
GrapesNcrepe's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of GrapesNcrepe's arguments, looking across every debate.

While poverty and homelessness exist, there shouldn't be billionaires. Let's put into perspective. 100 seconds is almost 2 minutes. 1,000 seconds is almost 17 minutes. 10,000 is 2 & 3/4 hours. 100,000 seconds is almost 28 hours. 1 million seconds is 11 and a half hours. 10 million seconds is 16 and a half weeks. 100 million seconds is about 3 and a half years. 1 billion seconds is 34 years. There are people who cannot afford food or a home. There are people who can't afford medical treatment. No one needs a billion dollars.

1. Health care. Things like autism, diabetes, and cancer are becoming more and more abundant. But treatment and help to recover have become more and more expensive. Health care is necessary for survival. Insulin, something that diabetics will DIE without costs more than $25 for a milliliter. They will die without it, and they are paying an extreme amount for it.

2. Homophobia. There is a mass system of oppression against the lgbt+ community. The government is enforcing and encouraging the discrimination of that community. Telling a teenager that they can't possibly be gay, and forcing them to be straight is just going to leave them with intense hatred and psychological scars.

3. Ignorance of opinion. Coupling with the anti-gay oppression, there is just a lack of listening to kid's opinions. We are scorned, and laughed at, and ignored. You shouldn't talk about school shootings unless you consider those involved. And most politicians don't do that.

4. Finally, one I'm not going to talk about much-the detaining of innocent children. I don't want to bring it up because of how much it connects to other issues. But the way the children of immigrants are being kept is inhumane. Do some research into it. It's crazy.

A child is not a piece of property. No human being is a piece of property. That is called slavery. To care for a child is not making it your property. Yes you have the right to instruct and redirect your child, but they also have the right to walk away if their parents become abusive.

But by what you said, a wife shouldn't leave a husband that that constantly cheats. Do you think a child would rather have parents that never talk to each other or parents that are constantly screaming at each other and arguing. My selfish desires? This is about feminism and your sexism. And why should you have to remain married to someone you don't want to be married to?

You must remember that it was not just murder. It was years and years of slavery. It was being forcibly sterilized. It was a massive system of racism. It was the mass destruction of their culture, that they were told was bad. It was "kill the Indian, save the man". It was being forced off the land that their families lived on for generations upon generations upon generations. It was being forced into reservations where the land is bad, the work is bad, and there is a grocery store desert. It is hearing racist jerks saying that America is "their land" and that immigrants should get out. It is the celebration of Christopher Columbus. It is having these horrors erased. Estimates for the death count range from two to twenty million. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

I almost agree with three, but no others.

1. She would put her unborn baby first unless she would be unable to properly care for it and support herself.

2. She would know she can do anything a man can. And she would know she can do it just as well.

3. She would not care what others thought of her. She would know that she was valuable and fine just the way she is.

4. She would look at her career, motherhood, and achievements as her greatest accomplishments. With all three being equally important.

5. She would love her children and spouse, if any, unconditionally, but also understand that that love should be mutual and know when to walk away.

6. She would understand that marriage is a loving lifelong commitment, and know to stay in it until the love is no longer there.

7. She would draw her strength from her wisdom, no matter whether it is based on faith or not.

I fixed it for you.

A feminist is a person who believes that woman are not seen as equals, and support equal job rights, recognition, and the right for their voice to be heard. Feminism has several type of itself included. The one I support is the one I see as the one that, once successful, will leave the scales the most balanced. Throughout history and even in today, women have been treated as objects to be given away by their fathers. Women are often seen as the source of problems (if she respected herself, he wouldn't abuse her). Misogynistic men treat them like dirt, and school dress codes are often unfairly geared. They are often scolded for dressing immodestly, even when fashion designers are purposely making their clothes shorter. I have many points to make, and just so you know, I am a male.

Who has much more super smarts? Who invented his own super suits, instead of paying someone to do it. Who has lasers he shoots from his hands, and a super computer inside a virtually indestructible suit? Iron Man. Who is an interesting character? Iron Man.

I have so much to say about it. It is interesting, and portrays the characters very realistically. The slow burn with long breaks could alienate people, but it just makes me love it more. The twists are shocking yet make sense. The characters all have their own stories that make them almost seem real. The stories are the coolest. I could go on and on about it.

