into our affairs with little to no understanding of the laws of our land. Trump HAS in fact divested his business. Further there is NO legal requirement for US Presidents to divest their personal interest in business.

So Rag on with your lefty rant, but know that the facts do NOT support your pointless and powerless claim.

Globalists everywhere are cowering before the man they cannot buy. 😋

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