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true false
Debate Score:48
Total Votes:60
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 true (20)
 false (17)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Atheism spreads hate more than any religion

Atheists and leftists seem to be the most angry, hateful, militant group in the West.


Side Score: 23


Side Score: 25
3 points

Is this admitting that you're an atheist then?

Side: true
1 point

Nope. I don't believe in the mythological nothing monster that Atheists believe manifested everything from its magical nothingness.

Side: false
Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Atheists don't believe in the Nothing monster either. You are admitting to being an atheist again.

Side: true
1 point

Everyone is Atheist towards something. I am Atheist towards the nothing monster that Atheists say manifested reality from its magical nothingness. Why? I don't believe in fairytales.

Side: true
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
0 points

No way Islamist spread more hate then any other religion is there SnowFlake !

Side: false

See look, I'm right. The Atheists are attacking with Atheist hate in full force.

Side: true

And the Atheist Wiccans, witches, and Satanists actually admit to "casting spells" on Donald Trump and his voters.

Side: true
4 points

Yeah look at all those militant atheists committing acts of terrorism in Europe.

Side: false
1 point

Joseph Stalin alone murdered more people than all other religions combined in your lifetime. And? They ally politically with Islam, the cult of death, against Christians, who are more or less Jainism.

Side: true
Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

How long have you loved Muslims?

Side: false
1 point

waw this is some boring shit isnt it.

Side: false
1 point

Not really. If you don't want to be bored go check out the brontoraptor site.

Side: true
1 point

That is really, really interesting. Looking at CD alone, most of the hate speech comes from proclaimed Christians who want to say all Muslims are terrorists, who speak with such blatant hypocrisy it's almost blinding and who will ban at the drop of a hat just for disagreeing with them....on a debate site.

Some so called Christians on this site alone spend more time hating on the bi/trans-gendered and their usage of a bathroom it's almost stalking, they rant about hellfire and "burning like a sausage" with such derision that it borders on psychopathic and spread about false statements with zero fact to back it up in an effort to perpetuate the anger and hate you are accusing the other side of having.

The fact is, no side is clean in any of these accusations but trying to suggest everyone is like that because of the actions of a few is lazy, condescending and blatantly ignorant.

Side: false
1 point

The Quran commands them to be terrorists. That's why these terrorist groups can recruit thousands in a week.

Side: true

That's pretty funny coming from the guy who has created over 100 debates bashing millions of people.

Side: false
0 points

I'm curious how you define hate. Christians have no problem spreading hate just because two dudes want to get married or because Disney (a secular company) makes a character in a fictional movie gay. Add to that Muslims who violently attack western civilization simply for not being like them.

Side: false
1 point

Define hate: Actually starting atheist mega churches created simply to mock Christianity.

Side: true
Cartman(18192) Disputed
0 points

If that is the definition then no one spreads hate.

Side: false
0 points

Just using this website as an example there are at least 5 pro-God you're going to hell debate threads for every 1 counter themed. And if you look at banning in debates then 9 out of 10 bans are by intolerant religious types.

Finally, you haven't factored in that you routinely lump everyone who isn't your kind of Christianity into one group which you then smear as atheist or satanic or whatever, which means you define the vast majority of people walking the planet as part of this group you say hates your kind. Did you ever consider just giving them a fair shake instead of slapping a scarlet letter on all opposition? No. No you haven't. Because religion, especially your brand of Evangelical Christianity, hates far far more than atheism. Evangelicals are living up to their "American Taliban" nickname.

Side: false
1 point

Define "hell", so the rest of us will know what it is and how it works.

Side: true
Grenache(6053) Clarified
2 points

Hell is wherever brontoraptor is. ...............................................................................

Side: true