Doomsday killed Superman using pure force. Hulk heals incredibly fast, only needs oxygen to survive, and gets stronger as he gets angrier. To me that sounds like enough to kill one Kryptonian.

Some people just like the taste of diet coke better. Try to remember that next time.

So instead you want to put more financial stress on poor families? It can cost tens of thousands of dollars to get into the school, buy uniforms, and pay for other things. I'd rather have my children get less education without going broke than go broke paying for private schools.

Have you had a good time following all of those rules? You better follow those if you're going to deny homosexuals.


And now I will ban you for putting in a lie. And no, I am not punishing you for your opinion. You did not bother to find the truth, so away you go.

So it doesn't matter if they need a better life? Just if we can shove them into minimum wage jobs that we don't want to do. If the American economy suddenly collapsed, and you were fired and couldn't find another job. Would you be mad if you weren't allowed to move to, let's say Canada to get a job there?

He called an authour who insulted him a loer. He has the maturity of a third grader.

A study found that native born people are more likely to commit crime. Look it up, Einstein.

He can't do anything without messing it up and being an idiot. Seriously! He spent Martin Luther King Day golfing! He lives in Washington DC! He could walk to the memorial.

Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes. Contrary to belief, immigrants are not all terrorists. They are mostly just people who want and deserve better lives.

Really, the only one that clearly prohibits it is Leviticus. But there are hundreds of rules in there. If you follow that rule, then you should follow them all.

Kermit. If people found out about the fight, they'd attack Jar Jar and beat him up.

-2 points

The Bible is outdated? Just because it is old does not mean themes and morals are outdated. In fact, they're more important than you.

Yes, but is there even anything wrong with homosexualality? Just because they're different doesn't make it bad.

Pikachu. Pikachu is the best. You can even get him for your starter on Pokemon GO.

Please no stupid comments. I'm going to ban you for not putting an actual argument in.

What the heck does that mean? Can you maybe rewrite that to be a bit more clear and readable.

So just because most people don't follow religion means that heaven's not real? And the Bible is not outdated. Some parts of it are, but most are still very relevant today.

Yes, but I do not believe in the Koran. So, to me at least, what the Koran says doesn't matter.

If Europe hadn't intervened, almost an entire continent would not be destitute. They destroyed Africa's economy.

In the Bible, it says that if you believe in God, Jesus, and their teachings, you will have your sin redeemed, and you go to heaven if you have your sin redeemed. There is no other way to have your sin redeemed, so there is no other way to go to heaven.

And America gave us a sociopath for a leader. But Europe did ruin Africa. They would be a massive world power if not for Europe's decision of conquest and slavery.

So by saying he supports immigrants, he's supporting the killing of special needs kids? That is the dumbest thing I've ever hears. Using the logic you use, I can assume you're a psychopath who likes to complain and loves bringing up one issue no matter what.

Yes, but by not fully accepting others, we are keeping ourselves from achieving more.

And what about the idiots who whine when the main character of a movie isn't a white man? I'm guessing you'd say that "white men are the majority. News flash! You're both assuming something about democrats and acting like people aren't racist and sexist anymore. Have you ever heard of the fact that there are neighborhoods where there aren't any white people or black people? Probably not since you don't live in reality.

Discrimination is a necessity? Okay, then we might as well go back to enslaving everyone who isn't a straight, white male.

So wearing a ring means he thinks he's Sauron. I guess that since you're name's gore you must love violence.

The government could be doing so much more if they weren't arguing over every little thing. Racism and sexism still haven't been fully worn away, so they're keeping race groups and men and women seperate.

I would not bring someone back from the dead. I would be afraid that I would just have to watch them die again.

That is honestly the most sane thing I have ever read on this website. Thank you fr making an actual smart comment

Our president, who was elected by the REPUBLICAN, has been caught in several cases of racism. If anything it is both groups. So stop being an idiot.

There would be no way to unify the country. This would leave us weak against threats. I'm not saying Putin, but any invader would be glad to attack the separate states.

grapesNcrepe(169) Clarified
1 point

Instead the US will attack first, because we are paranoid idiots who think more nukes means better than less nukes.

I unfortunately have to choose "lawlessness" because the creator of this debate decided they'd pretended to be smart and chose two sides chosen in a lawless way. To send every democrat to prison for their opinion is a violation of the first amendment.

Are you just doing this because you can't accept what a coincidence is? Or are you an insane moronic idiot?

