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We need a socialist change Free market = free people
Debate Score:53
Total Votes:56
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 We need a socialist change (14)
 Free market = free people (26)

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LeslieKnope(16) pic

Capitalism has failed the poor

Has capitalism only benefited the top tier in society? Or has the technology and development that it has encouraged actually benefited us all

We need a socialist change

Side Score: 16

Free market = free people

Side Score: 37
1 point

Capitalism is based on the idea of gaining profits at all costs - of personal gain above everything else.

The poorest in society, the working classes, have been forced to work for lower and lower wages and buy products that are more and more expensive. Capitalism has left them destitute and desperate - rising prices combined with cut welfare exposes the capitalists desire for profit at the expense of all else. The end goal of the capitalists is profit and therefore we cannot trust it to help the poor.

We only need to look at the economic and social status of the working classes in capitalist countries to realise that capitalism has well and truly failed the poor

Side: We need a socialist change
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
2 points

Socialism is what you want ? Do you really understand Socialism ?

Side: Free market = free people
2 points

Hundreds of millions of citizens in countries where a capitalist form of economy exists are enjoying a good lifestyle.

Those who generate wealth create jobs for the the working classes and therefore a means to make a living.

Okay you've detailed your disapproval of capitalism, now what are the details of your proposed alternatives?

Any fool, or any child can criticise, but such criticism is meaningless without the submission of a realistic alternative plan.

So, what are the details???????????????????

Communism has failed totally.

For your argument to be taken seriously you need to illustrate your well thought out and comprehensive economic strategy.

We're waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Free market = free people
Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

How has socialism failed? I live in Germany. Some people give up to 40 percent of their income in tax but we are happy. Wages are generally high, everyone has free vocational training including university studies. We also have a first class healthcare system... Transport.. What else do you need in life? No one needs to earn more than 40k or so a year

Side: We need a socialist change
DBCooper(2194) Disputed
2 points

If you could give me your twisted format on how Socialism has worked in Venezuela and Cuba. Floor is yours !

Side: Free market = free people

He seems to have taken stage fright and sneaked out the rear door.

You see, if you've got a detailed vision of how to improve the status quo, you present your manifesto showing the details of your ideology and if it stands up to scrutiny and it's merits outshines the established practices then it's a winner.

But to bellow about what's wrong the way things are without a feasible alternative is kindergarten stuff.

Side: Free market = free people

The poor have failed themselves.

People are poor because either they're stupid, lazy, lack entrepreneurial enterprise, or all of these.

A number of previously poor nations such as China and India adopted and adapted capitalism to suit their national characteristics and this has led to a dramatic improvement in their living standards.

Don't blame the car if you cannot drive.

Side: Free market = free people

Capitalism isn't an animate being with a will and volition, it's a philosophy the individual embraces, or doesn't; it can't lift you without your help. If you choose not to participate, you will be left behind.

Side: Free market = free people
2 points

You got it back-asswards, amigo.

Capitalism has not failed the poor.


The poor have failed to succeed in our Free Market, capitalist economy.

Some of those people would fuck-up a free lunch.

In this great country of ours, anybody with half a brain and a desire to succeed and work hard can do so. Thus successfully navigating thru and utilizing our economic system. The American Dream is far from dead. It is still alive and well for those willing to work at it.

But with the absurd and meteoric rise of the Entitlement Mindset in our country, driven by eight years of Socialist regime mentality under Hussein Obama, the poor nowadays often feel that they don't need to work hard at the Dream, since the Nanny State will take them into its loving arms.


Side: Free market = free people
2 points

Saying that Capitalism has failed the poor is like saying adulthood has failed young people. The only way to save our young people from a cruel adultist world is to keep them in their parents house as long as possible.

Freedom doesn't fail anybody. People sometimes fail when they are free.

There are always poor people. Poverty is always used as a reason for more Socialism, but there is still always poverty. Especially when poverty is measured in relative terms. Relative poverty in more Capitalist nations can sometimes increase, even though real, absolute poverty generally decreases. Notice that "income inequality" is the big problem in the developed world rather than simply income. It didn't used to concern people so much.

Capitalism runs the developed world. The poor are much less poor in the developed world. No one has ever come into the developed world without Capitalism (to greater or lesser degrees). However, plenty of countries remain undeveloped under Socialism.

Side: Free market = free people
1 point

Just to be clear, this does not mean I am in favor of a free market; I just agree with the fact that "a free market means free people." Does it mean it is the best form of economy the U.S. can have? Who the hell knows; socialism has yet to work in any other country, but that is entirely just because the leaders of any socialist country is usually a tyrant (or something of equivalent nature). This is not to mean that if there was a successful socialist reform in the U.S. that there would be a tyrannical socialist leader, but it is to say that we have yet to see a large number of successful, without tyranny or otherwise, socialist economies. Of course, free market itself has crippled the poor, but have you thought just what a socialist movement would do? It would force us to change our entire economical system (obviously) in the span of years, which may seem like a lot of time or little (depending on your knowledge of economic reforms), but that amount of time with the amount of changes needed means a large load of debt to be added to the already suffering U.S. economy; such a tremendous debt, in fact, that it would be near-impossible to recover from. Of course, I am not in favor of capitalism, but I am also not in favor of making those whom live without a home suffer even further.

Side: Free market = free people
2 points

All very fine and noble sounding sentiments, but you haven't made any effort whatsoever to present an economic system which could replace capitalism.

We can all occupy the moral high ground, wring our hands and bellow on about the terrible plight of the poor, but that's about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.

The Biblical quote, ''the poor ye shall have with thee always'' is as true today as it was 2000 years ago.

The fact that the American people are buying cheap and shoddy foreign goods is the reason why the balance of payment is so eye-wateringly awful and the national debt is really way beyond recovery.

Side: We need a socialist change
1 point

If I had a good answer to replace capitalism, believe me, I would present it. Regardless, switching to anything socialist won't have the presented effect that Americans want unless we try it out first. If a socialist change was possible without presenting such a major toll, I would support it through-and-through, but I have yet to see socialism getting us out of debt or assisting the U.S.'s economy more than just continuing on the road of Capitalism. Though, I truly do see pros and cons to both sides of the argument, so I have no reason to argue with either side, and a form of socialism would be the only type of economy, from my understanding of the term, that would have any chance of replacing capitalism with any chance of success.

Side: We need a socialist change
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

In your personal life do you really believe that money is the route to happiness? If not, why do you believe it about the state?

Side: Free market = free people
1 point

All societies are a blend. The US is neither capitalist nor socialist but somewhere in the middle, and we're still further toward the capitalism side than our European counterparts.

Societies with civil rights, and laws against monopolies or unsafe work places or cheats in business, all already have reasonable restrictions placed on capitalism which combined help the poor and less fortunate.

Side: Free market = free people