
Debate Info

Yay!!! Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 Yay!!! (5)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (12)

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jolie(9810) pic

Aparently there are 31 different genders.


Side Score: 7

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 17
2 points

If there were only 2 genders, I wouldn't have a debate right now. So..., Yay!!! ;)

Side: Yay!!!
DevinSeay(1120) Clarified
2 points

Today, I'm a man. Tomorrow, I will grow a vagina and boobs and become a woman. The next day, I will grow back my penis and scrotum and consider myself a manwom. It's a sight to see!

Side: Yay!!!
2 points

It's a strange new world ;)

Side: Yay!!!

Yes, but not the ones you think there are:

If we stay down this path, scientists will make sure that becomes everyone.

Side: Yay!!!
4 points

Last, I checked there were 2. All the others are mental disorders.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
DevinSeay(1120) Clarified
1 point

They technically no longer consider it a mental disorder anymore. Just saying. I 100 percent believe it is a mental disorder. Yet, I'm not a doctor so...

...I wonder how they would treat it today anyway. Counseling?

Side: Yay!!!
2 points

I put the over/under at 52 by the time it is all said and done. I mean, why stop at 31? They have to be missing a few, don't they?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I live in NY, and it pisses me off that this is a law. If I go into the street and miss gender someone I could be fined $250,000. Nothing makes me more mad then someone dictating what I can say. It is also an insults to my intelligence when someone wants me to modify my basic understanding on human biology.

Here is a video of Ben Shapiro Destroying Transgenderism (Bonus Anti-Abortion clip included):

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I really like Ben Shapiro. I don't agree with him on everything, but he makes really great points in words that I can't.

I didn't know you could get fined for mislabeling a person. I've accidently called women sirs before and I can't believe they would fine you for that. What should you say? "Yes, human"?

Being a regressive is sick.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Identity politics is slowly destroying this country. Its changing the meaning of the First Amendment from the right to say whatever you want to the right to be comfortable.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

NYC releases list of 31 protected gender identities ! NEW YORK CITY does much else need to be said !

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
2 points

Use to be a fun city from what I heard. I guess not anymore! I'll stay in my state I guess. Fine cities here anyway.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

I think they got it confused with Baskin Robbins ice cream.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

NYC releases list of 31 protected gender identities ! Only confusion is the Progressive Mind everyday that is on display !

Side: Yay!!!

This list is flawed. For example, being transsexual is not a gender.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Just remember, being a biological sex is not the same as gender. They should be interlinked in my view, but are not inherently synonymous.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Biological sex is not the same as gender ? Your either born of the male gender or the female gender only two genders that are birthed but feel free to try an explain that away and do your best with the best non-starter explanation you can find !

Side: Yay!!!
Whitepride21(59) Disputed
1 point

Not inherently the same. However, I believe society should treat them that way.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!

Even the world's greatest troll, Milo Yianopoulis, who is gay, says it's a mental order and that he seeks therapy for it. Google it.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!