Do you understand that you are an idiot. I'm glad I banned you.

Yeah, but a lot of his tweets are insulting, and a president should not be acting that way.

It's a combination of genetics and the environment. Genetics plays the largest part, however.

So many of Trump's controversies are caused by him tweeting something stupid. There needs to be moderation.

This idea is idiotic. A religion is based around answering the questions of life. I think we need to kick the idiots who make debates like this off this site.

grapesNcrepe(169) Clarified
1 point

Sorry, I mean three. Now I need to write a bit of blabber so I can post this. kjbngfkjbngnhtrlnhtr

What about the problem with Republicans (I mean nazis)? Basically, when a neo-nazi is saying to vote for someone, it's mostly a republican.

If anything, we're a hole country. At times of piece, we're increasing our defense budget because we're paranoid. We let our president run rampant and insult countries undeserving of our hate.We, for some reason,use an absurd amount of energy. We have the third most people but use the most energy. And we ruined a country by sending back 200,000 people who will all need jobs (jobs that their country won't have).

We can't be described as a great nation. We elected a sociopath for president, care more about out military than education, and can't even agree with ourselves, let alone other countries.

Yeah, but going out and calling countries who are poor, developing nations that just want to make things better hole countries is offensive.

America can't be great if Trump uses Twitter to goad North Korea into WWIII. He literally called poor countries hole countries. If that's not racist, I don't know what is. Trump is not deserving to be president.

The government needs to take action to keep the environment from being destroyed.

Mexico shouldn't pay for it. We're the idiots who think that it is a good idea to reject everyone who wants a better life. If we are just going to kick every second and third generation immigrant out, let's kick people descended from Europeans out too. Then there would just be Native Americans, the real Americans.

We spend a ridiculous amount of money defending against imaginary terrors and terrors the government creates. We should spend this money on cops, firefighters, hospitals, and public education.

Why should they pay for it. America might as well be ostracized from the world. We don't care about anyone else! Why should they pay for it when we're the idiots who think that a wall is going to keep people desperate for a better life out?

Do you understand the concept of how reality works? You sound like one of those people who feels that television is the same as reality.

I hate him because he's basically competing with himself to see how immature he can be.

Our government is so much worse than that, but you aren't gonna complain about that, are you? Instead you single out Christianity because you're an atheist.

Cats are better. They don't bark at any little thing, they don't make you go outside when it's raining or freezing, and they can care for themselves, unlike dogs.

Homophobia has caused so much danger to this oppressed group. There is nothing wrong with loving someone the same gender as you. And no, you don't have to be gay to support gay rights.

You're such an idiot. There's not millions of people in the situations you're describing, but there are millions of LGBTQs.

Thank you (not) for completely misinterpreting the situation. I'm saying that this growing population of people deserve rights.

How do you know that? Have you met any Muslims? Or do you just watch the news and pretend you know what's happening?

Reality did not appear from nowhere. God created it! You might realize that if you read the first book of the Bible.

Net neutrality would prevent companies from cheating people out of their money just because the person wanted to use facebook.

This is odd. It's not that they have different personalities, just multiple genders.

Muslims are discriminated against unfairly because of the actions of a few of them.

No, because if you believe in Christ you continue to live in heaven.

There needs to be a law prohibiting the sale of guns to people with histories of mental illness and violence.

Thank you, it is easy to forget the basics, but you remembered that no matter what, they're still humans.

I believe yes, as long as all parties involved agree. If there is no record of all parties agreeing to it, then the person shouldn't be cloned.

Marriage is the union of a man and a woman. Not a woman and a woman!

LGBTQ people are just as deserving as straight ones. They should be seen as normal people, and not 'weird'.

Yes! If there wasn't laws, idiots would crash their cars, get flung through their windshield, and then start suing people involved. Seatbelts save lives!

They take away jobs-they need jobs to support themselves

"Murder our citizens"-No more than we murder each other

Smuggle drugs-they wouldn't be if we weren't addicted to them

I believe that immigrants are just as deserving as we are. What if the American job market crashed and almost everyone lost their jobs. Would you like it if you had to stay poor and unemployed?

She may be famous, and she may be loved, but she has NO POLITICAL OR MILITARY experience.

It has been proven that people offered rewards score as much as twenty points higher

Immigrants deserve a better life than what they have. Even if there are ones who are terrorists and drug dealers, to say that none of them should be allowed in is awful.

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